With cartoons used to fight Kern’s destructive bills

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Because Oklahoma has term limits for its House and Senate members, Republican Representative Sally Kern’s time as a legislator comes to an end when this legislative session ends.

Although I am no longer a resident of that state, my time there involved a connection with the representative.

Having taught a few doors down from her, and having had to deal with her bigoted and damaging statements during the time I was advocating for GLBT students, I thought I would share the story of my time with Sally Kern.


When I first transferred from the middle school across the street to the high school and was already involved in advocating for GLBT students, I was hoping to find an ally at my new school, and thought I had found one in Sally Kern because my first impression of her was, not unlike that of many, that she had to be a Lesbian, albeit a stereotypical one, as she was sporting khaki pants, a blue polo shirt, comfortable shoes, had her hair done in a style favored at the time by dip-stick Lesbians and old Portuguese women, and was leaning very non-femininely on a golf club.

Ashamed of my profiling her, I chose to hold off on any introduction until I got to know her better, and this turned out to have been a safe move.

She insists that she has made few, if any decisions in her life, so she bears no responsibility for things she has done because every major move in her life was undertaken because she was directed by God.

She had decided to remain a virgin and preach the Gospel as a missionary, and this very well could have been the last decision she was ever to make because God took over immediately afterward.


According to her own telling of her life story, God subsequently told her she was to get married, and made things easier for her by telling her who the husband was to be. This was before He handed that duty over to that Christian Mingle web site.

She was then told to have children and raise them while her husband preached, and this gave way to God then telling her that since her children were of an age that they could fend for themselves she was to become a teacher and bring Jesus into the classroom and restore God to public schools.

This would explain why her classes in Government took on the attributes of spreading the Gospel and showing how nothing happened in the United States that was not directed by God.

This allowed her to speak against certain people because, well, God told her He did not like them, even the ones that were sitting in her classroom.

She might have liked them, she has said she does not hate Gay people, but it seems God told her not to.

When she hadn’t been as successful in God’s school directive as one would think she would have been since an all-powerful deity had given her the assignment, and certainly would have helped her out, He told her to run for the State House of Representatives and bring God back state-wide.

But she has a dangerous obsession.


She hates Gay people with a passion that also envelopes Gay youth.

She pushed the perverted idea that being Gay is all about sex, as if she needs to make that assertion so she can think and talk about sex because God no longer wanted her to have any.

She tells children that they are going to grow up to be perverts and are no better than animals, and that God hates them.

She did it while she was a teacher.

During adolescence when students are looking for answers to what are to them major questions, her default  answer was to tell them that they will burn forever in hell and will be rejected by God and their families if they allow themselves to be who they are.

While Gay people want to love other Gay people, Sally Kern likes to dwell on the fantasy that, no, they want to love animals.

Gay people haven’t told her that. It is what she wants to believe.

And every year in her time as a state Rep, she has attempted to use her position to promote her perverse way of thinking, and has relished the chance to speak out loud  her own fantasies about who Gay people are.

She may not want to speak like an audio-porno magazine, but she has to in order to do God’s work. He makes her speak pornographically.

I taught down the hall from her. I never told her a thing about my personal life. Yet, she publicly told people that, while I might be a good teacher, my life-style was repulsive.

My life style, at the time, consisted of getting up in the morning, throwing on some clothes, walking the dog, arriving home to grab a cup of coffee, getting dressed, and going to work.

At the end of the school day I went to teacher staff development meetings, band practice, Union meetings, and school district educational committee, or community betterment meetings on different days.

By the time I got home, I would walk my dog, prepare supper for the both of us, correct papers and write lesson plans, and, perhaps, do some artwork. Sometimes I cleaned the house and did laundry.

I ended my day going to bed at a decent hour so I could get up the next day and do it all again.

My apologies for exposing readers to the repulsive details of my lifestyle, but I thought it necessary.

Once in a while I would date someone the old fashioned way, and on weekends I might go out for a night on the town with friends.

But according to Sally, in her mind anyway, it was perverted sex whenever I wasn’t doing all that other stuff.

Who could have found the time?

My relationship on campus was a professional one, and, in spite of our political differences, and her distaste for my assumed lifestyle, we were as friendly any the average co-worker, until she began her public library crusade.

It seems that after she was in the legislature she needed to come out of the clichéd gate running, and found her motivation.

Oddly, as it happened this way in every place in America where the book was condemned, locally two parents picked up their very young children, whom they had left at the library unattended, and on the way home asked what books they had gotten. One of the children began to read from a book, King and King, the story of a prince whose mother, while attempting to marry him off to a princess, found he was actually in love with another prince and had no problem with it. After almost hitting a tree and potentially killing their own children in their horror, the parents called the new representative who then demanded that as the public library was tax funded this book be removed from all libraries, or those offending libraries which refused to do this would be denied funding from the state.

The bad parenting skills of the parents who simply dropped their children off unsupervised in a day and age when children were being abducted, or could be, was obvious. They had not supervised their children, nor helped them pick books out of the library that they intended to read at home, and, upon seeing their own failing, attempted to blind others to it by distraction.

Their obvious failure was somehow lost to the expediency of the moment.

Attracting some very disturbingly conservative people as allies, Sally went to a Metro Library Commission meeting in Oklahoma City demanding any book with a “Homosexual Theme”, or which might have spoken of Homosexuality as anything other than an abomination, be removed from the system. Her assumption, apparently, was that as a legislator she would speak, they would listen, and there would be no question.

I do not think she was aware that people would object to her attempted misuse of power, or that her wishes would not be so automatically obeyed.

A group of people, including legal people from the ACLU, local Gay organizations, library workers, and concerned citizens, myself included, went to the same meeting to argue that parents, after instilling in their children their own family values, should view what their children intend to read before they checked out a book at any library, rather than demand that, if they found something objectionable, no one should be allowed to read it.

I felt a little naked at that first of many meetings when, in attempting to prove her action was not based on bigotry, but a concern for children, Representative Kern tried that old chestnut that she only objected to certain things of a “Homosexual nature”, but she herself loved Gay people and knew many, and even worked with some very fine teachers who happened to be Gay. While making that last statement she swept her left arm in an all inclusive arcing motion declaring as she did so that I was a wonderful teacher with whom she had no problem, and mentioning me by name when he finger found me in the crowd. Although she knew I was open at school, she took the liberty, or acted on the assumption that there would be no harm in using me in so public a manner, and “outing” me to the public in the process.

The commission decided to take things under advisement, or avoidance if you will, and hold a few more meetings in libraries all around the city before any decision was made.

At one of these subsequent meetings, while again attempting to show her actions were based on genuine concern for children dropped off unattended by their parents at libraries and not GLBT animus, she told those in attendance that she knew Gay people, and even taught with them in her days as a teacher. She again pointed me out by name to those in attendance as a wonderful teacher, but expressed her objections to my constantly and obnoxiously pushing my “lifestyle” into people’s faces to show how militant Gay people were about their agenda and desire to recruit.

Depending on her need from that meeting on, I was either just a good teacher, or a good teacher who as obnoxiously Gay.

The media was mixed in their reaction to her move, but most often questioned it, and although the media tried mightily to report in a balanced, neutral way, some of her statements, which bordered on fanaticism, came across as quite bizarre.

As the meetings progressed and the foolishness of her demand became more and more apparent, she modified her demand from removing the books totally from libraries to placing them in a restricted area for books that were controversial in nature without actually describing who would do this, or on what the decision on what was controversial would be based.

The commission, for its part, knowing that as libraries are funded by all tax payers, was reluctant to choose and place books apart solely on the opinions and desires of any one group. Even the Bible had its unsavory parts, and fairy tales were rife with negative references to step-mothers that would certainly offend those families that had one. It was conceivable that quite a few originally unintended books with anything anyone might find objectionable would be put in a totally separate place apart from the other books. There just wasn‘t enough space in any library to accommodate all the books that might need to be moved.


Wherever Sally Kern went with her message, people from the other side of the argument were there too with the unified message that if any parent did not want his or her child to read something it was up to them to establish limits within their family and be with the child at the library. It was wrong for someone to force their own personal family values on others by deciding what other people‘s children should be able to read.

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As we had not been unfriendly when we taught a few doors from each other, the legislator and I would have friendly conversations before the meetings where I filled her in on what was going on at school and any news about anyone with whom she had worked, only to retire to our sides to argue our points when the match began.

The final compromise of the Library Commission to the legislator‘s demand was far from a total seclusion of these books in a separate room. They would be placed on an easily findable shelf, but separated from other books. Instead of the desired effect of making them hard to find, these so called controversial books were made more easy to find because they were on a separate shelf in a section of the main library, and not mixed with other books where they would have blended in, like the enticing bawdy magazines are separated from sports and news magazines in a newspaper store, and are, therefore, made easier to find.

Her greatest threat of withholding public funds from non-cooperating libraries was shot down in the state legislature, and the matter died.

After a period of not hearing much from Sally Kern, just prior to the Gay Prom and a few weeks before graduation Kern wrote a letter to her constituents which stated she had been divinely placed in the legislature to return much needed reality to the state, and that Gay people were the biggest problem.

 “I ask for your prayers that God’s will be done. We, the Christian community, have set idly by for too long and let this perversion get out of hand. The homosexuals are wanting us to accept their behavior has normal and natural. It is not. It is sin and unless Believers stand up and be heard it will continue to spread like a cancer and destroy our society. I believe that with all my heart. I am not a particularly valiant person but God has put me in the position of State Representative for such a time as this.”

It was at her return to her public crusade that she warned her constituents at a meeting that Homosexuals were more of a treat to America than terrorists or Islam.

If this claim of divine anointing, and her attitude toward Homosexuals as stated above were brought into her Government classes, especially during the time she was a candidate for office what, other than the wording of school policy, could have protected Gay Students from her negative attitude toward them and Homosexuals in general?

So, recognizing it as nothing more than a form of name dropping, while either through total ignorance or willful self-service, especially as the principal at the time was a compliant Lesbian more concerned about her standing with the higher ups and the prospects of a higher paying, more prestigious position in the school district, I was disturbed when Sally Kern was invited to attend the graduation of the school in her legislative district at which she had taught in spite of her very public statements about GLBT people. Although I could see that as she was a former teacher it was nice to have invited her to attend the graduation of some of her former students, even the ones she held in extremely low esteem as they were Gay, or perhaps not Christian, I questioned why she sat up on the stage with administrators and honored students. I saw this as a little insensitive toward the Gay students who fell into her perversion category, and who may have been harmed by her words in class and in the legislature.

Again, without regard for our Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender students and family members, some sitting among the graduation class, and others either as siblings or parents in the audience, and ignoring the demeaning and dismissive attitude expressed in her email and comments made while she attempted to ban Gay books, and the damage done to our past and present students by the actions she had taken and the expressed reasons for them, she was given political advantage. Someone thought it would be a feather in the cap of the school if a Representative was an honored guest.

Her hurtful comments did not apply to majority of them while they were meekly accepted by at least one for expedience.

I was responsible for some segment of the education of those graduating, and I attempted to give them the best education I could, sometimes in spite of odd realities. To have me publicly described by the Representative as a pedophile, a lower form of creature, a sexual predator, a recruiter of youth into a condemned “life-style, pornographic by my very nature, a danger to the welfare of youth, and a cancer on society where such statements could be heard by my students, only to have her presented as a good and totally acceptable and honored role-model was extremely insensitive toward those to whom her ignorance was directed, again, some of whom were members of the honored graduates.

Having lost the Library crusade, it became Sally Ken’s modus operandi to introduce any number of anti-GLBT bills at the beginning of each legislative session while continuing her appearances at conferences and churches to spread lies about the GLBT Community, often presenting her cause as a defense of Christianity against the onslaught of Gay attacks.

While attempting to victimize others, she attempted to play the role of the victim when her attacks were rebuffed and her lies exposed.

She wrote a book, The Stoning of Sally Kern, that explained her victimhood.


Among her attacks she came up with a bill to allow unregulated conversion therapy, which is a bit of debunked quackery that attempts to make Gay kids straight by promoting a relationship with Jesus, her version of him anyway, and relies heavily on induced guilt and self-loathing. Regardless what is best for the kids, they could have been sent to conversion therapy for any reason a parent might choose even if it was only because of the embarrassment having a Gay child could cause a family, or because the preacher man saying being Gay is the devil’s work.

Perhaps the kid liked art more than God’s chosen sport, football.

She wanted kids to be the victims of the political or religious beliefs of the uninformed.

Her bill would have made it illegal for those who are trained and work impartially with children, like Child Welfare, the Oklahoma Commission on Youth, the Department of Mental Health, and the Health Department, to voice any objection.

The system of referrals and delivery of services would have been totally unregulated.

There would have been no oversight of services defined as Conversion Therapy, and without inspection and oversight, including the ability to investigate a complaint, children sent to conversion therapists could have been exposed to quackery, snake oil salesmen, religious charlatans, and even child abuse and molestation conveniently passed off as therapeutic techniques.

Thankfully there were enough intelligent people at the state house to kill that bill.

But she wasn’t done.


She wanted to make legitimate therapy more difficult to obtain

“No counselor, therapist, social worker, administrator, teacher
or other individual who provides counseling, guidance or
instructional services for a public school, public school district
or technology center school district may refer a student under the
age of eighteen (18) years to, nor provide the contact information,
business card, brochure or other informational materials of an
individual, organization or entity not employed by or under the
direct control of the school district in which that student is
enrolled if the referral or information provided pertains to human
sexuality without notifying the parents or legal guardians of the
student either by email, personal phone call or text message
at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to making the referral or
providing the information”.

This would have harmed more than GLBT kids, and considering that a very broad definition of “Human Sexuality” can be applied, and will be, if history and experience count for anything,  it could have applied to any positive GLBT information and the advertising of GLBT student friendly things like PFLAG, Community events, sources of information, or anything to do with safe spaces. It could be used to deny GLBT students necessary information not denied equally to religion, even though religion deals with human sexuality in many ways.


Students would have been forced into harmful silence as they may have feared having whomever they talked to call their parents and outing them, or, worse, avoid asking important questions as they might feel they would have been putting whoever the school related adult is in a terrible position and could have been responsible for any adverse action taken against that person by school administration.
Sally was asking to be able to legally abuse students mentally and emotionally. She wanted to scar them for life and be excused for doing it.

This would have violated both Oklahoma City School policies on Bullying, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination, and those of any town in OK with similar policies, and even the Equal Access Act as Gay/Straight Alliances would have been deemed as dealing with human sexuality.

The assumption that GSAs are all about sex exists.

This woman would not be happy until she had gained control over the lives of children, and had forced her beliefs on people who otherwise would not accept them.

What she could not accomplish by preaching her interpretation of the Gospel, that would be bringing people closer to the God of her making, she attempted to do by legislation.

She wanted to ruin children’s lives and adversely affect their future all in the name of her god, using the state legislature to do it.

She wanted to legalize child abuse.

But time was not on her side as she now has to leave the legislature because of term limits.

However, she now has time to pursue her crusade, and it is beyond a doubt that she will.

Although I am no longer a member of the GLBT Community in Oklahoma, I was contacted by people dealing with Sally Kern’s ongoing aggression, and ask to do a series of cartoons for them. I was more than happy to do so, and did.

I am glad for the part I played to slow, if not stop, her crusade when I was a resident of her state, but I feel for those who may be spending more time than a person should dealing with the damage this person may decide to keep on attempting.


On Tuesday, May 24th, Freedom Oklahoma, an Oklahoma GLBT advocacy group will be sending Sally Kern off in style as they celebrate the end of her term in Oklahoma State House.

Oklahoma could have gone down the path of North Carolina and Mississippi, but Freedom Oklahoma, after the onslaught of 27 anti-GLBT bills faced in January, managed to defeat everyone of them.

Now, we have the opportunity to take the next step in securing protections for our community. We are saying goodbye to over 20 members of the Oklahoma legislature this term – including Rep. Sally Kern, and we need to find allies to replace them.

“We picked her for very obvious reasons,” Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director Troy Stevenson said. “She said some pretty atrocious things about the LGBT community. I don’t know that any legislator in this country has said worse.”

“I can tell you all LGBTQ Oklahomans look forward to Rep. Sally Kern’s last day in public office,” said Toby Jenkins, executive director of Oklahomans for Equality in Tulsa. “She has given 12 years of constant attack against gay, lesbian and transgender Oklahomans. She believes what she believes, and she is not even open to the idea that she might possibly be wrong.”


Trump and the Troops



Although I am not a veteran myself, but have many friends who are, I have done a number of blogs in the past decrying how politicians will invoke veterans and troop support when it seems advantageous to their plans, but actually do nothing to help veterans and returning troops when it counts.

To me, anyway, it seems too many people use the troops as props, but have little use for them otherwise.

They use the troops as photo-ops, throw their name out when they are at a political event, and attempt to give the impression that they are more supportive of the troops than anyone else when it helps make their opposition look less so and, therefore, unpatriotic and cruel.

Then when it comes to votes on benefits vs cuts, they always seem to come up with a “reason” to make the cuts, banking, I assume, on the theory that the troops have already made major sacrifices, so what is one more. They are used to making sacrifices, after all.

Veterans groups around the country are tired of being used as political props.

They aren’t happy that people like Trump so easily advocate for military action that will end up creating more vets to be ignored.

They also are not so stupid that they forget that, instead of attending one of the Republican debates, Trump said he would have a fundraising event for veterans with the money, in the end, not actually going to them.

And many are upset at the way Trump ruthlessly mocked Senator John McCain for being shot down, captured, and tortured during the Vietnam War. Trump does not consider someone who was captured a hero.

He dodged the draft claiming a physical disability, and then played baseball and tennis in college, while claiming later that being on the prowl for women was his Viet Nam

Over a decade ago he tried to get disabled veterans, who were legally operating as street vendors, thrown off of Fifth Avenue in New York City because they were ‘clogging and seriously downgrading the area.’

That is why fifty prominent veterans released a statement slamming him for his disrespect and the dangerously incoherent half-formed and contradictory “ideas” that Trump passes off as a foreign policy.

“Donald Trump recently discovered a new love for America’s veterans, promising that a Trump administration will ‘treat them really, really well.’ Yet after a publicity stunt earlier this year when he ditched a GOP debate to hold an event on behalf of veterans, his campaign still hasn’t distributed more than half of the $6 million dollars it allegedly raised. They don’t even know where that money has gone. And worse, this is part of a long pattern of the real Donald J. Trump, who for over a decade tried to get disabled veterans, legally operating as street vendors, thrown off of Fifth Avenue in New York City. He said that these Americans, who were simply trying to earn a living in the country they gave so much to defend, were ‘clogging and seriously downgrading the area.’

And yet, even as Donald Trump denigrates our nation’s current veterans, he’s putting our future veterans at risk with a risky and incoherent foreign policy. Republican and Democratic national security professionals agree that a Trump administration would make America dangerously less safe while reducing its standing and influence in the world. His embrace of both military adventurism and isolationism, and his support of the use of torture will not only recklessly place our troops in harm’s way, but will dramatically increase the risk to our service members serving in operations overseas. Trump’s policies are detrimental to the young men and women who volunteer to serve this country, from the moment they join the armed services to the end of their career, civilian or military. He can’t be trusted, by our veterans or anyone else.

It’s time for Donald Trump to stop using vets as political props, donate the rest of the money he raised and build a real understanding of the needs and concerns of the men and women who have served America.”

These are the people who signed the statement in protest of Trump:

Former Senator Max Cleland, Captain, U.S. Army, 1965-1968
Congressman Ruben Gallego, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, 2000-2006
Congressman Seth Moulton, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, 2001-2008
State Senator Pat Spearman, Lt. Colonel, U.S. Army, 1977-2007
State Assemblyman Elliot Anderson, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, 2001-2005
State Representative Hank Naughton, U.S. Army Reserves
Seamus P. Ahern, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, 2000-2006
Lee Beaulac, Sergeant, U.S. Army, 1966-1970
Patrick Bellon, Specialist, U.S. Army, 2002-2005
Charlie Brown, Lt. Colonel, U.S. Air Force, 1972-1998
William Bunch, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force, 1982-1988
Tahlia Burton, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force, 2008-2013
Laura Cabrera, Petty Officer 1st Class, U.S. Navy, 1998-2006
If not, then without any delay ink cost of viagra pills it today. This chemical is accountable for the production viagra pills from canada of a vital enzyme known as PDE5. Can chiropractic care help manage Look At This discounts on cialis stress? My answer for this question would be a big YES. Reproduction is a basic way to defend themselves by all forms of life, each individual organism exists tadalafil in canada as the result of a process of reproduction by his predecessor. Robert Cain, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force, 2001-2007
Virgel Cain, Petty Officer 2nd Class, U.S. Navy, 1963-1968
Jason Cain, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army, 2000-2010
Jane Campbell, Captain, U.S. Navy, 1990-2015
Kelsey Campbell, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force, 2002-2009
Matthew J. Cary, Specialist, U.S. Army Reserve, 1969-1975
Asha Castleberry, Captain, U.S. Army, 2005-2015
Margaret Cope, Colonel, U.S. Air Force, 1981-2011
Carlos Del Toro, Commander, U.S. Navy, 1979-2004
Greg Douquet, Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, 1985-2015
Sean M. Easter, Sergeant, U.S. Army, 2002-2010
Thomas Fant, Seaman, U.S. Coast Guard, 1996-1998
Sonia Fernandez, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, 1993-1996
Jonathan Freeman, Captain, U.S. Army, 2004-2008
Kristofer Goldsmith, Sergeant, U.S. Army, 2004-2007
Kia Thomas Hamel, Petty Officer 3rd Class, U.S. Navy, 1994-1998
Robert S. Hamer, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, 2011-2016
Gail Harris, Captain, U.S. Navy, 1973-2001
Kate Hoit, Specialist, U.S. Army Reserve, 2001-2009
Keith Howard-Streicher, Specialist, U.S. Army, 2008-2011
Andrew Janiszewski, Captain, U.S. Air Force, 2006-2014
Tony Johnson, Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, 1994-1997
Brian Adam Jones, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, 2009-2013
Peter James Kiernan, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, 2007-2013
Hansen Mak, Captain, U.S. Army, 1996-2008
Alexander McCoy, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, 2008-2013
Justin McFarlin, Captain, U.S. Army, 2005-2010
Jillian McNerney, Captain, U.S. Air Force, 2004-2012
Michael McNerney, Captain, U.S. Air Force, 2002-2006
Sua Peni Mene, Sergeant Major U.S. Army, 1988-2015
Rob Miller, Major, U.S. Marine Corps, 1995-2008
Tom Mullens, Petty Officer 3rd Class, U.S. Navy, 1971-1977
George A. Pivik, Colonel, U.S. Army, 1993-2013
Lawrence Ramos, Petty Officer 3rd Class, U.S. Navy, 1943-1952
Anne Jordan Rawley, Captain, U.S. Navy, 1966-1994
Dmitriy Redka, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, 1997-2005
Scott Rutter, Lt. Colonel, U.S. Army 1983-2003
Terron Simms II, Captain, U.S. Army, 2000-2005
Tommy Sowers, Major, U.S. Army, 1998-2009
Bobby J. Thornburg, Colonel, U.S. Army, 1968-2000
Adam Tiffen, U.S. Army, 2005-2008
Martin E. Torrey, Commander, U.S. Navy, 1972-1992
Shawn VanDiver, Petty Officer 1st Class, U.S. Navy, 2001-2013
Loren Voss, Captain, U.S. Air Force, 2008-2013
Patricia Webb, Colonel, U.S. Air Force, 1978-2011
Tony Woods, Captain, U.S. Army, 2003-2008

The Wannabe Wallace


Actually, those words were said by George Wallace in 1963 when, after three African-Americans were accepted to the University of Alabama and a federal district judge had to order that they be admitted, and Governor Wallace was forbidden from interfering, he stood defiantly blocking the doors to that institution.

When Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach  told Wallace to step aside, Wallace interrupted Katzenbach and gave a speech that included the above words. Katzenbach called President Kennedy , who federalized the Alabama National Guard, and Guard General Henry Graham commanded Wallace to step aside, saying, “Sir, it is my sad duty to ask you to step aside under the orders of the President of the United States.” Wallace then spoke further, but eventually moved, and the students entered.

Certainly, Governor McCrory isn’t attempting to recreate that scene in front of ladies’ restrooms throughout his state.

Besides, since Wallace’s days, we have had such things as the Civil Rights Act enacted, as has been the Americans with Disabilities Act which would seem to be loosely relevant since people who are not psychologists and who are not taking time to learn what Transgender really means freely claim anyone who is Transgender must be sick.

According to the Department of Justice, North Carolina’s “Bathroom Bill” “stigmatizes and singles out transgender employees, results in their isolation and exclusion, and perpetuates a sense that they are not worthy of equal treatment and respect.”

McCrory may claim “states rights” and that if a state wants discriminatory laws they should be able to have them, but this is the United States of America, and citizens should be able to retain their rights as they move from state to state.

Jim Crow is dead.

According to Loretta Lynch, the Department Of Justice’s objection to the North Carolina law “is about the dignity and respect that we accord our fellow citizens and the laws we have enacted as a country to protect them and to protect us.”

North Carolina was given until Monday to repeal the law, or lose federal money, which would include millions of dollars in federal aid to public schools and the University of North Carolina,  because the law violates federal civil rights statutes.

Instead of complying, Governor Pat McCrory filed a lawsuit against the federal government claiming the Justice Department’s legal position was “a baseless and blatant overreach” and a radical reinterpretation of federal laws.

“Transgender status is not a protected class” under the law, the lawsuit said.

“The Obama administration is bypassing Congress by attempting to rewrite the law,” McCrory said during a briefing Monday before then asserting that he “wholeheartedly” supports fighting discrimination.
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“I want to ensure the people of our state and our country, North Carolina has long held traditions of equality.”

But President Obama has said strongly that the law is inconsistent with values of fairness and equality and justice.

North Carolina’s attorney general, Roy Cooper, said earlier when the law was passed that he would not defend the bathroom law in court, so McCrory had to hire two private law firms to draft and file the suit.

Of course, for convenience, the lawsuit omitted any mention of a separate provision of the Civil Rights Act that bars sex discrimination by public schools and that a federal appeals court ruled in April that the Act prohibits discrimination against transgendered students.

“A school generally must treat transgender students consistent with their gender identity,” the federal regulation said.

If the law was strictly related to Transgender people, although just as discriminatory and a violation of civil rights, that would be one thing, but the North Carolina law, exercising a bit of overreach itself, blocks an anti-discrimination ordinance passed by the city council in Charlotte, which McCrory had called “government overreach.”

Beyond any DOJ action, the law has already had negative effects on the state as multi-billion-dollar companies continue to withdraw investment from the state as some residents move to “friendlier” locations.

And the state faces lawsuits by individuals and various civil rights organizations, including the ACLU.

“Transgender people work for the state of North Carolina, attend school in North Carolina, and are a part of every community across the state. It is unconscionable that the government is placing a target on their backs to advance this discriminatory political agenda,” the ACLU has said. “Lawsuits are normally filed to stop discrimination — not to continue it.”

He may be standing at the restroom door attempting to be some sort of Wallace wannabe, but the people McCrory is facing are not the ones Wallace did in 1963.


(a word of thanks to James Nimmo of OKC)

Differential equation = terroristic scribbling.





It’s one thing to hate math (apologies for this bit of reality to my Math teaching friends), but what is worse is not recognizing it.

How little attention have people paid in math class, or how many scientist movies have they sat through without ever looking at the ubiquitous chalk board with all the weird writing on it that sits in a scientist’s lab or a professor’s office?

American Airlines delayed a recent flight for more than two hours after a passenger suspected a professor who was writing out math equations was a terrorist.

The low achieving passenger had “expressed some concerns” about the behavior of a male passenger. She thought he was writing in terrorist language.

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The pilot asked Menzio to get off the plane as a flight attendant escorted the other passenger off as well because in her note, along with her expressed concern about the terroristic writing,  she had mentioned she felt sick.

“I thought they were trying to get clues about her illness,” Menzio has explained. “Instead, they tell me that the woman was concerned that I was a terrorist  because I was writing strange things on a pad of paper.”

Although, after the two hours he had been questioned by airport security, Menzio was back on the plane, his former seatmate opted to take another flight.

How paranoid are people getting?

Note to self:

Leave the sketch pad in the carry-on you might find space for in the overhead bin.


God’s first prank


From Genesis (the book in the Bible, not the band),

So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man.

The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”

So, two thoughts.

Since the rib had Adam’s DNA, that of a male, and there is no mention of God doing any sort of modification to that, wouldn’t that mean that Eve, having the DNA of a male was, in  fact, herself a male?
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Therefore, it had to be Adam and Steve.

However, if God took the rib of a male with male DNA, when he made it into female, He would have obviously had to change the sex of the new creation from male to female, thereby performing  the first Male to Female transition.

So, either Eve was male, or she was Transgender.

Where could Eve pee in places like North Carolina?

If you believe the Bible is inerrant, then you have to either accept the Adam and Steve scenario, or the Transgender one.

But you certainly cannot conveniently ignore them.

The Bible is inerrant.


How can not knowing history possibly make a person look stupid

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Meanwhile in the U.S. Senate

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a note to the Bernie or Bust crowd. It’s bigger than the moment


I was talking to a young person over a beer one day. She and her friends, who chimed in, were in their mid to late twenties, and were getting involved with politics for the first time. It isn’t the first time they could vote, but four years ago they had assumed President Obama would just get re-elected because, well, they liked him and assumed everyone else did too.

They were young, just out of high school and college, and politics was too dusty a thing at their age at a time when they were starting their careers and living as independent adults for the first time.

As far as the down ballot races, mid-term elections for things like the House and Senate do not have the same pizazz as presidential ones, and they had basically sat things out.

They are very hot on one presidential candidate, and told me that if that person did not get the party nomination, they would either not vote, or would vote for the other party’s candidate because they wanted to make a statement and teach a lesson to the older generations.

I appreciated their energy and interest in the election, but I thought I needed to set them straight.

I told them that I am in my mid-sixties, and although I prefer not to, if I were to die in the next four to five years, as much as a bummer as that might be, I have lived a pretty good life. I have moved around the country, have met all kinds of people from the homeless guy who slept by a city pool to governors and Senators. I have accomplished things in my life that have made a difference, and of which I am proud. My life generally has been a good one, and I have contributed to making the world a better place for those alive now, and those yet to be born. So, if I die soon, it was a good life, and no one can take that away from me.

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If Trump becomes president, it is not too much of a stretch to consider I may not have to live through his tenure, or have to deal too long with the damage he might do to the country and by extension the world.

They, however, barring a tragically early death, have at least forty years to live with the tenure and its aftermath to get to be my age.

Their intention may be to teach me and my generation some lesson, but it is they who will have to live with the results of that lesson far longer than we old people will.

Perhaps they should really think their strategy through.

It does not seem to be a good one, especially if they do not realize that the election is not just for election day, but for all the time after, a time that will affect their lives longer than it will us geezers.

Loyalty is a good thing, but blind loyalty is not.

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