limited learning

Believe me, I know what it is like to cover Gay topics in class in a public school to which all children by law must attend every day when doing so is natural and timely, like, when after teaching all about the love of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barret Browning and following the required curriculum by covering Romeo and Juliet in class, a play about mid-pubescent kids falling in love in one night and committing suicide when their star crossed love and planning goes awry, you decide not to change the pronouns in the love poems that Walt Whitman wrote to the man he loved so they would appear to be a man writing to and about a woman, or a student asks a question.

I know what it is to be continuously required to justify mentioning anything about the personal life of an important person who was Gay while the personal lives of Heterosexual literary or historical figures were somehow necessary for a full understanding of the historical person or a work of literature and their contributions to society.

Looking at you, John and Abigail Adams .

I know what it is like in the 12 basic years of schooling to never hear about any important person like me even though I might have not met the real me yet but might have had a healthier response when I could not but look at all the evidence that accumulated over the years, but I had not really seen.

I know what it is like to be denied truth and facts sitting in a student desk and being reprimanded verbally and in writing when behind the teacher desk I supplied the missing information on a person or work of literature that would have been a lie or a totally false representation to present without.

I also know that while any positive, often life-saving information for some is not allowed in schools, the opposite negative, derogatory, and false representations are given free rein that harms some students both mentally and physically as there are too many bashings in Jesus’s name that are excused.

And I am aware of how ingrained are the harmful and false assumptions held by people whose profession it is to nurture students for the future and enact the relevant policies and curriculum to that end something that would be better served through honest conversations with GLBT people not on what someone they know who is just as uninformed has passed on to them. Once and formally, when advocating for GLBT students I was accused of being a Straight man who had found a fake issue to gain political prominence with the basis of this being true because of my not looking or acting Gay. Some initial reluctance by leaders of the school district to do the right that they eventually did was based on my not being the expected stereotype.

I have the studies and documents that show the importance of having the real world presented as it is, warts and all, rather than the one that only matches the preferred history of those in charge.

The Arizona legislature approved Senate Bill 1456 that would restrict discussions surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity pending parental permission that state schools would be required to obtain.

The bill’s sponsor, Senator Nancy Barto, says that the bill

“solely protects a parent’s right to decide when their child is ready and what their child is exposed to regarding sexual materials at school.”

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Clearly her rationale is lacking as it is built on the false assumption that, rather than accepting GLBT as a matter of one’s personhood and that such people have made positive contributions to society, the uninformed conveniently equate all GLBT information solely related to “sexual materials”.

In Social Studies class this requirement and the assumption that all GLBT information is sexual could ban a teacher from mentioning the Stonewall Rebellion when covering civil rights actions or rebellions that were initiated by segments of the citizenry and the changes brought about.

Usually with the requiring of opt-out provisions and selective parental say in certain of curriculum and teacher lesson plans, and the silencing of anyone who might have information to pass on.

Although I, like all other teachers, was allowed to hang anything curriculum related on my classroom bulletin boards, I was disciplined for not honoring the newly created and pointedly aimed practice of running anything relating to the curriculum that might have some connection to GLBT positive information by the principal for clearance as doing so would have me tacitly accepting the ignorant position that everything about GLBT people was somehow lewd, obscene, and sexual where this was not so with non-GLBT people.

Ironically, well-meaning and loving parents who may not be aware of the questions swirling in their own child’s head may “protect” their child from harmful information according to others that would actually be beneficial, thus being the ones who actually harm their child.

GLBT kids should see themselves in school curriculum, have the opportunity to learn about themselves, and receive critically important health information as they develop.

All students, not just the Gay ones will be denied important information which could reduce bigotry and make schools more welcoming for the GLBT students.

Bullying requires two sides, the bully and the bullied. Both are harmed by the experience as the bullied gets physically and emotionally hurt, and the bully, acting on accepted but false information, will have any disciplinary action on a permanent school record, or police record if things went way too far.

Information benefits both.

Not to be outdone, the Tennessee state legislature approved Senate Bill 1229 that would allow parents to opt their kids out of any class that includes any topic related to GLBT people and requires state schools to alert parents 30 days before any time a teacher might have to be inclusive, like the Social Studies teacher who might include the Stonewall Rebellion in a lesson plan.

These two bills directed at GLBT students join those being proposed and passed in Republican controlled states that bar transgender girls and women from participating in female sports.







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Let me state outright that the information contained in this blog is complicated, probably very dry, and not what most people will want to wade through. However, the information is important and somewhat uncomfortable, but necessary to be informed.

During the two impeachments of Donald Trump, everyone became a Constitutional legal scholar with a complete understanding of all that is related to the Constitution and law. Then we had the Corona virus and with it we became scientists by osmosis, and everyone was an epidemiologist with a concentration in the field of viruses and retroviruses.

In reality when we look at those with the strongest comments to make on many topics we see the kids we knew in school who hated Social Studies or just about grasped the concepts included in the biology class.

Now we are on the topic of Chromosomes and Transgender people and, just as with the Constitution and Covid 19, having heard about something from someone without that person having done any research beyond a meme and without doing any research ourselves, we proudly pontificate on our intuition-based knowledge.

So, based on a rudimentary understanding of Chromosomes, everyone is now an expert on DNA.

Grasping tightly to their quick explanation of Chromosomes in Biology class, if we paid attention, and having done the dominate and recessive gene charts that showed the chances of what our offspring might be, we are convinced that we know all there is to know except, it isn’t as cut and dry as our high school biology teachers told us because he had to follow the established curriculum. Some idea about chromosomes was important, especially as it could be on a standardized tests to which kids are annually subjected.

We learned that Females had two X shaped chromosomes and males had one X and one Y chromosome. This determined Chromosomal Sex, and that is all we needed to know to pass the test, so that is as far as we got.

When it comes to human gestation things are not as simple as what we were required to learn to cover the curriculum.

Our knowledge of what happens in fertilization and fetal development has changed since Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope and burgeoning scientist began putting anything translucent they could think of under the lens. When one person decided to look at semen more closely, he found the little tadpole looking things swimming around and the belief grew that while the woman was the empty vessel waiting for the man to fill her womb, the sperm contained a tiny fully formed human that was placed in the female so it would grow.

We know this not to be true as more things were discovered, so our understanding of fertilization, gestation, and birth have had to change with the times, just as now, with more information, we should be willing to look at and discover this new information and give up what, in our limited experience, was all we knew about the process like had to be done when the telescope began discovering other planets and the sun, not the earth, was the center of our little planetary system.

At certain points in fetal development hormones must be released  in order for cells to develop into the various part of us they are supposed to. Going pass the generic and extremely limited knowledge of X/Y Chromosomes it has been found that only one gene on the Y Chromosome (the male one) has any relation to sex, and releases the SRY Protein that initiates the Male sex genes to get moving.

Without that SRY gene on the Y Chromosome and, therefore, with nothing to kick in, the simple wrong assumption is that with the XY the fetus will be male. Not being part of, but attached to the Y chromosome this particular SRY Gene can detach from it and meander over to the X so now the male gene is no longer on the male Y but the female X.

So, what happens when this migration takes place?

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With the SRY Gene no longer where it was supposed to be, a person is physically “female” while being Chromosomally male because a Y without the SRY makes a person physicaly female as the SRY isn’t on the Chromosome that is waiting for the signal to get on with male sexual development that will not arrive as it will be somewhere else doing its thing there. Chromosomaly under these conditions, with the X and Y, the person is genetically male, Physically female ( you need to take into count secondary sexual characteristics that either males and frmales have, or may lack, without any essential change to the person’s reality. I know a male who has never had to shave because the secondary sexual characteristic for males having facial hair did not kick in. Is he less male?), and genetically female.

The X with the SRY attached means a person is physically male because the signal has been sent to wrong place, could be chromosomely female, yet also genetically male.

It is not the Chromosome combo but where the SRY stays or ends up that is important.

As the fetus develops, the sex related hormones send signals to the various cells to develop the correct plumbing as time goes on. At one point all fetuses are female as no sex hormones have yet to be released, and proof of this is in male nipples and that odd seam on the scrotum that is what is left of a possible Vagina if signals had been sent differently or at the wrong time in male and the right in females.

The confusion enters when people assume the visible marks of either male or female are the whole story.

Wrong hormones delivered early, late, or not in the proper amount influence development and may or may not result in someone being physically male while Chromosomally female, and this also deternmines those who are non-binary.

This is complicated because the receptors of the signals must be prepared and able to received the signals , and this can be partial or not at all. All the little bits of the “miracle of Birth and proof of God” must all function properly and at the right time inspite of all that could influence this both from the developing fetus or what the mother is doing with her body.

As much as we might have paid for our smart phone, we still have calls dropped or messages missed and delayed.

With the Chromosomes dealing with a potentially roaming or misattached SRY Gene and other influences like poor or untimely messageas sent and similarly received, a person could be genetically male and female, Chromosomally male and female, hormonally male and female in any combination.

Determining one’s gender or sex is not as simple as just a peek down the pants.

If this layman’s description of the XX/XY/SRY situation was too long, perhaps too boring, or just too confusing to grasp, that is why these people who are making anti-Transgender laws or acting out their rejection of Transgender people to the point of murder need more education unless, having done it, they find it better to just ignore that which does not support their bigotry.


on again, off again

The Anglo-Saxons, not being natives of the Island, migrated to England  from Europe. They would later migrate to the North American Continent. Their culture morphed as they moved from place to place and they adopted some traditions of the natives while the natives adopted some of what the Anglo-Saxons brought with them.

Under the Anglo-Saxons, England became a nation, and Christianity moved in to crush the religions and traditions of those already in England.

Anglo-Saxon culture, governance, and laws was the result of, not purely Anglo-Saxon ways, but a divergent collection of groups and adopted cultural beliefs, practices, and mores.

The elites claimed Kingship where such used to be an elected position among the original tribes on the island, and established a class system where communal living had been the norm so all were equal. The Anglo-Saxons as foreign invaders killed off the existing culture, religions, and traditions in favor of a hereditary ruling class. While the Nobility fought among themselves changing rules and laws to the benefit of the winner in the most recent war, while the common people just went about their business as they had done for decades and centuries

We may romanticize the Anglo-Saxons, but it is not based on actual history, but a mythologized one that, just as with the Vikings, we have come to accept as things being as we would like them to have been with us confusing the Normans with the Anglo-Saxons as if both were one and the same.

When Edward became king in 1042, excessive power had become divided between two rival noble houses, and the Church had by now exerted enough power and influence over the Anglo-Saxons that the Pope had considerable power.


Ða com Wyllelm eorl of Normandige into Pefnesea on Sancte Michæles mæsseæfen, sona þæs hi fere wæron, worhton castel æt Hæstingaport. Þis wearð þa Harolde cynge gecydd, he gaderade þa mycelne here, com him togenes æt þære haran apuldran, Wyllelm him com ongean on unwær, ær þis folc gefylced wære. Ac se kyng þeah him swiðe heardlice wið feaht mid þam mannum þe him gelæstan woldon, þær wearð micel wæl geslægen on ægðre healfe. Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, Leofwine eorl his broðor, Gyrð eorl his broðor, fela godra manna, þa Frencyscan ahton wælstowe geweald,” *

The invader of the British Isle whose system was showing signs of deterioration, originally sought an ally only to be conquered by it.

In the process the Anglo-Saxons lost 98 percent of their kingdom and their lands as most Anglo-Saxon nobility was wiped out and their land given to the loyal soldiers of William the Conqueror.

In retrospect with no experiential knowledge, the romantic view of Anglo-Saxon times and laws led to  writers during the years of the expansion of the British Empire under Queen Victoria claiming that Anglo-Saxon heritage was superior to those held by colonized peoples, and this superior race designation called for the colonizing descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, to “civilize” the people they conquered by killing those who would not bend, enslaving the rest either on their very own land or being shipped away, preferring land and produce as more valuable than the people. Ans destroying religions, cultures, and traditions giving us the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP).

For those who do not conquer or pillage, this superiority belief is exercised toward those who already exist in, were invaded by, or move to a place with a large Anglo-Saxon population, usually in the form of oppression or denial of rights.

Before the Anglo-Saxons, the laws people followed were based on Germanic traditions and the need to live communally. With the Anglo-Saxons, Law became the tool of the churchy whose main concern based on the extant laws from that era, favored the ruling class over the people and the Church over everybody.

Politicized Christianity destroyed Anglo-Saxon law.

Now, along comes Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green with an idea for the America First Caucus whose mission is to recruit people with “Anglo-Saxon political traditions” and a return to architectural style that “befits the progeny of European architecture”.

Greene immediately began receiving condemnations for such a caucus from all sides, so the day after the word got out about her intentions, she backpedaled and found a way to shift blame in the process claiming that the document was a “staff level draft proposal from an outside group that I hadn’t read,”

while her communications director said the caucus’ platform will be “announced to the public very soon.” 

Considering her acceptance of even the most outlandish claims by Q, it is no surprise that Greene’s understanding and grasp of history is poor and selective.

Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas, while ignoring the references to “Anglo-Saxon political traditions”, claimed the group whose document he had yet to read while saying.

“Well, I haven’t seen that, but it’s not supposed to be about race at all.”

Seeing a possible date night activity, expressing support for this non-discriminatory, nonracist group which wants to restore Anglo-Saxon rule in this E Pluribus Unum country, Matt Gaetz stated he was all for it.

“I’m proud to join @mtgreenee in the #AmericaFirst Caucus. We will end wars, stop illegal immigration & promote trade that is fair to American workers. This is just a hit piece from the America Last crowd in Big Media, Big Tech & Big Government.”

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The proposed caucus’ “America First Caucus Policy Platform” states it purpose is

“to promote Congressional policies that are to the long-term benefit of the American nation.” Allowing that a certain intellectual boldness is needed” among its members “to follow in President Trump’s footsteps, and potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation.”

It condemns immigration in any form,

“we cannot ignore the impact mass immigration has on reducing job opportunities and depreciating wages for Americans.”

“America is a nation with a border, and a culture, strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions. History has shown that societal trust and political unity are threatened when foreign citizens are imported en-masse into a country, particularly without institutional support for assimilation and an expansive welfare state to bail them out should they fail to contribute positively to the country.”

The fact that the Southern Heritage, a Civil War, and mean-spirited post war oppression of former slaves by the people of the South only came about because these God-fearing Anglo-Saxons upheld slavery and the slave trade Greene’s ilk had relied on the forced immigration of foreigners en-mass that prevented Southern Whites from getting the job opportunities for which they would have been paid in favor of the work done for free, seems to escape the proposed caucus’s gaze.

Greene’s group would discourage birthright citizenship and claims that immigrants who came here before 1965

“were more educated, earned higher wages, and did not have an expansive welfare state to fall back on when they could not make it in America and thus did not stay in the country at the expense of the native-born.”

There has been a major shift in countries of origin for immigrants to the United States from mostly European countries to mostly Latin American and Asian countries.

The reference to 1965 is significant as it was that year’s Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 that ended the national origins quotas like those in the Chinese Exclusion Act which had favored Western and Northern European countries with drastic limits to admission of immigrants from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe.

Even in things most people even think about, the platform also claims that with European architecture being “classically beautiful”, architecture and other forms of infrastructure should be of Anglo-Saxon design.

Pressure from all sides has caused Greene to call off her plans to launch this caucus, and the ideas that it promotes have been made clear and will not just leave the minds of those who came up with the idea and those who supported it.

It will be refined, reworded, and implemented as a force for good, when we already know its true purpose.

“The Congresswoman wants to make clear that she is not launching anything. This was an early planning proposal, and nothing was agreed to or approved,” according to a spokesperson.

But as she complains that the media has been making false reports using race to “divide the American people with hate through identity politics” something that is in no way even applicable to a caucus that intends to recruit people with “Anglo-Saxon political traditions”, she showed she either doesn’t know what racism is, or she really relies on her comrades in Q not knowing.

Representative Ted Lieu of California, who migrated from Taiwan when he as three years old, told it like it is. se family came to the US from Taiwan when he was three years old.

“As an immigrant, I served on active duty in the US military to defend your right to say stupid stuff. What makes America great is that we don’t judge you based on bloodline, we look at your character. So, take your nativist crap and shove it.”


“Then came William, the Earl of Normandy, into Pevensey on the evening of St.Michael’s mass, and soon as his men were ready, they built a fortress at Hasting’s port. This was told to King Harold, and he gathered then a great army and come towards them at the Hoary Apple Tree, and William came upon him unawares before his folk were ready. But the king nevertheless withstood him very strongly with fighting with those men who would follow him, and there was a great slaughter on either side. Then Harald the King was slain, and Leofwine the Earl, his brother, and Gyrth, and many good men, and the Frenchmen held the place of slaughter

Child abuse

I remember that I was stretched out on the floor facing the television back in the days with only three commercial and one educational station with knobs, not buttons or remotes, and sans color, a world of noire. Television newscasts were not as slick as they are now. A news anchor, the “weatherman”, usually a be-bosomed young woman, and some guy still going by his high school athlete nickname reporting on sports all standing or sitting behind a cheesy desk or in front of a chalk board with a map on it for the weather segments. Local reports occasionally had rather grainy black and white films that got better with the years, but for good news reel quality film, the national networks had it, and at the end of the news broadcasts on each station after giving the heavy news, the anchor would mention something interesting that happened, so the stations would report on different things on the same night and at the same time.

The station we were watching did a report on Christine Jorgenson who had just returned to the United States from Sweden. I assumed she was some movie star I didn’t know and asked my father who she was.

In a totally matter of fact, neutral way with nothing of note in his voice that would reveal hints of an opinion, he simply stated, “He used to be a guy, but he didn’t like it, so he went to Sweden where they will turn a man into a woman.”

Christine was an ex-GI, something with which men like my father could identify, but in the parlance and extremely limited knowledge of what the scientific reality was the recipient of the first “sex change” a type of surgery that had been performed by German doctors in the late 1920s and early 1930s among whose patients had been the Danish artist Lili Elbe, the subject of the book and film The Danish Girl, and is more correctly referred to as Gender Alignment, as the only change is to have the person be the complete person they were meant to be but for an early or late hormonal release in the womb.

And that was mid 1950’s knowledge on what Transgender meant.

Life moved on and other things came up, and having had her fifteen minutes of fame, for the most part Ms. Jorgenson faded away.

Her celebrity as a lecturer, author, and being unique, did not shield her from prejudice as she and her fiancée could not obtain a marriage license because, in spite of the “sex change” operation that everyone knew about, her birth certificate said “Male”, so, male she was.

In the years before the Stonewall Rebellion and the battle over which group started it all instead of seeing it was a full unified community spontaneously speaking as one, Jorgensen had brought gender identity out in the open as a topic to be discussed and learned about and had advocated for Transgender people to fight to have their birth certificates reflect the reality too subtle to have been seen at birth and have their dead-name buried.

The Irony of her situation was that while using a misnomer for her Gender Alignment and not actually understanding the science and psychology, people accepted that a person’s gender could be changed, and that a former male GI was now a woman.

So, a person who was a boy, if Transgender is now a girl, and should be treated as one, like when it comes to sports.

The questions then is when did the Republican party and its religious branch, evangelical Christianity, change what they had already accepted as a thing as they railed against the idea of a person changing their sex. They never said they can’t, just that they shouldn’t.

Over time with Transgender remaining a fuzzy concept that was simply mixed in with Transvestites and Drag Queens, they were overlooked during the time that Gay and Lesbian people took over as the group society would allow bigotry toward when its previous targets began to lose their convenience because of things like the Holocaust. Continued bigotry would have been distasteful, and all that was needed was a new group because there was always the Blacks in a pinch.

Then, Renee Richards brought it up again in the news.

While being considered one of the best college tennis players in the country, specializing in ophthalmology and serving a two-year internship and a two years of residency, and playing competitive tennis while serving in the Navy winning both the singles and doubles at the All Navy Championship and after that ranking 6th out of 20 male over 35 in civilian competitive tennis, Renee Richards, not yet her true self ,had begun her struggle with gender identity that created sexual confusion, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

She went through the process of Gender Alignment with those connected to Christine, a process that was interrupted by choice but finally completed.

Tucker Carlson’s father, Richard, first reported Renee’s background on his local news broadcast and this resulted in the United State Tennis Association, the Women’s Tennis Association, and the United States Open Committee requiring all female competitors to have their chromosomes verified. Renee refused to take such an invasive test, and one not required of the male competitors, and was ousted from two tennis opens.

The argument then, as now was that “there is competitive advantage for a male who has undergone a sex change surgery as a result of physical training and development as a male”

might be an acceptable excuse unless one asks the obvious follow up question, then why do we not allow the girls, if they so choose, to develop that competitive advantage they would get if allowed to that same physical training and development as the boys.

Renee finally took the test whose results were ambiguous, but refusing to take it a second time, she was barred from play.

Judge Alfred M. Ascione who heard Renee’s discrimination case against the various tennis organizations ruled,

“This person is now a female” and requiring a chromosome test was “grossly unfair, You do not have to bear viagra prescription with strangers trooping to your compound or posting adverts everywhere. It is rich in anti-oxidants and can control blood sugar cheap generic tadalafil levels. It has immense positive effects on the soft muscles of levitra 60 mg body and so it effects on the muscles of heart and penis. buy cipla cialis However, individuals who are allergic to the ingredients in the medication have been approved by the FDA. discriminatory and inequitable, and a violation of her rights,” and that the USTA intentionally discriminated against her and granting her an injunction against the USTA and the USOC, allowing her to play in the US Open. In her first competition, she lost against a ci-gender woman to whom she was assumed to be a threat.

This was about 45 years ago.

Accept or reject the reality of Transgender people, while they might have been looked on with curiosity or allowed to dwell in the fringe shadows as just one letter in a list of letters that continues to grow and is assumed to be just a cover for Gay and Lesbian, Transgender women were in general accepted as men who became women, with the change, though it is misunderstood, still acknowledged the Transgender reality, and  no one had a problem calling one Christine and one Renee even though people knew their dead names from the media coverage.

But for politics and to address the need to have someone to use as a threat, and the GOP is going all out to build the image that will be most frightening.

The party of family values has been proposing and passing bills in the states with Republican controlled legislatures, pitting parents against their own children much as they and their evangelical base managed to get done when they advised and encouraged parents to kick out any son or daughter who was not heterosexual.

In Texas, a mother has had to testified before the Texas legislature poised to pass a bill to criminalize parents who support their transgender children.

“I’m terrified to be here today. I’m afraid that by speaking here today that my words will be used against me should S.B. 1646 or S.B. 1311 pass, and my sweet son whom I love more than life itself will be taken from me.”

The bill would redefine child abuse to include “consenting to or assisting in the administering or supplying of a puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to a child.”

A parent will have to choose between listening to a doctor or other specialist as to what is best for their child’s health or follow a law that really doesn’t care about the child but winning an agenda point.

Parents will be breaking the law, becoming unfit parents, if they allow gender-affirming health care procedures like reversible puberty blockers that delay the onset of puberty toward one gender where, if it had not been for a gestation blip, would be going in another direction. are reversible and have been found to significantly reduce suicidal thoughts for trans people. Delayed puberty eliminates future possible complications, and the blockers have been found to reduce the number of suicides that result from lone confusion with no one to talk to and a rushed time to make important decisions.

The mother explained that while making the effort to learn about Trans youth she found that surgery is not performed on minors no matter how much Republican lawmakers like to claim the opposite either by refusing to learn the truth, or by ignoring it if they have.

“Today, my son is 13-years-old, the most popular boy in seventh grade, and loved by our friends, family, our church, and our community. This is possible because he has parents who affirm him and provide him with the support he needs.

Taking that support away from him, or worse, taking him away from his family because we broke the law to provide that support – will have devastating and heartbreaking consequences.

If this bill becomes law, that, senators, is child abuse. And I promise I will call every single one of you every time a transgender child dies from suicide to remind you that their lives could have been saved, but you chose not to.”

Doctors For Change stated in an open letter to the sponsors of the bill,

“The care provided to children and youth with gender dysphoria is tailored to their specific needs by a team of highly trained providers, including pediatricians, mental health specialists, endocrinologists, surgeons, and allies and supporters including parents and guardians. Each provider plays a role in ensuring the health of the child based on established standards of care and the peer-reviewed medical literature.

“In our experience, affirmation and acceptance from parents, guardians, physicians, and all other important adults in a child’s life is extremely beneficial to the child’s health outcomes and happiness. These benefits are also supported overwhelmingly by the medical literature and highly respected pediatric organizations including the Texas Pediatric Society, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Pediatric Endocrine Society.”

But not to be outdone in its anti-Transgender animus by anyone, even itself, along with this bill, the Texas legislature is also considering one to expand religious exemptions for health care professionals that could result in doctors being able to turn away GLBT patients if they for “religious beliefs.”

The party of less government is now passing bills that put the government over the parent when raising their own children.







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