Heard at a quarantine protest

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Sunday sermon

When asked about praying, Jesus said,

“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret; and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly.”   Matthew 6:5-6

To illustrate this there are these three examples of his having prayed:

And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed. Luke 5:16

And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Mark 1:35

There were two occasions when he did pray in public. When he fed the 5,000 people one time and another time 4,000, He basically said grace, something He could have done quietly as in neither case does it say He prayed out loud.

It seems to have been a private prayer al fresco.

“Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted.” John 6:11

“And he directed the crowd to sit down on the ground. And he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and they set them before the crowd.” Mark 8:6.

Now as far as the need for cathedrals, which were the result of the desire of those who felt guilty about the way they had done things to buy their way out of any eternal punishment in the afterlife, churches, and those mega-churches that seem to be more show-time than prayer time, He said,

“Again, I tell you truly where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

So comparing privately saying grace to large churches it would appear, according to Jesus anyway, that although it is not wrong to pray in public, but whether you pray in public or in private, it needs to be with the right spirit and not done for show.

So, during the time of COVID-19 when for the sake of reducing crowds to help limit the chances of transmitting the virus, It seems pretty much in the spirit of Jesus that people should stay home and pray at home at the time they would have done so in public

Whenever two are gathered.  

But there is a problem with doing as Jesus advised.

No collection.

Attorney General William Barr is prepared to sue states that limit the ability of parishioners to pray together during this pandemic and a number of Republican governors have exempted religious services from some or all of their states’ social-distancing rules.

On the official Department of Justice twitter account, Kerri Kupec tweeted,

“During this sacred week for many Americans, AG Barr is monitoring Government regulation of religious services. While social distancing policies are appropriate during this emergency. They must be applied evenhandedly and not single out religious organizations.

Expect action from the DOJ next week.”

That week ended Friday.

Apparently the lives of all American citizens are secondary to those who ignore the need to limit the spread of the virus by not following the Christ they claim they follow.

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Justin Walker, a 38-year-old former law clerk to Brett Kavanaugh, has deemed the prohibition against gathering in churches for worship as a grievous threat to Christian believers.

In mid March, Mitch McConnell shut down the Senate and negotiations on the first corona virus-relief bill so he could travel to Kentucky to attend a gathering presided over by Brett Kavanaugh to celebrate Walker’s investiture as a federal judge, and just this month Trump nominated Walker to serve on the D.C. Circuit.

This is the appellate court on which Kavanaugh previously sat.

Then, when the On Fire Christian Center filed suit against the City of Louisville and its mayor over the ban on large gatherings and the city’s stay-at-home order, Walker ruled that the church should be permitted to conduct a drive-in service. 

The thing is churches in Louisville are exempt from the restriction on large gatherings.

What they objected to was the local police had been instructed to hand out information about health risks and to record license-plate numbers to perform contact-tracing in the event that any attendees later became sick. 

In his opinion Walker declared, “On Holy Thursday, an American Mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter,” comparing the city’s mayor to the persecutors of the Pilgrims, Southern plantation owners who “flogged slaves for attending prayer meetings,” and the “state-sponsored murder of God’s only son”.

Kentucky’s Rand Paul praised the ruling saying,

Thank God for a judge who understands the First Amendment prevents the government from prohibiting the free government exercise of religion.”  

The guidelines being put in place to protect the rights of American citizens to stay healthy are being claimed to be illegal attacks on Christian believers, at least the ones who see gathering for prayer as a way to make a point.

Kentucky Baptist Convention Executive Director-Treasurer Todd Gray has said that despite the governor’s request, many of their churches plan on staying open.

“It appears that most Kentucky Baptist church leaders are planning to carry on with their regularly scheduled services unless things change between now and Sunday. Several Kentucky Baptist pastors will urge additional precautions by asking those who are sick to please stay home and those who are concerned to feel free to also stay home.”

Pastor Rodney Howard-Brown of Tampa, Florida scoffed at medical experts saying,

“If you cannot be safe in church, you’re in serious trouble. The only time the church is closed is when the Rapture is taking place. This bible school is open because we’re raising up revivalists, not pansies.”

The pastor seems too have forgotten about church shootings when speaking of the automatic safety if churches.

If the ban on large gatherings applies generally with no entity being exempt, how can the churches who are complaining claim they are being singled out for attack?

At the same time there are televangelists selling miracle cures on television while all the faith healers who are constantly staring out of the TV “curing” people have yet to show up at the hospitals and do any curing.

Pastors who are keeping their churches open like Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church in Louisiana who issued his “Pastor Spell Stimulus Challenge”, encourage people to send their $1,200 relief check to their churches while continuing to tithe, are also insisting that people shouldn‘t worry about getting the virus when at church because if they die, they will get to Jesus faster.

If dying was that great a thing, why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?

Why would Oral Roberts have asked people to send him $3 million because God told him if he didn’t raise that much money he would die?

Why the evangelical cures on cable TV?

Most churches, to their credit, are following the guidelines for the general good.

But as we are now seeing with the pastors and those connected to the churches who defied the guidelines for social distancing who are coming down with and in some cases succumbing to COVID-19, as well as learning people have traveled long distances and even have crossed state lines to attend church and then returned home, we can safely assume that those who went into churches to pray have come out with a virus to spread.

And as Jesus also said,

“By their fruit you will know them.” Matthew 7:16

Selfish and petty.

forming his committee

The roll out of the president’s   “Opening Our Country Council” was rather confusing. It was supposed to be a formal council, but when he finally presented it, it included 17 separate industry groups, including hospitality, banking, energy and “thought leaders.”

He listed 10 minutes worth of companies and their directors and CEOs, but it turned out the list was quite a surprise to some he listed.

Among those who had no idea they were on Trump’s opening the country commission until he announced their names not having spoken to them before doing so were:

  • Cisco Systems and McDonald’s learned of their involvement in consulting with the president only when he mentioned their names Tuesday evening.
  • Pfizer got a heads-up that Trump might mention the company an hour before the announcement, but was not told how many other companies were involved or what the group’s was.
  • AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka, also wasn’t asked if he would join the group before his name was announced by Trump. He joined the Wednesday call “to see if it’s a serious effort.”
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Although some invitations to join the group had come from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, with at least one from Trump, others said they were given no advance warning that their name would be attached to a White House news release.

While they may not have been contacted directly, the White House had sent an email notification Tuesday afternoon to all the people involved informing them just before the announcement that they had been selected.

That gave little time to consider, accept, reject, or possibly even read the email if the recipient had been busy.

As it was, although some may have been willing to accept the assignment, the announcement that the call would take place the next day ignored the reality that other things those to be included had already planned might cause a conflict.

David Solomon, the Goldman Sachs chief, was leading his own planned quarterly earnings call.

Starbucks chief executive, Kevin Johnson, was committed to address employees. He had someone else sit in for the White House call.

Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase & Co. was also unavailable, and an attempt by a deputy to get connected took too much time, and it finally failed.

When it came to Trump’s congressional task force, he hadn’t bothered to speak to any congressperson or senator before notifying them they had been selected to be on a committee whose exact purpose was unspecified up to that point. He had members of a committee who had no idea what it was they were expected to do.

The email notification said in part,

 “I am emailing to inform you that the president has selected you to serve on a task force comprised of senators and members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the task force is to provide counsel to the president on the reopening of America in the wake of COVID-19. The formal name of this task force has not yet been announced.”

The call with the mostly surprised business leaders was met with some resistance about a swift re-opening of the country.

There were some practical and legal concerns that Trump may not have considered in his wanting to appear heroic for bringing about the re-opening.

In spite of Trump beginning the call by stating that “testing is under control”, the executives and stand-ins expressed concern that more testing was needed before the economy could reopen, and testing was necessary to track who was infected and who might have immunity before having employees return.

After all, there could be a legal liability faced by the participating companies if employees got sick after returning to work in an unsafe environment too soon.

Things may not be as magically smooth as Trump chooses to believe they are.

I guess as far as things will go, to quote him, “no one knows. We’ll see”.

Another day, another corona virus press conference

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The important information

You may have noticed that Trump still treats his job like he is the main character on a reality show.

Consider the times he has told reporters in response to a question about needed action he has responded with “we will see”, or the times when action is needed he tells us that he will let us know what he plans to do.

Stay tuned for next week’s episode.

We were told to “tune in tomorrow” for his announcement of his White House economic task force focused on reopening the economy, but instead, we got a list of companies and their CEOs.

Like many of his promised upcoming announcements to keep us watching, it was another of his Geraldo Rivera and Al Capone’s Vault moments.

But we have to wait to hear the list of religious people who will be part of  his commission to determine how they will want to have the country opened.

After all, these unelected religious leaders of various faiths with varying beliefs and to which around only 50% of U.S, citizens belong have the Constitutionally granted duty to help run our country.


The reading of the names took 10 minutes, and the list included names connected to technology, agriculture, banking, financial services, defense, energy, transportation, sports and health care.

Strangely, the My Pillow guy is not included, unless he will be on the Faith Leaders list.

“Now, we have a list of people that I’ll be speaking to over the next very short period of time, in many cases, tomorrow. We have a list of different industries that I’ll be discussing by, meeting by telephone, because we don’t want people traveling right now.”

Not to make too fine a point of it, but as an English teacher, in trying to have my students write precisely, I would point out that if there is a dialogue you speak WITH. If it is a lecture or command to follow a predetermined decision, you speak TO.

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In all, there are about 200 corporate executives, faith leaders, and thought leaders in what Trump called the “Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups” after previously calling it the “Opening Our Country Council.”

The official White House statement issued after Trump’s roll call of names said,

“These bipartisan groups of American leaders will work together with the White House to chart the path forward toward a future of unparalleled American prosperity. The health and wealth of America is the primary goal, and these groups will produce a more independent, self-sufficient, and resilient Nation.”

I thought “make America great again” had already changed to “keep America great”.

Apparently it had become great without the need for more independence, self-sufficiency, and resilience.

Missing from his presentation in the Rose Garden were the way the committees would work, what suggestions might be sought, or the benchmarks the White House would use to determine whether it was safe to reopen the country.

Other things left unaddressed were who would be the leader of the group or if Jared and Ivanka would be part of it as rumored.

Trump seems to be aiming for May 1 as the deadline to open the country, but he may have to accept that reality is what it is as he had originally claimed we would be okay to reopen things by Easter and he had to move things back.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he could see the country re-opening in phases, depending on the infection rates, but Trump seems to think that it will be instant by fiat.

The U.S. needs stronger and more efficient testing to be in place before parts of the country reopen. And although Trump believes that some states, having not been hit yet, will be spared, he really doesn’t understand how pandemics work.

Governors, meanwhile, are making their own plans to reopen the economy without Trump’s input. They want to assess their states’ ability to track the virus, the capacity of hospitals, and the protection of vulnerable people.

Trump may have to speak TO them.

The worst is behind us.

If you want to understand how this COVID-19 virus situation goes, look to the toilet paper.

Toilet paper is to this virus what milk and bread has become to any mention of approaching snow.

For reasons I do not understand, the first response to news about the virus resulted in a panic buy of TP.

People were buying as much as they could, and we were shown videos on the internet and the cable news programs of people with shopping carts filled with nothing but toilet paper and fights in stores when a person wanted to buy one multi-pack of rolls and the person with multiple packages would not give up even one.

While some people were set for life, others were facing the possibility of having none.

I was in a store when, as the person stocking shelves came out from the storeroom with a dolly of boxes filled with toilet paper, people grabbed the boxes and ran to the check-out line.

There are self-made videos that people made of others loading their cars with boxes of the stuff, and news reports of people reselling toilet paper at exorbitant prices and people paying it.

Hoarding, panic, and fighting for toilet paper seemed to define the country’s reaction to the virus.

It seemed regardless what they went to the store for, people would grab what toilet paper they could find, and all of it if they found any.

The end result was that a type of competition began because of the fear that there would be no more toilet paper and people needed to get it before it was gone forever.

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It seemed no one was aware of the fact that toilet paper was not going away and there would be future deliveries of it to stores.

For a few days, my local grocery store had empty shelves where toilet paper used to be, but on the recent day I ran in to buy some needed groceries, the weekly stock deliveries having arrived the previous day, the shelves were filled with various brands of toilet paper.

Apparently, as a result of the panic buy of the product, people have all, if not more than the amount of toilet paper they would need, and now few people were buying it.

The curve of toilet paper purchasing has leveled off.

I live by myself and generally buy a four pack when I get to the final roll, so I was able to simply go into the nearby discount store and buy my four pack with no panic

I had bought a four pack at Dollar Tree when the purchase had been required and the panic hadn’t begun yet, and a few weeks later, after having walked by the empty shelf of a product I did not need for a while on a number of visits to get other things, I went there  yesterday and got another four pack from the now fully stocked shelves.

Like COVID-19, there was a surge, an uncontrollable surge that in this case could have been avoided if people understood that had they stuck to their usual toilet paper regimen, toilet paper would have always been there and available to everyone, even if people added one additional package each trip.

When it comes to the virus, the point is made that as we stay home, wear masks, and follow the directions of the health experts, eventually the initial out of control spread will slow down and needed hospital beds, ventilators, and other much needed medical gear and wear will be unnecessary.

The term they use is “Leveling off”.

I believe we have arrived at that point with toilet paper.

Whose fault was it this time?

Whenever a tornado, an earthquake, a flood, or any disaster you can name hits a location with a notably liberal lean, it is announced by the religious right and conservative politicians is because these places accept Gay people as equals.

They do not discriminate, they support ‘Gay Marriage”, and do not discriminate against Gay people in employment and public accommodations.

It is reflexively announced that God’s wrath was showered upon them because of that.

Deadly storms that ravaged the South on Sunday left over a dozen people dead and are now moving north to cause more predicted damage.

So I would like to point out that at the beginning of the week that began with Easter, 39 tornadoes hit the Bible Belt that was also dealing with flash flood and thunderstorm warnings and watches on Easter.


Mississippi was the hardest-hit with homes and buildings damaged, and combined with Louisiana had over 60,000 residents left without power.

Besides property destruction, there have been deaths in Georgia and Arkansas.

Over 860,000 residents across Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama lost their power.

There was also significant flooding and mudslides in mountainous areas.

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Mississippi Governor, Tate Reeves, tweeted,

“This is not how anyone wants to celebrate Easter Sunday. As we reflect on the death and resurrection on this Easter Sunday, we have faith that we will all rise together. To the people of Mississippi, know that you are not alone. The state and our first responders are working around the clock and will not rest until this is over. We are mobilizing all resources available to protect our people and their property.”

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards declared a state of emergency.

“Tonight, I declared a state of emergency to protect the health and safety of Mississippians in response to the severe tornadoes and storms hitting across the state.”

As the storm travels up the East Coast it is expected to bring continued tornadoes, strong winds, and hail to more than 39 million people in over 11 states with the worst of it being from Georgia up to northern Virginia.

In recent years these states have passed laws that basically strip GLBT people of their Constitutional rights as citizens.

In Alabama of the three crosses erected outside a Baptist church, only the one representing Jesus was left standing. This was, of course, seen as a sign of God’s love. What wasn’t a very positive sign was that the church in front of which it stood was damaged.

It is reminiscent of the fire in 2017 that broke out in a Georgia home that completely destroyed the house and killed the family pets, but was put out before the family Bible had been totally destroyed.

Ignoring all they lost, including those pets, the family saw it as a wonderful reminder that God is with us through everything.

Unfortunately along with destroying everything they owned and killing their innocent pets, and the family having to start a GoFundme account to put their lives back together, God could have shown His always being there through everything and letting the fire get extinguished in time to send a message that did not need to be so severe.

So I am curious if somehow God punished the Bible Belt because of their ant-GLBT bias and hatred, or will it just be something that happened, you know, because things just do.

The Then, the now, the soon

When it came to the proposal to release some inmates and ICE detainees in his jails to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in his jails, the sheriff of Bristol County in Massachusetts, Thomas Hodgson was adamant in his refusal to even consider the idea.

The official response was,

“We have no current plans to release inmates in the manners you described. We continue to monitor the Corona virus situation; it is fluid and changing daily.”

When the idea of the releasing low-level offenders who may be vulnerable to the corona virus in the Bristol County House of Correction, the sheriff said he has the capabilities to keep prisoners safe from the pandemic.

 “Releasing people to go back into the community, whether back to friends, family, or whoever may be exposed already? Why would we add people to that environment, when we have a controlled environment here? We could probably get them medical treatment faster.”

He also claimed,

“We’ve not had any circumstances with any inmates here indicating [that they may have the corona virus].”

In the meantime, three staff members at his facility have tested positive for Covid-19.

And conditions may not be as clean and manageable as the sheriff has been claiming, especially as he justified giving his staff well deserved raises because,

“My staff has to come into a very challenging environment, and we’ve actually asked them to do quite a bit more to minimize the risks of people contracting the disease in here. They have to go through decontamination and when they go home the first thing they have to do is wash their clothes. So, these are really are sort of over-and-above precautionary things that they otherwise wouldn’t have had to do. And certainly, dealing with the inmates and the new protocols and things that we have, I felt that they were definitely worthy of it.”

“The ongoing efforts of our team and attention to detail regarding the historic challenge before us have been amazing. Provided we remain mindful and vigilant with our social distancing and personal sanitation, both here and in the community, we can reach our shared goal of preventing our inmate population, us, and our families from becoming exposed to and infected by COVID-19.”

 “So far we don’t have any COVID-19 cases, knock on wood, in regards to our inmates and detainees. We hopefully won’t have any, but we’ll see. We’ve asked them to take extra precautions and disciplines, and we’re grateful for that.”

but we’ll see” would imply it could go either way with little or any idea which way that might be.

And, obviously, the change from things being just peachy and under control to becoming what he now admits is “an environment that is dangerous”, would imply the direction is not good.

Perhaps, he should take steps now and not wait until circumstances are such that his experiment goes awry, and he is dealing with a facility filled with infected people at which point he might be proven to have been just too wrong and pig headed to have put aside his pride and act like he runs a house of correction and not a house of horrors.

As he continues to play tough guy sheriff and is now endangering the inmates in his jail and his staff who work with them because like his hero, Trump, he refuses to acknowledge the realities of the COVID -19 pandemic, learn the history of Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson. Get to know who he is so when reality hits you will be better able to decide if he needs empathy or reproach.

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