the additional surgeon

People who oppose Sanctuary Cities and Safe Communities like to cite nonexistent statistics that claim that crime goes up where undocumented people are not rounded up or Brown people are not profiled, while actual statistics show that crime actually goes down.

When questioned on his claim that crime clearly goes up, the Bristol County Massachusetts sheriff has no problem admitting he has no statistics to back his claim, but, instead, insists his claim is a matter of common sense.

Of course the common sense of a county sheriff who shows up at a community festival while off duty and out of his jurisdiction and drinks wine while wearing his side arm might be a little questionable.

He prefers urban legend over statistical studies.

Supporters of Sanctuary Cities and Safe Communities rely on statistics to support their beliefs.

I am one of those people.

Although I do understand that if a person who is arrested after committing a major crime and during the necessary background check for priors and warrants is found to be in the country illegally deportation proceedings should begin, I do have a problem with raiding places where Brown people hang out in the hope one of the people in the crowd might be undocumented, pulling someone over for a burned out tail light and hoping you found “an illegal”, or retaining someone who has been in a county jail after their case has been adjudicated with their being found not guilty, or who has paid the fine or made bail being detained until ICE can come and check him out.

I also object to I.C.E. hanging out in places where people need to go when it comes to a life or death situation, hoping they can make a score there.

If people are afraid that reporting a crime to the police will result in their being held to see if they are undocumented, crime reporting will go down. If people are afraid a trip to the emergency room will result in their being investigated, people will die.

Take the case of recent events in Texas.

A 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, Rosa Maria Hernandez, has been in this country since 2007 when she was brought here illegally as a 3 month old. After she was operated on at a Texas hospital and was being transferred by ambulance from one hospital to another for emergency gallbladder surgery, Border Patrol agents intercepted her and an adult cousin, who is a U.S. citizen.

The ambulance had been stopped at a vehicle checkpoint, and the agents then followed the ambulance to the hospital. During her hospital stay she was under surveillance.

When she was discharged to a family member who is familiar with her medical and psychological needs, the agents, instead, transported her to a government-contracted juvenile shelter in San Antonio, 150 miles from her home, where deportation proceedings were begun.

According to Dan Hetlage, a spokesman for Customs and Border Protection, agents were just enforcing federal immigration law.
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“The agent is wrong if he lets her go. We don’t have the discretion. It’s not a traffic ticket. We follow the letter of the law. It’s frustrating for us. I’m a human being. The agents are trying to do their job as humanely as possible,” he said.

Although officers are discouraged from conducting enforcement actions at or near sensitive locations unless the arrest is related to national security, terrorism, or public safety, this action was defended with the claim that the agents had actually apprehended Rosa Maria at the checkpoint which is not considered a sensitive location, not the hospital which is, although, I would think that an ambulance would be one.

Further, this 10 year old had been given the option of signing voluntary departure papers or spending up to 3 weeks in detention.

Remember this is a 10 year old child who was in the hospital recovering from an operation, and knows no country but this one.

She is not a threat to national security or public safety, nor is she a terrorist.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has decided not to deport a Chinese fugitive, Guo Wengui, a billionaire real-estate developer, who fled China in 2014 to avoid arrest on charges of rape, bribery and kidnapping.

Originally Trump had told aides he knew of at least one “Chinese criminal” the US needed to deport immediately.

“We need to get this criminal out of the country.”

He changed his mind after being told Mr Guo is a member of his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The deportation was halted.

People like Rosa Maria deserve better or at least as good a chance.




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