Welcome out, Mr. Nugent.


“Coming Out” is a difficult process for many Gay men, especially older ones.

There is the fear of total rejection by those closest to them, and by those who have an image of who they are.

So when it happens, the person must be sure he is ready.

The process is as individual as the person.

It could be as subtle as working certain hints into conversions, allowing others to pick up on them. It could be a quiet conversation with parents or siblings. Some come out to close friends to gauge the reaction before moving out from there. Sometimes it can be a very public announcement to a crowd, or, like Ellen Degeneres, blurting it out on a TV show.

Apparently, that moment has arrived for him, and Ted Nugent has come out of the closet in a spectacular way, through tweeting to thousands of followers.

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“Obama is a Christian and I’m a Gay vegetarian pirate”.

He put an end to any speculation about whether President Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, and any about his own sexual orientation.

He is brave, especially as many of the people who adore him as a conservative hero and a star of the N.R.A. may have a problem with this.

But he did not let it stop him.

Welcome out of the closet, Ted.

You are free now.

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