The journey continues.


I am on my way to the Buckle of the Bible Belt, and to get there I have to pass through states that claim their religiosity  makes them better than the rest.

And since at least two of them have passed laws making it permissible to discriminate against GLBT people because of “religious freedom”, I am somewhat tempted to stop in these states and see if I am rejected and refused service at public accommodations and eateries for being Gay.  But I am not all that flamboyant, although I am “fabulous” on so many levels. Perhaps the eyelashes on my Beetle might be enough to get labeled.

They believe that they are the holiest parts of the country which makes it okay for them to be judgmental of others while excusing their own short comings by claiming they have asked for forgiveness and have received  it simply for asking. No penance or religious restitution is required.

But as they claim the high road of righteousness, what they hope no one finds out is that they lead the country when it comes to dependency on government assistance, like welfare and food stamps; get more money back for each dollar paid into federal taxes than the sinner states, making them very willing to take unholy money; lead the country in poverty, Gay porn searches on the internet, and are more hooked on making, dealing, and using meth than the cities they criticize.

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They condemn same sex marriage in the name of protecting the sanctity of marriage while leading the country in divorce.

They are happy that their political leaders reject the evil of Obamacare while they are addicted to unhealthy diets, and so suffer from easily remedied illnesses, are the leaders in obesity, and have high infant mortality rates.

This should be an adventure filled with stories to share when I return to the 21st Century.


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