Contest idea


Remember all the sympathetic and empathetic reactions to the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris where the statement “Je suis Charlie” popped up in various artistic renderings?

I do.

I even did my own cartoon.

I would have to say that that was a civilized and respectful reaction.

Who remembers this reaction?

Pamela Geller had a “Draw the Prophet” event in Garland, Texas in the same location where a Muslim group had previously held a “Stand with the Prophet” conference. She wants it to be an annual event.

She was doing this because she believes that Muslims are trying to impose restrictions on free speech.

“The media can smear us and the President can stand with them. We the people are not having it. If there is any proof of that, it’s today. We dwarfed them.

“If the Western media ran the Danish cartoons back when this Islamic supremacist movement first started gaining steam, the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo would be alive today,” Geller stated in response to an inquiry from Breitbart Texas. “That said, the European press ran the Hebdo cartoons in the wake of that jihad slaughter. But the American press would not. The beacon of freedom, the shining light on a hill, is running scared. Well, that’s not who we are. The elites do not represent the people.”

“Enough is enough.They’re just cartoons. We’re holding this exhibit and cartoon contest to show how insane the world has become — with people in the free world tiptoeing in terror around supremacist thugs who actually commit murder over cartoons. If we can’t stand up for the freedom of speech, we will lose it — and with it, free society.”

The contest took submissions online, and the winner received a $10,000 prize.

She also explained that

“Of course, this event will require massive security. But this exhibit has to be staged. If we don’t show the jihadis that they will not frighten us into silence, the jihad against freedom will only grow more virulent.”

Not surprisingly Geller and her New York-based American Freedom Defense Initiative, got what they wanted, their self fulfilling prophecy, when Two gunmen were killed after opening fire on a security officer outside the venue for the cartoon contest and a bomb squad was called in to destroy their vehicle as a precaution.

It was a situation where the cause was excused while the effect was condemned.

Basically she proved that if you go out of your way to piss people off, someone just might react the way you hope they will.

Those Muslims.

They do not respect the American pillar of freedom of speech and expression that is so American, and that is, of course, why we don’t want them here.

Just ask Donald Trump.

A Los Angeles artist might be sued for painting a nude portrait of the Donald with a tiny Trump Tower titled “Make America Great Again.”
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The artist, Illma Gore, says Trump’s legal team has threatened a lawsuit over her depiction of GOP presidential front-runner.

“I don’t believe I did anything wrong,” she told the Daily News.“It’s my work and I’ll stand by it no matter what.”

She had written this artist’s statement for it:

“Because no matter what is in your pants, you can still be a big prick.”

The painting was done in February before Trump defended his endowment at that famous school yard, name calling GOP debate, and as a viral sensation bids for the work have reached over $141,770 at the Maddox Gallery in Mayfair, London this month.

And now Trump has also pledged if elected president he would

“open up our libel laws, so when [newspapers] write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. When The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.

We’re going to open up libel laws, and we’re going to have people sue you like you’ve never got sued before.”

Because nothing says First Amendment better than suing people for exercising the right to freedom of speech.

In 1964 the Supreme Court made a unanimous decision In New York Times v Sullivan that held that any public figure suing for libel must prove that a defamatory statement was made with actual malice, “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not”.

Under New York Times v Sullivan, a plaintiff must show actual malice.

Then, twenty years later the Supreme Court ruled in Hustler Magazine v Falwell that reasonable people would not have interpreted a parody to contain factual claims, leading to a reversal of the jury verdict in favor of Falwell, who had previously been awarded $150,000 in damages by a lower court because of a satirical ad that Hustler had published.

Now this man, who is angry at the press, and artists, who express their negative opinions of a man who loves to be in the spotlight, and wants to curtail First Amendment protections, has urged violence against protesters at his rallies, claiming that those protesters have violated his own First Amendment rights.

Both he and the jihadists oppose the First Amendment, it is just their methodology that differs.

Regardless which is used, the result is the attempt to freeze self expression.

Here’s what I would like to propose, although I have neither the means nor the ability to get it done myself.

Just as with Gellar and her group defending the First Amendment by holding a very in your face Mohammed art contest, artists organize and have the same type of event for Trump.

The purpose of the contest would be to have artists produce the funniest, most insulting (while tasteful) interpretations of Donald Trump and his policies and attitudes toward his targeted groups, and see if he is better than the Muslims he condemns, or if he is actually just like them when it comes to restricting the First Amendment.

Since it will be art with the expressed purpose of defending the First Amendment, it would obviously not be malicious, but educational.

And it could be very funny

“I have the world’s greatest memory”


I will avoid any Freudian slippage of a  Hitlerian reference, but when there was a shooting event  at a police station in  Paris, France, Donald Trump managed to accomplish with Paris, France what Adolph failed to do in his attempt to establish the 1,000 year Reich..

A knife-wielding ISIS terrorist was shot by les gendarmes while attempting to force his way into a Paris police station on the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo arrack. 

Trump’s reaction was this tweet,

“Man shot inside Paris police station. Just announced that terror threat is at is highest level. Germany is a total mess-big crime.


Apparently he may think that Hitler had been successful, and the Germans remained in Paris after the Second World War, and had annexed it.

But redrawing the European map is not The Donald’s only talent.

He can rewrite history and has the spherical appendages to do it right in front of the witnesses to the actual events.

Now forget that in one telling of the story, Donald Trump goes for the heart strings by telling of his being in his apartment on September 11, 2001, and watching people jumping to their deaths from the World Trade Center towers. That story’s biggest flaw, besides his apartment being four miles away, was that he was removed from the event, and not part of it. His watching television and seeing the televised shots of thousands of Muslims celebrating across the river in New Jersey from a safe and comfortable place and not being part of what was going on outside his gilded palace needed some revision to bring the Donald into the important part of events

As he told the original story,

“Many people jumped and I witnessed it, I watched that. I have a view—a view in my apartment that was specifically aimed at the World Trade Center.

I watched those people jump and I watched the second plane hit. I saw the second plane hit the building and I said, ‘Wow that’s unbelievable.’”

And then he was able to say repeatedly during the present campaign,

“There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down — as those buildings came down. And that tells you something. It was well-covered at the time.”


“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, and I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.”

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In his new version, there is

“nothing nicer than [the] U.S.A. I think what I want to do is I want to talk just for a second. I wrote this out and it’s very close to my heart. Because I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen down on 7/11, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down and I saw the greatest people I have ever seen in action.”

The attacks occurred on Sept. 11, 2001.

He said he had written his statement out, so it was not a question of a spontaneous mind fart.

And, considering that the area had been cordoned off before the towers fell, and especially after, it would be hard to explain how he got from his apartment to Ground Zero since he was not a First Responder, nor someone dressed as one.

And we certainly cannot question either version of the story as it is how Trump remembers it, no matter how one contradicts the other because in his own words regarding his memory he reminded us,

I have the world’s greatest memory. It’s one thing everyone agrees on.”

So we must accept that as he stood in his apartment near the 7/11 down by the World Trade Center which was four miles away, Donald Trump watched not only people jumping to their deaths, but he could see across the river into New Jersey at the moment the towers fell.

And accepting that, we must now revise what we learned from geography classes in school, and what we may think when consulting Google Earth, and just accept that Paris is no longer in France, but is now in Germany.





Repetition renders something true


I am new to where I live, so I know few people and few people really know me.

The only way anyone will get to know me is if I tell them my life story, which gets longer with the years, but if I don’t do that, I am just someone a person is talking to, perhaps over a beer at a bar or at some social gathering, and I am, for all intents and purposes, new at anything I join in on locally.

This lack of knowledge should prevent anyone from passing judgment on my past, although that has often not been the case, as I was told at one time recently that if I had only been more politically active, and perhaps had fought for social justice, I may have helped make change. But having not done that, I am responsible in part for social stagnation.

I am not sure how the people who have told me that came to that conclusion, but apparently, just looking at me informs them all about me.

In a recent conversation over a beer in a bar, a young person was expounding on the upcoming presidential election and asked me who I was favoring. She did not like that I said, and this was earlier in the present primary season, that I was still assessing the candidates, and, seeing something good with both Democrats, I had not settled firmly on either one. She immediately told me I was being lazy as I should have already made up my mind, and that I should be as firm as she had become. She told me she would only vote for one candidate, and if that candidate did not win the nomination, she would either not vote, or would vote for the opposition because people would need to be taught a lesson.

I had to explain to her that an election was not about the election but the years that come after it, so whatever lesson she was thinking of teaching would be detrimental.

I am in my 60s and have lived a life with both good and bad moments, successes and failures, and ups and downs. If I were to die soon, I would have a good 65 years behind me and would have had a relatively good and exciting life. So if the wrong person became president, I could survive the damage with the little time I might have left, and could most likely endure the negatives, while she would have a long haul to deal with any damage and the length of time it might take to straighten things out if it were even possible to get people to accept the mistakes and take the steps to correct them.

She would be teaching no one any lesson, but would be, instead, sentencing herself to a future that may not be the one that would be best for her. While I could die at a ripe old age soon, she would have to be around another 40 years to catch up.

Her last attempt to persuade me to support her chosen candidate was to inform me that she could not see how anyone could possibly support Hillary Clinton after all the laws she has broken and the crimes she had committed. When I asked her to list a few beyond those things of which she has been accused, but which have been found to be just accusations without any substance, she rolled her eyes and did that throat clearing noise followed by a tongue click as if to say I was just so uninformed. She told me it was obvious why Hillary was dishonest, but listed nothing.

I decided to do some research for her after explaining that Hillary has been accused of one thing or another since her husband became president but none of it stuck, especially White Water whose only result was to charge the president with having diminished the dignity of the Oval Office by getting a blow job there, something that had nothing to do with Hillary’s supposed crimes.

Here is a list of things I have found that Hillary has been accused of and which have proven to be baseless, although the mere accusation seems to represent guilt to those who oppose her candidacy.


Secretary of State Clinton faked the flu and a concussion in December 2012 to avoid testifying to Congress about Benghazi.

Hillary faked a blood clot, an even more serious medical condition, to further delay her Benghazi testimony.

The clot was real, and Hillary suffered lingering brain damage that could render her unfit for office.

The Clinton White House chief of staff Vince Foster didn’t commit suicide in Virginia’s Fort Marcy Park, but he was killed because he was having an affair with Hillary Clinton.

Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and 34 others were killed in a plane crash orchestrated by the Clintons to prevent him from informing special investigators about selling seats on trade missions.

 After agreeing to cooperate with special investigator Ken Starr, Whitewater partner James McDougal died in prison at the hands of Clinton henchmen.  

Clinton aide Kathleen Willey alleged that after her cat went missing, a suspicious-looking jogger told her to watch what she said. Then her new cat turned up dead. 

After majoring in lesbianism at Wellesley, Hillary entered into a sham marriage with Bill Clinton to cover up the truth. 

Bill confided that his wife was a bisexual who, as she put it, “had eaten more pussy than he had.”

Associate attorney general Webb Hubbell was really Chelsea’s father.

Chelsea was conceived when Bill forced himself on Hillary during a vacation in Bermuda. 

Hillary ignored that, as governor, Bill Clinton used Arkansas state troopers to set up sexual liaisons with dozens—maybe hundreds—of women. 

Bill Clinton fathered a son after luring a prostitute into a cocaine-fueled orgy with Hillary dutifully covering it up. 

As first lady, Hillary decorated the White House Christmas tree with condoms, cock rings, and lords-a-leapin’ with erections. 

The Clintons covered up a multimillion-dollar cocaine smuggling ring based in Mena, Arkansas, while Bill was governor which resulted in two young men, seventeen-year-olds Kevin Ives and Don Henry, being brutally murdered after witnessing a Clinton-assisted drug drop, a murder that was disguised as their being hit by a train after passing out on an Arkansas railroad track.

Reporter LJ Davis was assaulted in his Arkansas hotel room in 1994 by Clinton goons and robbed of four “significant” pages from his notebook because he asked too many questions about Hillary’s work at a Little Rock law firm, and didn’t pass out on his floor after drinking one too many martinis, as he claimed. 

As first lady, Hillary formed her own clandestine police force. 

Hillary purged the White House Travel Office in order to set up a system of kickbacks for an Arkansas airline run by a childhood friend of Bill’s.

When it comes to medicine for erectile dysfunction does not work for everyone. cheap generic tadalafil Most men experience viagra tablets 100mg the best results the first time they use Kamagra; however a few men will need to take it to a pharmacist or lab for identification. Writers get 75 of ad impressions from adsense, prices online cialis with 2 of impressions from referrals. As these herbal pills are developed with the help of medicine especially in a generic from that gives sildenafil 10mg the best results like the branded pill. Her failed Health Care reform plan revealed a “meticulously documented” report exposing the Clintons’ links to a Marxist terrorist plot to take over the country. 

Classified FBI files were requested and misused by first lady Hillary Clinton to target enemies of the administration.

The Clintons forced former Hillary donor Peter Paul to spend two years in a Brazilian prison after he filed a lawsuit against the couple claiming they knew about his illegal campaign finance dealings.

Team Hillary used helicopters to surveil the Southampton home of a 2006 Republican Senate challenger.

Rush Limbaugh’s 2006 drug bust for painkillers possession was a set-up by the Clinton machine.
Clinton and top aide/alleged lover Huma Abedin are in cahoots with the ladies’ auxiliary of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Clinton’s Islamo-fascist sympathies were secured with a bribe from Iran.  

Secretary Clinton was working with Islamists to shut down Christian houses of worship in the United States before she left office in 2013.
Hillary is in fact a blood-drinking extraterrestrial lizard in disguise.
The Clintons belong to an 18th-century secret society that controls global governance and finance.

 In the 1970s, Hillary worked at a Little Rock law firm that helped funnel weapons to the Contras.

The Clintons consented to the harvesting and selling of HIV- and hepatitis C-positive blood from prison inmates to China in the 1980s. 

Ken Starr, the man tasked with investigating all the claims against the Clintons, was a secret Clinton crony.

 The movie version of Primary Colors, in which John Travolta plays a thinly-veiled Bill Clinton, went easy on Bill and Hillary because President Clinton pressured the German government to extend religious protections to the Church of Scientology. 

Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was pushing a secret United Nations takeover of the Internet, to be paid for by a secret tax on American billionaires.
Clinton’s State Department betrayed its true function as an “agent for Lady Gaga” when it helped the singer secure a gig at a gay pride event in Italy. 

Clinton got a face-lift after leaving the State Department to “glam up” for 2016.

Clinton hired a mentally ill woman to throw a sneaker at her while giving a speech to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries in Las Vegas in April.

Chelsea Clinton became pregnant at the behest of her parents, who believed that the former secretary of state would be viewed more favorably if she has grandkids. 

The Clintons arranged for Vanity Fair to publish Monica Lewinsky’s essay two-and-a-half years before the next presidential election, so it would be forgotten by 2016.
A mine owner who donated millions to the Clinton Foundation also got a lucrative uranium deal in Kazakhstan

A Clinton Foundation donor made some big bucks from a Columbia free-trade agreement


The Clinton Foundation failed to disclose 1,100 foreign donors during the time Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

Clinton’s position on an Indian nuclear agreement changed just as Indian businesses donated heavily to Clinton enterprises

Bill Clinton gave a speech paid for by a  Canadian bank that would benefit from Keystone XL’s passage

The Clinton Foundation didn’t ID foreign gifts on its tax returns

Everyone of these accusations was proven to be empty and politically motivated, if not totally absurd, like the one that Hillary made a pact with the Dark Lord to destroy Christianity, yet people still claim they are the basis of their claim that Hillary is not to be trusted.

Then there are the never ending Benghazi hearings, and claims that her emails are somehow treasonous.

In reality, theses charges should be proof that those who accuse her of things should not be so easily trusted.

Yet they are, and these accusations are the basis of the claim Hillary is a criminal.

That, and the claims being so often repeated without anything to back them up so that people just accept they must be true, seem legitimate to the person with whom I had a beer.

And she is not alone.

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