We’re here…………………

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Each morning this month when I sit in front of my computer with my first cup of coffee of the day to check my email inbox and Facebook posts to see how my friends are doing and which psychic reader has all the answers for me on any given day, both are filled with reminders, reports, and pictures about Pride Month.

I have noticed a trend when pictures of proud GLBT people are included. They are all pictures of stereotypical shirtless, muscular, young Gay men and semi-clad curvaceous , young women in places with great scenery. If all you knew of The Gay Community came from these pictures, many from advocacy groups, you would think there is an age limit on survival within the GLBT Community, and only one body type.

Proud Gay people all seem to be between the ages of 16 and somewhere in their 30’s, mostly White, with an aversion to clothing. They all go the gym, live in tony neighborhoods, and have great taste in clothes, and apparently the incomes to afford both.

What you don’t see are older GLBT people, and as one of those, this bothers me.

How can we claim to be proud, when we send the old guys into the kitchen when people come over?

At one point the older members of the community were young, and they lived in the time when being Gay meant finding ways to survive in an oppressive society without many of the rights enjoyed now.

Bars were hidden and places to meet were limited and clandestine.

These older guys are the people who rebelled against this and fought to get what too many assume is the way it was, is, and the way it will remain.

These are the people who gave much of their youth through their older years working for change and have the battle scars to show for it. They lost their jobs, their housing, their significant others. They were jailed and beaten. Some are alone because somewhere in time someone thought it was perfectly acceptable to beat to death, many times after some torture, the person they loved.

They saw friends die because people accepted that AIDS was a punishment from a horribly cruel God.
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And, yet, here they are still around.

That old guy sitting at the end of the bar that you assume is just some old guy sitting at the end of the bar may have been one of the people who made it possible for the young members of the community to walk into and out of a club without the fear of being clubbed or arrested for simply having been in there.

Those two old guys you can’t imagine having sexual relations, ewww, have been together for years and showed their love of each other by going through the history they did in spite of what they faced.

They forced open the closet doors, and in many places took them off the hinges.

They are proud of what they have accomplished, but don’t seem to deserve that being acknowledged because they are not, apparently, photogenic enough.

If your only conception of the Stonewall Rebellion is that recent and smarmy misrepresentation of it in that confused movie (Thank you hinterland white kid who came to town to get it all going), or all those iconic black and white photos from that time, that is Stonewall frozen in time, but the people in them aren’t, and they have aged.

Within the last year I as admonished by a 25 year old in a progressive state who has never known discrimination, tacitly accepted bullying in school, loss of housing and employment, or the fear of being beaten just for being, that had the older people done something when they were young, perhaps they would have gotten the rights he enjoys today when they were his age. He apparently does not know who got him those rights and how long and hard they fought to get them.

He is the prospector’s grandson who, after inheriting the mining company the grandfather formed after finding what he had been looking for, can’t understand how it could possibly have been hard for his grandfather in  light of all the equipment and employees he has inherited.

Don’t hide the old guys. If you are really proud, be proud of them too.


John McCain wanders off.


Like quite a few people, if not most, I put aide everything I usually do on Thursdays so that I could watch the James Comey testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee

For the most part I found it interesting, and totally understood Comey’s decision to begin documenting his conversations with the president because of the impression he was given during the one where he was asked for his loyalty. I had been in a situation where a certain conversation for whom I worked signaled my need to keep copious documents. For those who have never been there, you know that moment when it happens.

In my case it paid off.

I also saw how his answers to questions might be interpreted to support people’s opinions and preconceived conclusions regardless whether or not they agreed with him. And I was correct on that when Trump’s attorney gave his reaction to Comey’s testimony which was basically twisting answers to fit his narrative even if that required  verbal gymnastics.

The odd segment was Senator McCain.

I am sure when he was done, those who has invited him to attend, an invitation that was certainly extended to him since he is not a member of that committee but the Armed Services Committee.

The senator did not seem to grasp that if there are two unrelated investigations taking place at the same time and one either got resolved or ended because it had gone nowhere, that does not mean when you end it you have to end the other unrelated one.

McCain stated,,

“In the case of Hillary Clinton, you made the statement that there wasn’t sufficient evidence to bring a suit against her, although it had been very careless in their behavior, but you did reach a conclusion in that case that it was not necessary to further pursue her, yet at the same time in the case of Mr. Comey (He meant Trump) you said that there was not enough information to make a conclusion. Tell me the difference between your conclusion as far as former Secretary Clinton is concerned and Mr. Trump.”

Comey’s answer was clearly explained and clearly understandable.

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That should have been the end of it.

But McCain could not grasp that. To him if one ended, so should have the other, and if one was still going on, the other should be as well. So his next few questions seemed to be an attempt to establish his confusing the Hillary case that was about her emails and ended when it was concluded that while Clinton may have been “extremely careless”, there were no laws broken so there was nothing to charge her, with the investigation around Russian interference in our elections.

Meanwhile the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election and any possible collusion with elements of the Trump campaign, besides being a totally different thing, is still ongoing.

McCain, somehow, saw this as a double standard.

Given the opportunity after the hearing McCain explained his thinking.

“It seemed that he investigated, he decided without the Department of Justice deciding, that there would be no reason to bring charges against then-secretary of state Clinton and at the same time — candidate Clinton. And at the same time, the investigation continues to go on concerning President Trump and his people. I don’t understand how you can say in one case there’s no reasons to consider — continue it, and he says that the Russian engagement was a big deal in his words, and I agree with him, but yet it seems a double standard.”

One person is pulled over for speeding because he was 20 mph over the speed limit, and given a ticket. Another is pulled over for a burned out tail light, but when the officer taps it, the light comes back on because it was not burned out but loose, and after the bulb is tightened, the driver is allowed to drive on without a ticket.

To McCain, apparently, this would be a double standard.

He later said he may have been somewhat confused during hi questioning of Comey because he stayed up late.

Now that really puts us AARP aged people in an awkward light.

Big day today, and I’m ready

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The REAL bottleneck


According to Trump, in spite of the fact that the Republican are in charge of both houses of Congress and he has not been nominating people to key positions, and some whom he has nominated may not be all that willing to join his administration, he tweeted on Monday,

“ Dems are taking forever to approve my people, including Ambassadors. They are nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want approvals.

However, the reality is that, in spite of having to fill 559 key positions, he has only nominated 117 people to fill the open spots, and of the 53 positions at the Pentagon, he has only filled 5,

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Part of his problem is that he insists that those he is considering nominating, must declare loyalty to him, and part of that loyalty is that they must have never said anything against him. So when it is remembered that last August the majority of senior Republican national security officials signed a letter saying they would not vote for Trump and an additional 120 national security  leaders had signed a similar letter a few months before, there are a lot of people automatically out of the running.

So, as much as Trump and his people say that President Obama’s people are fighting against him in some “deep state” secret government, so many unfilled positions dealing with national security and defense are held by holdovers.

You can’t consider nominees until they are nominated.
Trump might want to blame the Democrat for the administration’s bottle neck, but he is clearly the problem.

Trump is the model parent

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Those of us who are the “Old Guys” in the Democratic Party were once the young guys.

Many of the people I have worked with over the years became involved in high school, or college, and have attempted to move the country toward the future, but it had not been easy.

When the concept of a civil country based on civil laws began to spook the religious extremists we got the Moral Majority and the birth of Evangelicals who began to replace politics for the teachings of Jesus, and along came Ronald Reagan who knew how to play that.

It’s not easy to bring progress about when a political party begins to push the idea that if you voted for the “wrong guy” you would make Jesus weep causing God to send you to burn in hell for eternity.

Politics was for too many a spectator sport where the majority sat on the sidelines expressing their disapproval if things did no go the way they would have liked even as they had the opportunity but chose not to help bring their expectations to fruition.

When you look at poll numbers for the latest elections, very few people actually voted, but many expressed their anger with the results.

Sadly it took the election of Donald Trump to wake people up to the reality that if you do not vote you allow the wrong person to get in office, so your non-vote is in reality a vote for the guy you do not want.

In this past election there were a number of people who did not vote in protest of the candidates. but one of them got elected anyway.

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I was actually told by more than one young person in their twenties, that they were not going to vote because “you old people need to be taught a  lesson”.

I don’t thin they thought it through because they have the same president we old people do.

I was at the Massachusetts Democratic state convention this past weekend. Out of the total of 4,500 people in attendance, 1,500 of them were first time attendees.

They had gotten out of the stands and finally entered the game.

That number was 33%, 1/3, of those making the Massachusetts Democratic Platform the most progressive ever.

If you want change, you have to work for it, and finally that message was accepted.

It was good to see that things could get better, provided this is not a one shot deal where they feel they have done their part and now go back up into the stands to watch.

Welcome aboard, now stay on the ship.

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Explain this to the kid


This is Donald Trump’s tweet regarding the picture of Kathy Griffin with his severed head:

“Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!”

My first problem with this is that he seems to have to explain things to four adults ages 39, 35, 33, and 23, one his close advisor in the White House, and two presently running his businesses. These are adults in responsible positions. What does he have to explain t them? And are they so sensitive that they need his explanation and comforting words? Are they that sensitive?

Two of them shoot animals.

They are his adult off-spring, and, although they may not like the picture, they certainly can’t be that fragile.

As far as Barron, who we are not supposed to talk about, or bring up, unlike what his father did by using him as a pity point in the discussion, doesn’t he have to deal with a father who has bragged about grabbing pussy; who told people at his rallies that he would pay their legal fees if any in attendance were sued for assaulting someone; who told the Second Amendment crowd  that they know how to deal with Hillary Clinton; publicly admitted he likes to come on to married women and, while people his age were fighting in Viet Nam, his biggest fear at the time was getting an STD from one of the many women he seduced; who seduced Barron’s mother while still married to the mother of his older siblings; and then invited Ted Nugent to dine at the White House even though he spoke in favor of having President Obama killed on a number of occasions, once even telling him to suck on his machine gun?

When Nugent said such thing as,

“We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their [the Obama administration’s] heads off in November”,

 “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year”,

“Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun”,

And even when he went after Senator Harry Reid with,

“If your child is dying and there’s only one way to get to the doctor, would you get on Harry Reid’s boat to get there? Then your child’s dead. I’d get on the boat, I’d get there and then I’d shoot him”,

Trump explained that such remarks were simply Nugent expressing “the anger people have towards” Obama.

While Griffin should be ashamed for expressing “the anger people have towards” him, Nugent was rewarded.

Explain that to the kid.

While he bragged about grabbing pussy, Trump became the president and Billy Bush lost his job.

Explain that to the kid.

And as the right wing conservatives go self-righteously nuts about Griffin, one of their idols, Sara Palin, described the Nugent dinner as,

 “President Trump’s invitation for dinner included bringing a couple of friends; it was the highest honor to have great Americans who are independent, hardworking, patriotic, and unafraid share commonsense solutions at the White House.”

Explain that to the kid.
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As far as his own conduct:

At Dayton, Ohio, when a protester tried to rush the stage, but was stopped, Trump clearly mouthed,

“I’ll beat the crap out of you.”

When demonstrators in St. Louis, Missouri, were being escorted out of the rally there, and it was taking up his speaking time as he waited for security to walk them out, Trump intoned,

 “You know, part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right?”

After a Black man was sucker punched as he was being led out of a rally, in response to a question about his rhetoric that seemed to encourage behavior like that, Trump answered,

“The audience hit back and that’s what we need a little bit more of.”

At another time as protesters were being led out of a rally he offered,

“They used to treat them very, very rough, and when they protested once, they would not do it again so easily, we’ve become weak.”

And at another,

“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously.”

Explain that to the kid.

In Brussels he roughly pushed a head of state out of his way before smugly adjusting his jacket while ignoring the man he pushed.

Explain that to the kid.

But considering you never see him with Baron, and the kid has his own floor in Trump tower, I wonder if he even talks to the kid, which would make his sitting down and explaining anything to him a remote possibility.

He used his youngest as a prop.

And his other “children” are a little too old to have Daddy explain things like this to them.

Bullying is only okay if you are allowed to bully, and wrong when it is thrown back?

No, bullying is never acceptable, and Trump as a bully is not acceptable adult behavior.

Explain that to the kid

The man who has no friends makes a country without them

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And our former allies willingly cut us free.