He did it because we said he could


Okay, I’ll say it.

The reason we have NFL players engaged in such abhorrent behavior like domestic violence is because we led them to believe from an early age that they are privileged, and their actions, no matter how bad, are acceptable.

They play sports, and sports are big in schools.

Who routinely has administrators changing their grades and attendance so they remain eligible to play?
The Athletes.

Who gets a whole assembly filled with noise, bands, big speeches, and ego boosting on a regular basis?
The Athletes.

Certainly not the kids who do well academically. They get a quiet little assembly with small attendance because not everyone is required to attend.

Who can break the rules and have deals made for them by administrators so they can delay any suspension until after a game?
The Athletes.

And who, if they have no reasonable explanation for breaking a school or societal rule, have excuses supplied by coaches, administrators and boosters?
The Athletes.

I, and anyone who was in that area of the gym during a school wide assembly one day, was witness to a quarterback roughing up a pregnant student and pushing her against a railing as she was facing it. Besides possible injury to the girl, there was potential injury to the unborn child, but there was a big Friday night game coming up, so, in spite of the objections of the teachers who witnessed the assault, the decision was made to hold off the required suspension until after the weekend instead of it beginning the next day.

In this choose here viagra online present era, erectile dysfunction has emerged as the most common sexual disorder among the men. It helps to boost resistance of skin to microbes and is found effective in leprosy and ulcers formed due cialis prescription buying that to gout. The working of blue pill has allowed http://robertrobb.com/let-the-prada-socialist-alone/ order viagra researchers and clinicians to determine the connection between erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems. Low blood pressure is on line levitra a difficult clinical finding for a healthcare provider to address. The girl went to the doctor and had to wait a few days for the results of some tests. The QB in the meantime played the Friday night game, and was praised during the announcements over the school’s P.A. the following Monday for doing well.

It is a matter of record that teachers who have objected to the adjusting of grades and attendance in order to keep athletes eligible have been disciplined for that, and have been placed on Plans of Improvement that could not be successfully fulfilled and were subsequently recommended for dismissal, and were.

If you object to the expense of sports and the favored treatment of athletes, you will be told that “sports build character”, but you will see that as the athletes are rarely taught self-discipline, but are led to believe they are special and deserve the title “Hero”, and know their every bad action will be covered by the very people responsible for that character development, very little character building actually takes place.

Collateral damage is that some of the other students see the special treatment and resent it, but the majority buy into it and make equals into idols and also find ways to excuse the bad behavior of their peers, and grow to see it as the norm.

The professional athletes who do wrong are products of the system, and , if they are finally called on something it is, in all likelihood, the first time, and they are shocked that what has been acceptable and allowed is suddenly wrong and punishable.

When you are raised in an atmosphere where you can do as you want, how you want, and when you want, and this carries into college, you bring these expectations to the professional arena, and since you are making big bucks for those who own the teams, they treat you like glorified high school athletes, and overlook the bad behavior just like they had in high school.

Professional athletes commit the crimes they do because they have been brought up think that it is okay because they play a sport, and those who should object, like fans, will support them because they, too, were brought up to believe that is how it should be.

Bat your wife? Don’t worry about getting seriously disciplined. If it can be covered it will be.

Kill dogs, or even other people? As long as it doesn’t affect your on-field performance you are set.

Pull guns, act like thugs, threaten people, or actually beat them up? Don’t expect anyone to admit this happens, as the ones allowing this do not want to accept their own guilt.

We create idols out of people. We let them believe they are above the rules. Then we are shocked they behave as we have allowed them, and we fall all over ourselves to distance ourselves when evidence of our error is revealed.

The woman in the elevator got smacked because we told the athlete he could do that, and like it or not we were there with him throwing the punch.

We did not allow them to grow gradually.


Up until 100 years ago, the Middle East was still in its early formative years if it was to be anything like Europe.

Europe, meanwhile, had developed from being subjects of the Roman Empire to a modern civilization having passed through the Dark, Middle, Renaissance, Romantic, and industrial ages.

It went through the period when small tribal chiefs fought against each other for supremacy, ending up with power concentrated in certain clans and families who eventually became the monarchs of Europe , and who then organized their economic base to form towns, cities, and nations.

In certain countries when the monarchs became too insane for the people to follow, they were killed and new types of governments replaced them.

Some were killed quietly, while others were dispatched rather publicly.

This, of course took centuries.

During that time we went through theocracies where religion had power over secular society and kings were answerable to the church.

The church, to maintain its power, imprisoned and executed anyone who brought its power into question, especially those who relied on science over superstition, among them people who employed herbs and chemicals to cure illnesses, not relying on prayer, and who were put to death as witches because they threatened the established monopoly of the church and those who benefited from the alliance between church and state.

The promise of a happy eternal life or the threat of  burning forever in hell had power.

Anyone who was different was suspect, and anyone who was perceived as a threat to the status quo had to be eliminated.

Religious denominations of the predominant religion fought against each other, often killing members of other churches in order to remain dominant

When national borders were established and the wars between little kings were no longer needed, and as the feudal way of life began to change as commerce rose in importance, knights, having no wars to fight, wandered in gangs that needed to be controlled, and prisons, overcrowded with wayward knights, needed to be emptied.

The promise of freedom to any prisoners who went to fight, and eternal salvation to any sinners who went with them and died in the wars became both a recruitment tool for the Crusades, and a very convenient way to reduce the number of Europe’s undesirables.

Great wars were fought by the little people for the benefit of the few ruling families, and this culminated in the Great War which resulted in the European powers intruding into the Middle East, and attempting to introduce the results of their centuries of evolution for instant acceptance and application.

What had taken all of modern European history to attain was expected to be simply applied to countries who were where Europe had been without the chance to evolve as it had.

The inter-tribal fighting that was part of European history was to come to a stop immediately.

That levitra generic cheap is it doesn’t get injected into your body. Men who face difficulty in sexual performance seldom confide in their partners, let alone their doctor. viagra without side effects To devensec.com purchase generic levitra survive and withstand in today’s Competitive business world, it would be very difficult for any business to increase its presence globally. Firstly, NF cure is very beneficial in http://www.devensec.com/maps/Devens_TrailInventory_85x11P_Rev.pdf online viagra delaying climax. The Theocracy that Europe had grown out of was to be ended instantly.

The inter-denominational killings by the more dominant religion was to come to a full stop.

And whereas Christianity may have grown out of its need to kill those who opposed it, or kill those who chose not to covert, I believe it was Charlemagne who performed forced baptism on those who he conquered, this had taken the time denied those in the Middle East.

And while eternal salvation was promised due to the forgiveness of sins for those who fought the Islamic infidels in the crusades, the promise of seven virgins for those Muslims who did the equivalent was to be abandoned right away.

With Western intrusion being forced on the people of the Middle East, they were denied the growth stages that Europe had, and we are surprised that the results are not the same.

Europe was the intrusive relative who took the toddler and before the child was able to walk, then run, and develop in any other ways, made him learn to drive a car, and was then horrified at the resulting accident.

I am not justifying them, but looking back on history. Is radical Islam guilty of anything more than the imperialism complete with genocide, torture, and religious persecution employed when Europe began to “discover” new land, exploit resources, and converting people by any means necessary?

Were Western ways relevant to a part of the world whose environment may make them totally forced?

Now that it is in the Western rear view mirror, we need to remember that 100 years ago we stuck a hornets’ nest with the stick of the 20th century stirring up people not developed enough in their (Western) societal evolution to handle it, and then we continued to force Western ways on them as long as the leader played nice, to be replaced if their usefulness wore off.

I had a student a few years ago who was a rather large Samoan 7th grader. He was placed in my Special Education class because he was constantly lashing out. His size made him threatening to his classmates.

The principal was surprised that in my classroom within a very short time this student was not only well behaved with good self discipline, but he had become a good student academically. She wanted to know what I had done to bring about the change in the student, and was taken aback a little when I explained I had done nothing to change the kid, but I had changed how he was treated.

When most people met this 246 pound seventh grader they forgot because of his size that he was still just a pubescent 7th grader and not an adult, but treated him, talked to him, and expected behavior of him that was expected from an adult. He was not a bad kid, he was a frustrated one.

In my class, in spite of his appearance, he was treated like he was 12-13 years old, and his frustration level lowered. He was no longer held to expectations that exceeded his ability to deliver on them.

May be that for the last 100 years it would have been better to have treated the people of the Middle East like they were people in the Middle East, and not failed Europeans.

They are acting out, and we do not like what we have produced.

We have tried for over 100 years to force us on them, not allowing them to develop at their own speed like Europe had.


Bullying becomes legal


The Tennessee legislature just passed SB 1793/HB 1547, the “Religious Viewpoints Anti-discrimination Act” which allows students to use religion how they choose, and protects their use of religion in all situations.

According to the ACLU this bill “crosses the line from protecting religious freedom into creating systematic imposition of some students’ personal religious viewpoints on other students”.

The ACLU’s concern is that this act would force students with a range of religious beliefs, as well as non-believers, to listen to religious messages or participate in religious exercises that conflict with their own beliefs.

Students who have attained a “position of honor” (most teachers know there are groups in schools who seem to be treated with all kinds of privileges by administrators for such thing as sports, cheer leading, high grades, and basic ass-kissing) would be permitted to subject all classmates to prayer and proselytizing during school hours, classes, and school events.

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“At a basic level, a student could merely write ‘God’ on a chemistry test as the answer to a question asking to where water comes from. A student could also stand in class and say their religion says that gay people are sinners and going to hell, and that speech would be legally protected. The bill states ‘a student may express beliefs about religion in homework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination based on the religious content of their submissions. A student would not be penalized or rewarded on account of the religious content of the student’s work'”.

But the worst part, because it is not so overt as an announcement over the school’s PA, is that GLBT kids could be harassed and bullied in the name of religion without any recourse.

Of course, not having thought it all the way through, as the legislature was out to protect its own narrow religious viewpoint, they have opened the door so those who worship Satan can force their religious views on other students, even over a school’s PA system.

It is a version of the Ten Commandments vs Baphomet controversy now raging in Oklahoma which is revealing that their law that allowed for the Ten Commandments to be placed on public lands was not really about religious freedom, but only a way to promote the Christian religion.

Republican governor Bill Haslam has received the bill for his signature or veto. But since the bill passed 32-0 in the Senate and 90-2 in the House, even if he has the courage to veto it, an override is a rather foregone conclusion.

Always mention golf


Besides the overriding tactic used by the Republicans of repeating long debunked or easily disproved stories to make them appear to be true, their handbook contains many tactics for dealing with policies and issues with which they do not agree of which one is to introduce non-answers to difficult questions by intoning such irrelevancies as vacations and golf.

They seem to hope that no one has the smarts to check for verification.

I actually heard Laura Ingram simply say the other day, when talking about some needed action, that President Obama will just use an Executive Order “Like he always does” knowing that her loyal listeners would nod in agreement without checking to see how few times Obama has actually used an EO in comparison to former presidents, especially the Republican ones, who used that process a lot.

Don’t address the question, or even the policies that the question is about.

Comment on the irrelevant, change the topic, but at all costs do not answer the question.

That is what Mitt Romney did recently on Fox News.

When he was questioned by Chris Wallace on his show this past Sunday about the President’s handling of the Islamic State militant group and other foreign policy decisions, the Mittster, said, “I think the president is really out of touch with reality. He’s so out of touch with reality that he hasn’t taken the necessary steps. … He’s too busy on the golf course. I don’t know if you can see the reality from the fairway, but he doesn’t see reality”.

He grabbed at a golf reference, but never in the rest of his rant did he explain what should be done, what constituted being out of touch with reality, or even what those realities are.
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He also brought up Benghazi and Hillary Clinton.

He summed up President Obama’s foreign policy as,“The president has a very different foreign policy than what the United States has had over the past 60 years. It’s based on common humanity, and humanity is not common. … Bad people do bad things.”

And, keeping to the avoiding of specifics tactic, he also said that there was no question that he would have been more effective in the White House than Obama.

How? Who needs to know exactly?

The question, by the way, had followed a clip of the 2012 debate in which Obama had answered Romney’s claim that the navy had fewer ships in the past by pointing out we also had fewer swords and horses because military needs have change, when Wallace asked Mitt how he felt watching the clip where Obama had pretty much called him a “dim bulb”.

Ignoring the question, Romney just went off on his own track avoiding any specifics.

And you know people lapped it up and nodded in agreement with what in reality was non-speak.


You know they are thinking it.

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Attention Massachusetts Democrats!


Tuesday is not the day to sit home.

Make sure you and all your friends get out tomorrow and vote.

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Something a little too ghoulish


Apparently, Israel takes more than just Palestinian land.

According to Sabbah Report, a pro-Peace international news website that is a source for news with content related to Middle East conflict, and is highly regarded as an outlet and alternative to conservative news websites, Israel Knesset member, Ahmed Teibi, insists that the new evidence incriminates the Israeli army and government in stealing Palestinian body parts for transplant in Jewish patients.

This verifies what has been claimed by rights groups for years.

Pathologist, Yehuda Hiss has admitted that, “We started to harvest corneas…whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family”, and he is the former head of the Abu Akbar Center, also known as the L. Greenberg Institute for Forensic Medicine.

At first, they did not limit the harvesting to Palestinians as beginning in the 1990’s forensic specialists harvested corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians, and foreign workers.

They did this often without getting permission from relatives.

Hiss said, “We’d glue the eyelid shut. We wouldn’t take corneas from families we knew would open the eyelids.”

I am not a fan of Nazi comparisons, but he also said, “The skins were taken from the bodies and transmitted to Hadasah hospital in West Jerusalem on the request of the Israeli army to be transplanted to wounded soldiers and in case of disaster”.

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This skin removal was also done without the deceased person’s family’s consent.

Although this information has been known since 2000, a Swedish daily paper was motivated to publish the information last month because of complaints that Israeli soldiers killed Palestinians to trade their organs.

According to Knesset member,  Teibi, “If such is what they are willing to admit, imagine how much they are concealing”.

Some people I have communicated with during this whole Gaza Strip business, who are also upset with recent Israeli land grabs, and who have not been fans of the treatment of Palestinians by Israel, see this as further evidence of racism, as Palestinians have no worth, while their body parts do.

(Loosely similar to Gays and their money when companies and organizations discriminate against GLBT people, but will gladly take their money for business purposes.)

When asked directly about this a few years ago, former Israeli Health Minister Nessim Dahan could only respond, “I couldn’t say for sure that something like that didn’t happen”.

Not a very strong denial.

Meanwhile, even as the Israeli military has admitted that harvesting the organs of Palestinian youth and children did take place in the 1990’s, while insisting that this practice ended about 10 years ago, Palestinians are still reporting that when they have received the remains of loved ones killed by the Israeli army, they are often returned with stitches from the stomach to the neck, and with organs missing.

How convenient


For verification purposes it is always good to have more than one narrative or record of an event.

If you have only one, then it simply becomes a story that has no real value in a discussion.

It just becomes a matter of “It’s true because I said it’s true”.

Not the best of arguments. It isn’t even he said/she said. It’s just I said.

A lot of what Israel is doing these days is justified because the Bible says that God gave them the Promised Land. But it is in a book they wrote, and no one else heard this being said.

The Egyptians, whose society kept copious records on events for centuries, would certainly have noted somewhere, and in more than one set of records, that at one time all its Hebrew slaves suddenly just up and left one day. Certainly this would have been of something of note to them.

The same with the mysterious deaths of all its first born males.

But nary a word.

No matter what atrocity the Hebrews committed, mass murder, rape, infanticide, you name it, it is all justified in their book as having been commanded or sanctioned by God.

God is the mysterious man who sneaked in the room at night and broke the lamp, and Israel is believed because they said that that is what happened.

What a racket.

Now they can take other people’s land. God okays that.

They can kill women and children in vast numbers. God okays that.

Don’t take tadalafil sale the trust of other people for granted. Fortunately this problem is cialis pills effects of easy to treat. They’re given at a managed dosage to enhance erections online viagra mastercard after stimulation. Within one week, the results get as effective as devensec.com cialis no prescription and most importantly, without the risk of side-effects. They can get exaggerated vengeance because God said “an eye for an eye”, but He apparently implied there was no need for balance.

It has become “an eye for as many eyes as you can get”.

Hey, it’s in the book they wrote.

Arranging for the death of a woman’s husband so you can continue the affair without interference?

Okay in their book.

Throw mother and child out in the desert so they can die without the inconvenience of being guilty of murder, as, after all, if God wanted them to survive He would have arranged for that, and if they died, well, his fault again?

Okay in their book.

Conquer an army that is protecting their land because God said you could have it, and then cut off the end of their penises as somehow God likes circumcision?

Okay in their book.

You have to wonder how much stuff was justified after the fact by including the justification in the book.

And in modern times, they just keep it up.

Some Palestinian individuals with no official standing kill three kids, so destroy olive groves that belong to others so you can build settlements after bombing homes, schools and hospitals, and shooting at children playing on a building’s roof?

Hey, God gave you the land. It’s in their book.

Makes me wonder if there actually was a different story to David killing a giant Philistine with a little rock.

Mission accomplished

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Not so clear cut


Whenever I brought up the topic of equal or civil rights in a blog on my previous web outlet, my former trolls, a certain number of them anyway, would ignore real history and condemn Democrats because the party was supposed to have opposed these in the past.

So I thought it might be good to analyze things.

The Republican Party really did not come into its own until Abraham Lincoln’s time.

Hence, “The Party of Lincoln”.

It appears one of the first major actions the party got involved in was to save the Union, and this morphed into freeing the slaves.

It is not hard to understand that in a two party system, after the Civil War when the Confederate States came back into the Union,  the South certainly was not going to join the “Party of Lincoln”.

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More states were entering the Union, and this watered down the South’s representational advantage, and slowly the Southern Democrats, still not being able to see joining the Republican Party as anything more than treason to their Confederate roots, became the Dixie-crats.

Not Republican, and not totally Democrat either.

I know from local history that the Democratic Party was involved in making living conditions better for the Irish in such places as Boston, New York, and Chicago as it was during this time that Irish politicians rose to where they could get rid of their people’s second class status, and, while not being Republican, also were not the same party as the Dixie-crats.

Slowly, as the Republican Party began to accept more of the Dixie-crats’ ideology, and as the Democrats seemed to get more open minded, especially when it came to race relations and equality for women, being a third party would have been self-defeating, so Dixie-crats began to gravitate toward the Republican Party, as it began to become closer to them in ideology and action.

The Democrat/Republican division was not as clear cut for quite some time as those whose only argument in a discussion on politics is “Yeah, but” would like people to accept it was.

What was finally responsible for the South turning Republican was that the Republican Part became closer to the Confederate South.