the boot

Killer bees, Murder Hornets, parachuting spiders on the East Coast, a demon escaping from the rock in Japan in which it had been imprisoned for 1,000 years, these were surprises. This one isn’t.

After having spent four adult years as a vice-presidentil lap dog, Mike Pence, like many Republicans only began saying negative things about Trump and his time in office now that he too is out of office and shaping his own political image for his political aspirations.

Former President Donald Trump all but ruled out choosing his former vice president, Mike Pence, as a running mate were he to run again in 2024.

Along with his refusal to go along with Trump’s request to overturn the 2020 election because, and his statement much later when out of office, that he had found Trump’s interpretation of constitutional law was incorrect, any idea that Mike Pence would be on the ticket was erased when Trump told the press that his base had soured on Mike Pence, the person they wanted to hang on January 6.

Trump told the Washington Examiner,

“I don’t think the people would accept it.”

As he explained his lack of support of a Trump/Pence ticket,

“Mike and I had a great relationship except for the very important factor that took place at the end. had a very good relationship. I haven’t spoken to him in a long time.”

Of course, had more reasons for turning away from Pence.

The former VP recently said, while leaving out names or specifics did refer to people who praise Putin,

 “There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin.”

When asked about his intentions to run for president in 2024, especially since he is freed from any commitment to Trump and he has been showing up in places that someone considering such a run would find advantageous to do, Pence answered in that very direct way he has of approaching the content of a question and skirting around it to utter a pious platitude with little if any meaning.

“I’m confident the Republican Party. will nominate a candidate who will be the next president of the United States of America, and at the right time, my family and I will reflect and consider how we might participate in that process.”

If he doesn’t run, how will he be in a position to be someone the Republican Party will nominate if only by acclamation which does not seem likely with Trump’s hold on the party whose base wanted to “Hang Mike Pence!’







playing catch-up

Throughout its history, what would become Europe went through a series of developmental stages. There were no sudden jerks forward but a gradual change over a long period of time.

When hunting and gathering gave way to agriculture and animal husbandry, the subsistence nature of the former system that relied on members of the independent family groups hunting for food to satisfy the unit with no need for community.  With agricultural, this gave way to interdependence and a division of labor and distribution of goods. Good hunters hunted, those best at agriculture grew things, and those with other talents provided other products tom the community according to their talents and abilities.

This resulted in communities needing leadership to have it work for the benefit of all and establishing community territory for the sake of it. This eventually became countries as the leadership went from those who were chosen by those they were to lead to a system of inherited leadership that more often than not benefited those closest to the leader and established a society run by those who benefited by the structure and did what they could to ensure they kept that advantage.

Hereditary Monarchies ensured power stayed with the powerful.

Europe went through empires, the feudal system, the Industrial Revolution, governmental structure remodels, and all sorts of social changes that made that Europe from hunters and gatherers to modern society.

It was a gradual process.

By the beginning of the 20th Century this pimple popped. World War I broke out because those who rose to the top of the rulers’ hill in the traditional systems had huge family differences among themselves as most of Europe’s royalty seemed interrelated, and, like in the corporate world, there were attempts at hostile take-overs that resulted in the old forms of government in many place imploding after a war broke out that was mainly a corporate family disputes with hostile take-overs of each other’s companies and holdings.

After WWI, a war that was actually not resolved, monarchies no longer existed as they once had by the “nobility” losing many heirs during the conflict and border changes resulting from it, and people wanted more control of the countries they had fought for.

It was as if a continent had decided the spoiled kids in the cafeteria were not in charge of the school anymore.

It was as if the old system had finally run it’ course and like an adolescent’s pimple, popped.

Unfortunately, because of how the first war ended, it wasn’t resolved finally until a second one, and in the process for Europe the old ways died.

The thing is, Europe had the opportunity to go from the Dark Ages to the Middle Ages, and through a Renaissance, an enlightenment, and an industrial revolution to the modern age in a series of progressive states to which it could adjust as they came.

Russia, who really wanted to be like the Europe and had its ruling class connected to all the other European rulers because of family ties and inbreeding, did not have the opportunity that Europe had.

In 1917, Russia went from a Feudal, a mostly peasant reliant agrarian society with a disconnected ruling class to a country entering the modern age in one quick revolution that was more 9dea than actual.

The country then established what it considered the best form of government having never had any experience with any other, their own replaced a system based on the European model that did not take into account the realities that separated Russia from Europe, with the expectation of going smoothly into a whole new age seamlessly.

Every upheaval and change in Europe had been followed by some period of adjustment that were sometime quiet and slow, or painful with lots of bloodshed and re-shifting, until settling into a relatively good situation.

France alone had gone through a Revolution to rid itself of a system that had sunk far below what had established the Monarchy, following that with a number of years chaos, governmental musical chairs, and quiet times of economic growth to establish itself into what we now think of as France. Certain aspects of France’s growth were later taken up by other European Countries in the aftermath of the war and we now have the European Union that did not come about overnight, but when the time came and the people were ready.

While that growth was going on, Russia’s plunge into modernity took place when the rest of the world was looking at Europe, and entered the post war years needing to establish its credentials as a legitimate country and at least appear to be as powerful as all those other countries with which it identified had shown themselves to be during the War to End All Wars in spite of a revolution that had other heads of states fearing, if successful, could be in their future.

By the end of WWI there were fewer countries with monarchs, so the remaining ones and those who benefited from the system were watchful for a potential spread of Revolution.

Russia had yet to go through any type of Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, or any of the big and minor changes European countries had gone through before plunging in among them, and this has it stuck in time.

While Europe and countries influenced by it have moved away from how things were when it comes to leadership, goals, and war, Russia hasn’t.  

Russia is playing catch up.

The war in Ukraine, and let me not trigger anyone because I am about to say something in relation to a specific item of current events which does not mean I am unaware of others, but have merely chosen one for my present purpose, is a war of the past, the type of war and the reasons for it that Europe has left behind. This whole invading a country, bullying them into giving you everything you want and then some, scaring everyone else into accepting you as the bully thing is how it used to be, but in Russia’s much interrupted passage through growth stages, it’s still what is done.

Putin is that middle school kid who wants to be with the cool kids and does everything he can to be welcomed among them and by them, and when he thinks the time is right to step into the light dresses the part, has practiced the lingo only to find out that little fashion thing has been given up and the secret password and handshake were recently given up as being to childish.

 Someone’s cat is about to get kicked.

Based on this rambling rationalization, I feel that when the present war in Ukraine ends and the Russian political dust settles, this will be the last time a war such as this will happen in that part of the world.

It will still be okay to foment wars in other places, just not up in the Europe/Russia area, assuming China has noticed the old days of Empires is long gone and in the present day, history shows these attempts do not end well. 

The world is moving from the Space Age, through the computer age and whatever comes after that.

If this is Russia’s pimple popping, perhaps, they will join the other countries that have long left invading countries and playing tough in the past.








It may have begun with a simple three letter word, Gay, that encompassed what was most of what was known about sexual orientation at the time, but slowly ,over time, as we began to learn more about more types of sexual orientations, and so as not to be hidden in an all-encompassing term that unintentionally hides their specific orientation, it was decided to add more letters as more information came out showing the variations in human sexuality and gender that go far beyond a simple binary of Heterosexual and Gay.

Eventually, the order of letters, which ones were included without necessarily knowing what each meant, being prepared to get yelled at by someone whose letter you accidently left out or not put in the expected place in the list of letters, and just the number of them and the fact that there actually is no official order, the name of the Community became too difficult to name and often became a joke to those trying to recite all the letters in their proper order correctly.

I have been condemned many times for using “GLBT” because putting the G first somehow was supporting and promoting the patriarchy and is, therefore, anti-feminist in general and anti- Lesbian in particular. It actually is in the order that letters were initially added content with our knowledge until all the other gender variants started getting attention.

A few years back, having never been the victim of the word “Queer” in the past when it was used as a slur, often being what you heard as you were beaten up, heard used against someone else as they were getting beaten up, or the last word many Gay men heard as they died from the beating, young people began to “reclaim” the word which actually they were claiming as it was not a word used against them.

The Youth may have been aware that the word was used in the past, but they were not aware of its use as a physical and emotional bludgeon, or, for some odd reason, they just did not care how that word affected older Gay people.

But, their intention was a good one.

Just as the word “Gay” had been one word to unify a community known and yet to be, the word “Queer” was chosen to do the same thing. One word that covered everybody, was easier to remember than an everchanging list of letters and would not be the butt of jokes as a way to cover one’s letter confusion. Unfortunately, those who make arbitrary decisions in the name of Gay people who did not choose them as a leader, whoever the powers that that they assume themselves to be, simply added the Q for “Queer” onto the alphabet making it one more additional letter longer. Their intention to eat the blobbed ended with them being eaten instead by it.

So, instead of LGBTLMNOP, LGBTMORELETTERS, or any seemingly unending string of letters that keeps growing like writing out all the numbers in Pi, we need a new, all-inclusive name that not only acknowledges the various gender identities and sexual orientations we are aware of now, but includes those yet to be learned.

I would like to offer “Non-Het” as an all-inclusive term as it includes anyone who is not Heterosexual, and in being used as a single encompassing term, it will show that the Heterosexual Majority is not necessarily so if compared to all those who aren’t.

I did consider “Not-Het”, but its proximity to Knot-Head had me rule it out. I am, after all, looking for a way to get away from the alphabet that is too often joke fodder.

When seemingly attempting to establish that you only get full citizenship under the U.S. Constitution if the group to which you belong passes a certain percentage of the population, bigots often go one letter at a time to establish each group does not have enough numbers to qualify for their rights., as if there is a Constitutional cut off point.  There was a discussion that since the actual 10% of the population is Gay figure was more like 3%, Gays did not qualify in sufficient numbers to have full citizenship.

They played the percentage game with all the other letters as well because it seemed like a good strategy.

Not enough, Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Nonbinary, Gender fluid etc. were in those individual, separate groups for the members of each to have rights.

But, If the division of who is Heterosexual and who is not is viewed that way but in a more binary way, Heterosexual or not, the non-heterosexuals have the greater number as a whole. There may be a higher percentage of Straights when considering the letters individually but considering that the comparison is between those who are Heterosexual and those who are not, the Heterosexuals are outnumbered.

One overarching term, which could be given specificity by individuals, would make it clear that in the full spectrum of human gender, genders on the continuum out number those who assume they are the norm.

I would refer to the Community as the Nonhet Community and I could then tell that person I am Gay, without having to first list a bunch of letters hoping I get them all and in the correct order.

As it is, there is no official order with many organizations arranging their letters to reflect the sexual orientation of the founder of it. Because the Harvard group was founded by a bisexual person, the B went first. This was continued as chapters opened on other college campuses.

In Oklahoma the list begins with 2S for the Native American Two Spirit gender that most people in the country know nothing about, but they do there because that is where the tribes were sent by the U.S. Government in the 1800s.

Alphabetical fluidity causes problems with those who are comfortable with established things, like the order of the letters, but do not actually understand the spirit of the thing. Hence my putting the G first being somehow a feminine suppressing promotion of patriarchy.

So, there it is.

No way you can work Nohet into the alphabet.

Most importantly, though, it will make it clear that the population of this country is more diverse than those who rely on a lack of it to keep control over everyone to their own benefit.

There may be fewer Gays compared to Heterosexuals, but the Nonhet segment of society out numbers the assumed majority.

This perspective could change things and be open to any new findings in the area of Gender science.





