
I guess you would have to call it a Faux Equivalency.

Already Fox News has resorted to calling the influx of the children from Central America an “Invasion”. It sounds threatening, and like something we have to protect ourselves from.

They even have gotten some of the Texas politicians to use that term so they can scare people into seeing an emergency and an attack on them that doesn’t actually exist.

And when you listen to those who oppose temporarily housing the children from Central America at military bases in their areas, they, too, refer to the invasion from which they must protect their community.

So, obviously labeling things with negative terms, no matter how irrelevant, works.

Now Fox has applied this tactic to Michael Sam so they can present one openly Gay football player, and by extension all Gay people, as a threat to a popular sport that macho men will want to protect from this assault, and what will have a negative effect on the team that will upset the fans.

It is called “Gay baiting”.

Even if they never thought about a distraction, the fans will have to now.

The seed has been planted.

On Fox and Friends this past week, the crazies on the couch spread the false connection of the kiss that Michael Sam gave his boyfriend when he got the news he had been drafted to the Rams with Michael Vick who had engaged in promoting dog fighting, and killing the losing dogs by drowning or hanging them.

Moany, Mae, and Jerk were discussing Tony Dungy’s comment that “I wouldn’t have taken him. Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.”

Dungy was the first Black, Super Bowl coach that had had no problem supporting Michael Vick after his time in prison for his dogfighting offenses like electrocuting, shooting, hanging, and beating dogs to death who didn’t fight well.

So apparently he is under the impression that Gay men kissing is more of a distraction than someone known to torture and kill dogs.

But the Fox and Friends group didn’t bother to dispel this rather odd comparison, but ran with it.
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Lost in the fog Elisabeth Hasselbeck, making one of her View worthy additions to the discussion offered, “Sure, is the distraction bigger than what will occur on field? But he’s getting slammed. Tony Dungy is getting abused in the media. It’s a fact that this story is a big deal in the media. You know, Michael Sam, did he make it a big deal? Who knows?”

Michael Sam did not make it a big deal. He only came out truthfully as himself so that he would not have to play a character who plays football.

He removed what could have been his biggest distraction and could have negatively affected his performance and his team.

Steve Doocy noted that the former coach had been called a hypocrite for helping Vick get his career going again.

A man who killed dogs in some rather cruel ways because they did not fight viciously enough did nothing to help himself or his team, but whatever distraction would result from his entering a locker room with team mates who owned dogs, or had kids who owned one wasn’t as bad as a man in love with another man

Kilmead supported Doocy’s assessment by stating, “Steve, to your point. Michael Vick, coming out of prison, he was a distraction in the locker room because that’s a major story every time you walk in.”

So, apparently is Michael Sam?

In an ESPN poll 86% of NFL players said there was no issue with Michael Sam

But rest assured, even if there isn’t one, Fox will either pretend there is, or do their damnedest to create one to fire up their dwindling viewership and create a news story, or pretend there is one.

Meanwhile, the NFL decided to bench Ray Rice for just two games after he was charged with felony aggravated assault for allegedly striking his wife unconscious. There was a security video of him dragging her, unconscious, from an elevator they had both entered on a lower floor.

No distraction there. No one in the locker room with a wife or girlfriend will think twice when he comes in.


But, then again, he wasn’t kissing another guy, his boyfriend, he had only beat his wife unconscious.


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