The sheriff of Bristol County is dangerous

Here is more information on the Sheriff of Bristol County Massachusetts Thomas Hodgson’s emails to Stephen Miller, the architect of the White House’s immigration policy, reporting on his Dartmouth parish church for having information available in various languages for immigrant parishioners, whether residents, citizens, or undocumented, informing them of their rights and the best actions to take if they are approached by local law enforcement or ICE.

In an email dated August 7, 2017, and sent at 12:41 p.m., the sheriff wrote,

“Stephen [Miller], thought you might like to see samples of cards I discovered in a holder at the back of St. Julie’s Church in Dartmouth, MA. While attending mass last Sunday, I noticed a holder on a table near the entrance marked, ‘ICE-Immigration’ and noticed the three stacks of colored cards. Trying to determine if this is an isolated situation or a common occurrence in other parish churches.”

This seems to imply that, although his job is to run his jails, he intends to act like a detective, either directly or through other agents, carrying on a secret investigation of local members of the county for whom he works outside the parameters of his lawful job.

This was one of 74 emails Hodgson has sent to Miller informing him of what he considers to be support for immigrants in Bristol County, including the names of any elected officials who do not support his actions against immigrants and his desire to spend local county taxpayer dollars on projects out of state that benefit no one other than the sheriff himself and his relationship with the White House.

Because the sheriff is a parishioner, the pastor of St. Julie’s Billiart Parish in Dartmouth, MA declined to comment other than to clarify that the cards were informational and many people who go to the church speak languages other than English.

“This is just giving them some information on how to behave and conduct themselves if approached by law enforcement.”

The Fall River Diocese has said in a statement that the dissemination of information is in keeping with their teachings and is part of their mission because,

“The Catholic Church has consistently taught of a moral obligation to provide support and care to newcomers among us. Providing information to non-English speaking persons to help them understand their rights under U.S. law is but one example of a parish putting this teaching into practice at the local level,”

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The sheriff claims he reacted as a law enforcement professional when he saw the cards, explaining,

“I thought it was appropriate to make Washington aware when these things were happening. If these kinds of things are going on in churches, then we should be aware of it,”

although it doesn’t seem to be standard procedure for local law enforcement to say nothing to the pastor while quietly sending an email to Stephen Miller.

Is he not violating the “religious freedom” of this or any church if, for following their teachings and firmly held religious beliefs, the sheriff reports them to the White House expecting some punitive action should result?

And, who is this “WE” of which he speaks?

If the “we” is local law enforcement, then he should have first dealt with it locally.

If the “we” is him and the White House, is he the local sheriff, or a federal agent?

 “People should celebrate the fact that sheriffs in the U.S. have direct access to the President. Decisions are not being made in a vacuum. They are made with information from people who have boots on the ground,” Hodgson has said.

“If I saw it at a store or a community center, I would have done the same thing,” he said.

This should alarm people as a local sheriff, who says everything he does is to keep the people of the county safe, without speaking to the pastor of a parish, or the proprietor of a store, or the director of a community center will report them to the federal government instead without their knowledge.

That is how police states work.

This man is dangerous.

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