A gay history month moment

It was one of those days when a good house cleaning involved rearranging my living room and reconfiguring the placement of my art space. In the process of moving a bookshelf I came across a small, purple, plastic statuette of Tinky Winky.

For those wwo remember back over 20 years and for those too young to know how demonic the Teletubbies to which they may have been innocently exposed by naïve parents actually were, let me recount the situation.

Among all his claims about “the Gays” were such gems as his saying, “Remember homosexuals do not reproduce. They recruit,” Jimmy Carter employed “practicing homosexuals” in the White House, and when her sitcom character came out of the closet in 1997, Jerry Falwell, the founder of the Moral Majority that got its voice when it decided the best way to get adherents was to use a safe minority, the Gays, as a threat from which good people needed protection, called Ellen Degeneris “Ellen Degenerate.”

“The Gays” was a safe choice as Blacks were out because of the recent Civil Rights activities and Jews had been through the Holocaust and the Evangelicals needed to be united with Israel to bring about the end times.

People’s lack of knowledge about Gay people made it possible for Falwell to say whatever he wanted in a voice of God related authority, and his every lie took on the veneer of truth.

He saw Homosexuals lurking in the shadows spreading the “Homosexual Agenda” and forcing their “lifestyle” on the unsuspecting and were the bringers of natural disasters and the end of society as we know it.

Teletubbies was a British television show for preschoolers airing on public television between 1998 and 2008. Although it had some creepy aspects, the weird baby-faced sun, the narrator who had to translate their gibberish, and the Teletubbies themselves, those four rotund creatures, each a different color, who lived in a simple, cartoonish English countryside spending their days rolling around on the grass, eating toast and custard, babbling in that high-pitched baby talk that required the narrator, and had television screens embedded in their bellies, it was colorful, uncomplicated, cute, and, although attention seizing for toddlers, really annoying for adults.

Jerry Falwell, always looking for some farfetched monster to justify his equally farfetched need to protect the country from his imagination, claimed in a 1999 article, “Parents Alert: Tinky Winky Comes Out of the Closet”, that he published in his own magazine, that one of the Teletubbies was Gay.

He had arrived at that conclusion because one Teletubby, Tinky Winky, was

 “purple—the gay pride color, and his antenna is shaped like a triangle—the gay pride symbol.”

Tinky Winky also had a toddler boy’s voice, if one can discern the gender of a two year old solely on the voice, and often carried a red purse, making him a stealth Gay, one of those Gays who are there but not seen, promoting the Gay Agenda and the end of society subliminally and non-stop.

He repeated this on a subsequent Today Show appearance telling the host that to have

“little boys running around with purses and acting effeminate and leaving the idea that the masculine male, the feminine female is out, and gay is OK” is something “Christians do not agree with.”

The Teletubbies were obviously unclothed, so anyone who ever owned a pet would be hard pressed to see any real sexual characteristics that would make them anything but gender non-binary.

I was teaching in the Buckle of the Bible Belt when this happened and, finding a five inch Tinky Winky statuette on one those impulse buy shelves by the cash register at a local dollar store, bought it, and put it on my desk at school as just one more little, easy to overlook Gay thing that I had on my desk as, being an openly Gay teacher in a closet preferring environment, it could signal GLBT students that there was an ally if they got the hint, and to show everyone that I was as ashamed of who I was as they obviously were of who they were judging by all their Jesus clothes and jewelry, Ethnic and Racially related clothing often with some slogan of pride cialis cost canada Along these lines don’t take this medicine 1 hour before making love with your partner. http://robertrobb.com/?iid=8708 buy levitra online At that situation it can take some more hours to be maintained during the consumption period of time. cialis 100mg In order to have a good sexual stimulant. They become easy prey for addiction to drugs, alcohol, pornography, and deviant sexual female viagra canada behaviors. in their group, or some other entity of which they were proud regardless of the opinions of others.

There were on my desk a small plastic stand with three flags on it, the U.S. flag, the state flag, and a pride flag, taking up four inches in length and six in height, a small wrist chain with 6 links in the Pride flag colors long enough to go around my wrist before the clasp broke, as obvious as a piece of yarn about 6 inches long that just laid there on my desk, the Tinky Winky statuette, with some positive Gay youth books on a small shelf behind my desk that was not too obvious, but was discoverable by any curious student. And it was.

In addition to the small things on my desk, for Gay History month I had posted a list of GLBT people who had made contributions to civilization on one of my classroom bulletin board, the one in the back, and did so with no mention, allowing the students to discover it on their own which they did, and carefully read for familiar names.

There had been no issue with any of this as I was already known to my students and the whole district as a Gay man, until one student complained that these in your face Homosexual things offended her religious sensibilities, and, being the Buckle of the Bible Belt, this one religious based complaint was enough to set panic in motion.

On the evening after the student’s father had gotten on the news complaining about the provably not huge, ostentatious, Gay display, a non-existent class on Homosexuality, and the usual victim-assuming claim that while Gay stuff was allowed all over the campus, his daughter was not allowed to bring a Bible to school, with his daughter expressing offense at this affront to her religion, the Keystone Kops of an administration went into panic mode.

Accompanied by his Vice-Principal and the Dean of Instruction, the principal had gone to my room that evening to remove anything Gay related, but found he had to contact the union president to see if he could get me to go to the classroom and help remove things. By the time the union president was able to contact me the principal’s main concern was his inability to find the huge, industrial sized chain with rainbow colors on it that the student had included in those things that bothered her. The chain could not be found, and the principal feared that if the parent saw it in the morning there would be a scene.

The fact that he was in the room and unable to see the chain should have been an indication of the extent to which the student had exaggerated her discomfort with those things in my room. I refused to report to the school on the grounds that I would not be party to the removal of the “Gay things” and my expressed fear that to enter the school so far after hours could set me up for a charge of trespassing.

I was advised by Central Administration to take the next day off to defuse the situation, and was contacted by the local news media who slunk off after seeing the situation for what it was and not some story with lewdness and depraved sexuality. There was none of the anticipated pictures of men ranging from two men kissing to full on in flagrante delicto activities, just a list of the names of famous people.

After an odd whirl-wind two nights, one day circus, I returned to my class to see that anything the three stooges saw as Gay related, and their understanding of Gay related was obviously frighteningly very broad, had been removed, but left behind, and this I found telling, were the books behind my desk which they, and the student, hadn’t bothered to check out, and, standing alone on the desk abandoned by just about everything else including generic pens, was Tinky Winky, the one thing that, according to Jerry Falwell was the height of Gay flaunting and recruitment.

When I moved back to my home state I donated the books to a local GLBT youth group, threw out the chain, it was broken and easy to lose anyway, rolled up the poster of names I continued to post every year I was at that high school for sentimental reasons, and, apparently threw Tinky Winky in a box o’ things, from which it found its way to the back of a book shelf when I settled into my present digs.

Interestingly, 10 years before this Jerry Falwell connected event, as a teacher in Los Angeles who did cartoons for the Los Angeles teachers Union newspaper, my job was threatened by the school board whose members did not like my cartoons about them and their failures, a threat that lost its power with the ruling of the Supreme Court in Falwell’s case against Hustler magazine’s Larry Flint.

Another moment in my Gay History of which I still have a piece.

happy coming out day

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snow blind

My brother did one of those DNA things to learn whatever our genes revealed.

I’m Boston-Irish Catholic born before Vatican II, and pride of heritage made me and many like me proud of that. Who was more Irish was a mild competition that surfaced every St. Patrick’s Day at my elementary school.

My father told us a few times, in such a way we couldn’t tell how serious if at all he was being, that we had some Eskimo in us through his mother’s side of the family. Eventually, over time the Eskimo became more of a Canadian First Nations connection, so in reality, if anything, it was a drop of Cree or Mic-Mac  blood, if there was to be a genetic trace at all.

The results showed that my family is White. Gene charts might show a collection of genes from various ancient groups, but they were all European and all Caucasian.

I was as disappointment with the lack of any “exotic” secret in my family’s ancestry and would not have a little tidbit to share as I was when in introduction to French in elementary school (“Regardez. Ecoutez. Repetez”) when we learned our names in French, and, while Steven became Etienne, my Joseph stayed Joseph.

So I know what being Caucasian is. I have the gene report to prove it.

Thank God that in the Nature vs Nurture paradigm my nurturing kept me from becoming White, Mike Pence white.

This is the guy who:

  • said cigarettes are good for you because the scientists were wrong while the tobacco companies, with no dog in the fight of course, said the opposite;
  • co-sponsored the Marriage Protection Amendment and the Marriage Protection Act in 2004;
  • as Governor of Indiana issued a memo directing agencies not to comply with a ruling to recognize same-sex unions;
  • responded to the Supreme Court ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, by stating, “I believe marriage is the union between one man and one woman, and I am disappointed that the Supreme Court failed to recognize the historic role of the states in setting marriage policy in this country.”;
  • opposed the repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” rule because, he claimed doing so would “break of faith” with the military, and GLBT servicemembers would hurt morale and unit cohesion;
  • in his 2000 congressional campaign suggested that funding for HIV prevention programming should be suspended and those funds should go to organizations that  were involved with conversion therapy and when running for vice president he repeatedly refused to disavow the comments or clarify them;
  • in 2007 voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that would have outlawed justifying discrimination based on “religious freedom” across the US because it included the GLBT Community;
  • as governor of Indiana signed a law that allows religious people and businesses to cite their conscience as a defense in legal disputes;
  • when asked, “Yes or no: do you believe gay and transgender people should be able to be fired from their jobs just for that reason only?”, he responded after an awkward ten second pause, “It’s a great privilege to be your governor.”
  • as governor of Indiana was responsible for the largest documented outbreak of HIV in 2014 and 2015 while closing HIV testing centers and banning needle exchanges despite such programs being a proven method of HIV prevention;
  • in 2007, when the House of Representatives considered a bill to add sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability to the federal hate crimes prevention act said on the floor of the House Chamber that hate crimes laws “serve no practical purpose” and that
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           “intentionally or unintentionally, could have a chilling effect on the religious expression and the religious freedom of millions of Americans. The hate crimes bill before us today makes a federal offence out of any violent crime that is alleged to be motivated by gender identity, including, for instance, people who describe themselves as transexuals. Even though the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990, as amended in 1994, never collected any data to show that such hate crimes are even occurring.”;

  • has been the butt of Trump’s making fun of his extreme religious views as when, during meeting with a legal scholar  and thediscussion turned to GLBT rights, the president joked, “Don’t ask that guy – he wants to hang them all!”.
  • Voted against expansion of hate-crime protection.
  • voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation.
  • voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman.
  • voted YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
  • said, “Police officers hear the bad-mouthing that comes from people that seize upon tragedy in the wake of police action shootings as a reason to use a broad brush to accuse law enforcement of implicit bias or institutional racism. That has got to stop. When an African-American police officer in Charlotte was involved in a police action shooting that claimed the life of Keith Lamont Scott, it was a tragedy. Clinton actually referred to that moment as an example of implicit bias in the police force; when she was asked whether there was implicit bias in law enforcement, her only answer was that there’s implicit bias in everyone in the US. We ought to stop seizing on these moments of tragedy. We ought to assure the public that we’ll have a full and complete and transparent investigation whenever there’s a loss of life because of police action. Enough of this seeking every opportunity to demean law enforcement broadly by making the accusation of implicit bias every time tragedy occurs.”
  • said, “I would suggest [that] what we need to do is assert a stronger leadership at the national level to support law enforcement. You just heard Kaine reject stop-and-frisk. I would suggest to you that the families that live in our inner cities that are besieged by crime [would benefit from it”;
  • Said, “Trump and I are going to make sure that law enforcement have the resources and the tools to be able to really restore law and order to the cities and communities in this nation”;
  • Said this about reuniting a racially divided nation,  “The faith community, I believe, has before and can again pay an enormously important role in healing the divide in our country,” but what wouldn’t help was “this talk of institutional bias, or racism, within law enforcement.” 

So here, at the Vice-Presidential Debate, we saw a very White, heterosexual, evangelical man who is willing to deny U.S. citizens their rights on the grounds of his religion, holds that the summer protesters were anti-American and disrespectful toward whichever group gets the best political response, sees no racial problem within law enforcement, theatrically leaves a football game like a drag queen given a penny as a tip would swoop off the stage because the players on the field took a knee to protest racial inequity, grew up white in a very white state that had seven Jim Crow laws in the areas of education and miscegenation, adoption, and the voiding of any interracial marriage existing when the law banning interracial marriage was passed in 1952, and was raised comfortably in a middle class family totally shielded from the conditions of people unlike himself telling Kamala Harriis during the Flygate Debate,

“This presumption that you hear consistently from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that America is systemically racist, that, as Joe Biden said, law enforcement has an implicit bias against minorities, that is great insult to the men and women who serve in law enforcement.” 

Because no one knows the experiences of the GLBT Community, the Black, LatinX, and other minority communities than a very White, in mindset and visual appearance, heterosexual, evangelical man who is willing to deny U.S. citizens their rights on the grounds of his religion, holds with the summer protesters being anti-American and disrespectful toward whichever group gets the best political response, sees no racial problem within law enforcement, theatrically leaves a football game like a drag queen given a penny as a tip would swoop off the stage because the players on the field took a knee to protest racial inequity, grew up white in a very white state that seven Jim Crow laws in the areas of education and miscegenation, adoption, and the voiding of any interracial marriage existing when the law banning interracial marriage was passed in 1952, and raised comfortably in a middle class family totally shielded from the conditions of people unlike himself.

One of these is not like the other

Remember as a kid playing the visual game in a kid’s magazine, perhaps some adults still do if, when sitting in the dentist office all there is to read are outdated magazines still celebrating the recent moon landing with all the crosswords filled in and have only that kid’s magazine that seems emblematic of dentists, where there are two seemingly identical pictures in which the goal is to find the specified number of differences?

It was only after careful observation and concentration that the differences were found. Sometimes it was as easy as seeing one of six ducks is missing in one picture, or tough like when the New Bedford Whaling Museum does it on its Facebook page using old 19th to early 20th century photos where the most obscure thing in one photo is missing in the other.

A thinking person will take the time to examine both pictures, while the unthinking person will look at the two pictures and declare, without true examination, that both pictures care identical and that is that.

Same goes with this lazy, blanket assertion that in politics both sides play the people and are doing so by taking the same actions.

A thinking, not lazy person will look at the basis of the opposing factions to see if their actions are truly the same, or if they are getting to the finish line by different paths, one that benefits all of us or those that benefit a few select people, the politicians among them.

Travelling from Boston to Oklahoma by car, I have taken the major interstate highways, but also, having the time, taking minor two-lane highways through the hinterland in the states between the two places. Regardless which route I took, I ended in the same place, and while there were routes that I would recommend others making the same journey should take, and those I would not wish on anyone.

The routes cannot be judged as equal since, while they all ended up in the same place, what was encountered along the way makes some routes less desirable if not better to avoid.

Whenever there is a discussion of Climate change on the airwaves  both sides of the discussion acknowledge that there are those in the scientific field who accept that something must be done while the other side holds it is not that bad and should be ignored.

Yes, there are two sides, and from the usual one-on-one discussion it would appear that those who accept and those who deny are of equal number.

This is deceptive as 97% of actual scientists support the need to address climate change, leaving only 3% either denying it outright, or expressing some reservation about specifics. A petition a few years ago claimed it had over 300,000 signatures of scientists attesting that climate change is a hoax, , but there was no methodology to verify signatures and anyone who had taken science in college, regardless of the field, could sign it.

To have an honest discussion, any panel should have three people representing climate change deniers, and 97 scientists from the other side.

Or one denier with over 90 supporters.

One-on-one is extremely misleading and only gives false impression that both sides of the issue have equal numbers.

If four out of five doctors recommend a product, any discussion of it should illustrate the lopsided nature of support or rejection of the product.

In neither case are the sides equal.

In these present days of despair, as the president is willing to abandon a stimulus package that would help U.S. citizens and small businesses during the pandemic while favoring one religion over others by undoing Roe v Wade and Obergfell v Virginia so the religious beliefs of that religion on Choice and Same Sex Marriage can be forced on all citizens.

Although people may be correct in believing we are being played by politicians, many, if not most who make that complaint do so as if the playing by both sides is equal.

This is simply laziness.

We should educate ourselves as to the details that make up the playing.

Why is it important to rush a Supreme Court nomination to the bench, and hold off any direct help to the American people unless we are willing to buy it with our votes?

Why is a stimulus package passed in the Democrat run House in May sitting on Republican senate leader Mitch McConnel’s desk for five months?

Why was it necessary for the House to pass a second similar bill at the beginning of this month followed by Mitch McConnel calling a Senate recess until after the elections and without considering the House bill?

How is attempting to get the most help to the people and real small businesses, and resisting a package that contains insufficient financial support, the same thing as McConnell’s just letting a passed bill sit untouched?

Yes, there are those for and against a stimulus bill, but their reasons are not equal.

While all cities pay taxes with some paying more into the federal coffers than they will get back while with others it is the opposite as they profit off the taxes of others, how is the hold-up on a stimulus package because it denies  those ATM cities any stimulus help equal to holding up the package because, rather than help American citizens and real small businesses, the GOP wants to make sure that Saudi Arabia gets munitions as part of a stimulus package.

The playing is not equal.

How is any stimulus discussion put on hold because if we want it we must pay for it with our votes, and if we don’t deliver, we get nothing until after January 21, 2021, the same as fighting to get something done while, instead, using COVID as an excuse, the senate takes a vacation until after the elections while still meeting over the internet to appoint a Supreme Court justice to move the Court to a far right leaning, religiously controlled one?

How is a middle school kid picking on another kid a form of bullying equal to a gang of middle schoolers beating that same kid up?

Adults know there are degrees to things. Murder even has distinctions and do not all murders get the same punishment.

Although a stimulus package is on hold, the reasons Anxiety, stress, depression, injury, physical incompetence and much see for more cialis online more can be the reason behind this disorder. Testosterone vaccinations for cheap 25mg viagra men are extremely accepted with bodybuilders and they have been successfully utilizing them to put on muscular tissues. Using the right remedies you are able to enhance blood stream in the vessels of the heart. * During beginning generic cialis http://djpaulkom.tv/category/videos/page/8/ studies the medicine was found to have a significant reaction: people started to report an exceptional contrast in their capacity to attain and keep up an erection. Every man can use Sildamax to relieve erectile problems but sildenafil delivery has its own place. are not equal. One side has delivered a bill to the senate, and by procedure must let the Senate do its job. The House cannot direct the Senate as Congress is Bi-cameral.

After calling off any stimulus discussion, Trump later tweeted,

“If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy?”

Trump’s plan is to get people to assume Pelosi is holding things up when she already has delivered two fuller packages, and to put the GOP’s playing solely on Pelosi ignores that regardless what she does, it all relies on McConnell doing something in the Senate which he already could have.

In the meantime, as Trump wanders the halls of the White House like a one-man super spreader, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were already getting closer on a deal on a stimulus check that would mean more money than the first stimulus payment.

The bones of contention are that the House stimulus bill, passed in may, called for an extension of the additional unemployment money through January 2021.

Republicans see the $600 a week stipend as too high and a disincentive for unemployed persons to get back to work, even though, as with many GOP claims, like voter fraud, there is no evidence of this, and, perhaps, not getting a job right now is not by the worker’s choice, but the effect of COVID on businesses. In the Senate-proposed HEALS Act, that amount is reduced to $200.

The HEROES Act allows for approximately $500 billion in funding for state and local governments dealing with massive budget deficits because of the pandemic, and would be split up over two years. Obviously highly populated states like California, New York, Texas, and Florida would get large portions of the funds. The hope is that this could help cities and towns that are flying through their planned budgets because of an unplanned pandemic is creating a loss in local sales tax income since people are not spending money because of closures and loss of personal income that allows spending and sales tax.

Republicans oppose the idea of using federal dollars as a budgetary stopgap for states with their main reason for the opposition being that a significant amount of this funding would go to “blue” states, the ones whose taxes support many of the Red states. They want a stimulus package dependent on party loyalty not on being part of the country.

Since the purpose of the individual payments was to get spendable money into the hands of those who will spend it on local businesses boosting the economy, there was also a section in the Pelosi bill that dealt with undocumented workers with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number which has them paying taxes without getting anything from it like social security and annual income tax refunds. They pay into the tax system without any personal benefit, and they can only continue to do that if they keep their jobs, or by get some money if their workplaces close down. They’ve paid into the coffers and during this time they need help. It would be a nice way to thank them for giving the rest of us their money in the good times.

The Republican bill just cuts them off requiring that even though they pay the same taxes as documented or citizen workers, only those who have a Social Security number can get help. A catch-22 for these workers is that they cannot get stimulus money without a number even as money is taken out of their paychecks, but they can’t get a Social Security card to benefit from the deductions because of their status.

Trump, meanwhile wants a stimulus package that rejects both the House bill and the Senate’s planned bill, as he signed executive orders that would reinstate enhanced unemployment benefits at $400 extra per week and deferring payroll taxes for tens of millions of workers for the final four months of the year.

The result of halting payroll taxes might seem good in the moment, but it would result in a four month’s loss of Social Security contributions meaning less money for Americans when they retire if the system is not purposely bankrupted first.

Both Democrats and Republicans reject his idea, so Trump complicated things, and, thereby, caused an unnecessary and unneeded point of contention.

It is important to realize that a deferral is not the same thing as a tax reduction, tax forgiveness, or free money. It means that that money will have to be paid back at a later time, money that could have been collecting interest if it had gone into the Social Security coffers on schedule.

You have to pay it back.

When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced the Senate’s stimulus bill he insisted that a liability shield was needed to protect businesses from frivolous pandemic-related lawsuits through October 2024. Death caused by having had to report to an unhealthy workplace is seen as frivolous. If a person had to choose between losing unemployment because their old job opened up, or reporting to a questionable work environment there really is no choice no really a choice to choose between work, believes the return to work was the reason they came down with the virus, or even died from it, if they attempt to sue the employer, the worker would have to prove gross negligence or willful misconduct in order to win, effectively making it difficult for such a case reaching court. Business over workers who can always be replaced.

In spite of Trump’s calling off stimulus talk on Tuesday, Steven Mnuchin spoke with Nancy Pelosi the next morning to discuss a standalone bill for around $25 billion in relief for airlines. Pelosi had to inform him that on the previous Friday the bill he was advocating had been blocked by Republicans.

After the Democrats passed a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill last week  that included money for state and local governments, education and child care, a second $1,200 stimulus check, and an extra $600 of unemployment benefits through January, Trump called it a

“$2.4 Trillion Dollars to bailout poorly run, high crime, Democrat States, money that is in no way related to COVID-19.”

So, yeah, both parties are holding up a stimulus package, but it is important to examine the basis of their actions.

They are not equal.

While one party wants a package that benefits local municipalities and American workers and refuse to abandon that, the other wants to protect businesses by removing responsibility for endangering workers, making  stimulus payments dependent on political affiliation and loyalty to Trump, not the United States, while giving the least possible to the American worker and family and much to corporations.

Pick one.

One is not like the other.

With our needing it

Aristotle explains it

“Tragedy is the imitation of an action that is serious. complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; In the form of action, not narrative, through pity and fear affecting the proper purgation of these emotions.”

That is how Aristotle defined Tragedy in his Ars Poetica, and this is the definition my students were required to memorize.

A tragic incident is when something, usually as major as accidental death, happens to someone because of outside forces over which they have no control.

Tragedy, according to Aristotle comes from within.

Because society has rules of behavior and expectations, people are constantly holding back their emotions, men don’t cry, until the build up explodes and many besides the principle person are affected.

The audience knows the play is merely an imitation, so regardless of the emotional reaction to the plot, no emotion is out of bounds, nor do all audience members experience the same emotions from the same stimuli, knowing that no one was harmed, and the actors will all be back unharmed to do all over again.

The Tragic Hero starts out better than the audience by accident of birth, or some heroic actions on their part, but then falls lower than the audience because the hero not only loses his position, but show he is as capable of stupid decisions as the stupidest person in the audience because of hubris, an overriding pride and an exaggerated feeling of self-worth having the Tragic Hero making a bad decision, and continues throughout the play to hold to it in spite of additional information that the audience knows would change things if accepted.

The overriding pride leads to an unalterable plan of action, Ate, based on the unwillingness to consider facts initially unknown, but learned along the way. This leads to a point of no return, Hamartia, as events set in motion play out with the hero only seeing the light when it is too late to prevent disaster and the canoe goes over the falls.

Had they only listened.

The ultimate object of a Greek tragedy is to get the audience to see the importance of critical thinking with the emotional dust settling down as pity for the Tragic Hero who was initially a very likeable person with a pretty major flaw, and the fear that without critical thinking a moment of pig-headedness could spell personal disaster.

What is happening with the president, although not a true tragedy, does have many of the characteristics of a Greek Tragedy, minus the language embellished part. Trump, an alleged millionaire who inherited his wealth and a company to sustain it, seemed to have it all, fame, fortune, and continually reminds us his lifestyle is far superior to most of us. Ignoring science and medical experts decided to use COVID 19 as a political tool in refusing to Know More about Kamagra Jelly Kamagra jelly viagra prices canada is an amazing remedy for patients for erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. You can also lose weight through swimming, which is another great factor for better sex. order cheap levitra Visiting India tadalafil generic 20mg view that site for your medical tourism trip would not only experience drug resistance, side-effects, but also would experience diseases like pseudome mbranous colitis, diarrhea and so on. Some males gain harder erection, but unable to order generic viagra maintain stiffness of the male organ for deeper penetration into her genital passage, create more contact and friction during lovemaking and offer her enhanced sexual pleasure. promote isolation, social distancing, and mask wearing because the virus is one of those things he has total control over. However, unlike the Greek Tragic Hero, his actions affect more than himself. Millions, many who believe his every utterance, have tested positive for exposure to the virus with almost a quarter of a million of those dying.

He continued to flaunt his decision to see the virus as a hoax and treating it accordingly, exposing himself to the virus which he caught and for which he must be treated.

The audience watching the last eight months now know he rejected information and kept important facts from the public while denying they existed and acting like the facts didn’t. He held close gatherings, refused to wear a mask, and did not social distance.

This resulted in his catching a virus he could have avoided if he had stepped out of the blinding glow of his own alleged genius and accepted information from his lessers.

The difference between this being tragic or a tragedy is that what we are watching is not an imitation of the action, but the action in real time, and is yet incomplete.

This does not purge us of our emotions by expressing them freely, but as we are expected to, or feel strongly, that our opinions of this current event must be polite without any gloating about things going and coming around, so our emotions are building while being denied outlets.

What we are watching is tragic in that we’re watching Karkma hitting hard, but, as it comes to society’s restrictions on emotional displays of emotion, we are not experiencing a healthy catharsis, but an unhealthy buildup of repressed emotions.

Yes, we may or may not be happy about it, but the possibility exists that the president may succumb to the virus. However, as it is actually happening and is as yet unresolved, we must wait and guard our emotions keeping those who condemn political correctness happy by being politically correct by not saying out loud what we might hope in the recess4s of our minds.

The major sources of a true tragedy are Hubris, overriding pride; Ate, an irreversible decision, and Hamartia, reaching the point of no return.

Stupidity is not a part.

Aristotle never defined comedy. He may have posited what makes us laugh, but he did not define comedy. Obviously, with a definition as precise as his of tragedy, anything that does not contain all that is in the definition would be, by default, comedy.

The present situations lacks some of the definition.

But his marriage right?

The Southern Baptist Convention split from the wider Baptist Church because, according to their interpretation of the Bible, slavery was a good thing that needed to be preserved as the gift from God it was. There was that Tower of Babel business that had divided the world into separate languages with the affected builders moving to live together with those who spoke the same language.

Then people kept building better boats and wagons eventually going all over the world and meeting people very much unlike themselves.

God’s plan to keep the races separate didn’t take into account that boat and wagon thing. It’s like He didn’t see that coming.

Losing the Civil War eventually brought about the Jim Crow laws that made segregation legal with one such law, Biblically based, making interracial marriages illegal.

Conservatives believed then, and probably still do now, that God and Scripture defined what marriage is, and, as far as interracial marriage, believe that since God has specially gifted the various races with a specific rational soul we should encourage preservation of God’s designing the various races to live among themselves and not mix.

To do otherwise is to go against the Bible which is clear that no changes are allowed.

Psalm 119:160; “All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal

Psalm 100:5; “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever.” Psalm 33:11; But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”

See, no changes.

The belief is that there are clear demarcations in nature that are clear for every kind or species of plant and animal and that for thousands of years, plants and animals have stuck to that design.

Segregation affected marriage, churches, schools, the military, the workplace, and neighborhoods supported by religion. Difference in Race was not only unacceptable in marriage, but also in the churches of America. Even the U.S. Military had a long history of racial segregation.

Until the middle of the 20th Century the idea of using scripture to support interracial marriage was unthinkable, and interracial marriage only became legal with the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Loving v. Virginia which struck down Virginia’s miscegenation law that had been justified by Judge Leon Bazile who has ruled.

 “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and He placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with His arrangement there would be no cause or such marriages. The fact that He separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Until 1967, someone like Clarence Thomas could not have married the woman with whom he fell in love because of laws based on the Biblical division of the races given by God who cannot be questioned.

So although Thomas’s marriage would have been looked at askance in the beginning, and although by the time he graduated from high school that battle, which he never fought, had been won by others, he has been married legally while earlier generations were not allowed that right, and in being in an interracial marriage defied the Biblical design, and had little concern for those who clung to the inerrancy of the Bible.

He married whom he chose without regard to its being something that made religious people unhappy as it was an assault on their firmly held religious beliefs.

Pastor Dan Gayman of the Church of Israel, a Christian congregation in Missouri explains the need to avoid interracial marriages.

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“A silent killer is stalking the streets of America, while millions are hard at work and going about their daily routines.  This silent killer is invading their homes, schools, churches, and communities. Of course this killer does not advertise its lethal and genocidal danger.  On the contrary, it comes clothed in approval, openly accepted as the new normal and just as welcome in the new America as pre-marital sex, abortion on demand, lethal birth control, men and women living together outside of marriage, use of marijuana, and embracing the despicable act of homosexuality as though it were a test of our tolerance and love. For the new America, everything that previous generations found abhorrent is fully acceptable.  Should it be any surprise, then, that miscegenation, another term for interracial marriage, is bringing genocide to White America and is even more common than the murder of unborn children?

He is talking about the marriage of Clarence Thomas.

For 360 years statutory law banned miscegenation in most states. Today, anyone who speaks against miscegenation is immediately labeled a racist or bigot. Yet, since the  Biblical belief is that the vast majority of the separate and diverse races have practiced segregation and considered interracial mixing harmful to all races, and every separate and distinct race, following the Law of Kind after His Kind enumerated ten times in Genesis one, was created for a definite purpose as each race bears God’s original design in the function for which they were created the belief that, after having created all races with some plan in mind God saw that it was good, is a strongly held religious belief that Clarence Thomas should have respected and not acted against Even if his marriage was made possible

The first Monday of October is the first day back for the Supreme Court, and this year, the first order of business for Clarence Thomas was to issue an opinion that attacked the 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges – which legalized marriage equality in all 50 states.

He claimed that the 2015 decision “bypassed” the “democratic process” and cause people “with sincerely held religious beliefs concerning marriage” to “find it increasingly difficult to participate in society.”

“By choosing to privilege a novel constitutional right over the religious liberty interests explicitly protected in the First Amendment, and by doing so undemocratically, the Court has created a problem that only it can fix. Until then, Obergefell will continue to have ‘ruinous consequences for religious liberty.’”

His marriage came about the same way as Obergfell, and was the extension of a novel Constitutional right that, while it actually existed since the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, had been conveniently ignored by the White majority population, and an affront to firmly held religious beliefs.

His statement was in relation to Scotus not hearing the case of Kim Davis the County clerk who had refused same sex couples marriage licenses because of her firmly held religious beliefs whose appeals to the judgement that she was in the wrong made its way to the Supreme Court.

To Thomas, Davis is a “devout Christian” who was “one of the first victims of this Court’s cavalier treatment of religion in its Obergefell decision,” and, whereas Obergfell extended rights to people who should have already had them, Thomas sees it aqs an attack on religion.

Obergefell enables courts and governments to brand religious adherents who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman as bigots, making their religious liberty concerns that much easier to dismiss. Since Obergefell, parties have continually attempted to label people of good will as bigots merely for refusing to alter their religious beliefs in the wake of prevailing orthodoxy.”

Does this man have any memory?

The choice is to continue to defend the rights spelled out in our Civil Constitution, or to remove those rights because the bigots who hide behind religion don’t like it when they are called according to their action, bigots.

not even karma saw this coming

In spite of their many Gay friends in Hollywood, when AIDS struck neither Ronnie nor Nancy Reagan did much to help or even address the growing pandemic until it hit close to home, and the attention was paid.

The Reagan’s played along with the moral majority and its lie based attacks on the rights of Gay people until their daughter came out of the closet, and then conditions and the denial of rights they went along with suddenly became wrong.

And, after years of objecting to stem cell research because of the conservative objection to abortion or using any part of a miscarriage or still birth, when Ronnie began to show more obvious signs of  Alzheimer’s that all went away, and stem cell research got support.

In 2011, John Boehner wrote that he was

“unalterably opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I remain concerned that legalization will result in increased abuse of all varieties of drugs, including alcohol.”

As more states legalized weed for medical purposes, recreational use, or both, he became one of the nation’s most prominent marijuana pitchmen for a marijuana production and distribution company as a board and making millions.

When Obama got elected president there was a plethora of lynched effigies being burned in public, even at churches, cartoons of apes, claims of terrorist involvement, bigotry and racist based claims of cross dressing, questioning of his citizenships, all passed off as the public discourse, but a dearth of objections from the GOP.

The tradition seems to be that unless it hits home, something affecting other people’s homes just does not matter.

His supporters say they love that Trump speaks his mind with no fear of Politically Correctness and he means what he says, in spite of incomplete sentences and the usual follow up to a statement that is required to either clarify what was said, or deny that what was said, herd, and recoded.

Trump mocked Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign when she stumbled during a 9/11 ceremony after she had been diagnosed with pneumonia saying,

“She’s supposed to fight all these different things, and she can’t make it 15 feet to her car.”

His supporters loved it and showed that with cheers and laughter.

She was sick. Now, that’s funny.

Ignoring our country’s historical role in the conditions in Central America that has people willing to trek hundreds of miles for a better life, he presented these people as rapists, killers, gang members, and job stealers, so that, by the time they arrive at the border and their families separated, it became acceptable because this is what this scum deserves.

As far as immigrants and refugees, at his recent rally in Minnesota, Trump, rather than settling for a dog whistle, chose an air horn instead, telling the cheering crowd,

“As you know, for many years, leaders in Washington brought large numbers of refugees to your state from Somalia without considering the impact on schools and communities and taxpayers. You should be able to decide what is best for your own cities and for your own neighborhoods, and that’s what you have the right to do right now, and believe me, no other president would be doing that.”

And, in case they missed his point, he went on to attack a sitting member of congress, Representative Omar, presenting her immigrant status, having come here at age 8, as a bad thing for the country and especially the people in front of him cheering, and dismissing her 20 years as a U.S. citizen telling them,

“We’re going to win the state of Minnesota because of her, they say. She’s telling us how to run our country. How did you do where you came from? How’s your country doing? She’s going to tell us — she’s telling us how to run our country.”

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At what was supposed to be the Presidential Debate, so named not only because of the participants, but the assumed decorum, Trump claimed, against the facts,

“Hunter got thrown out of the military. He was thrown out, dishonorably discharged for cocaine use. And he didn’t have a job until you were vice president.”

Don Junior, not to slip out of dad’s peripheral attention, chime4d in on the morning afterb the debate saying in a radio interview,

“I mean, Hunter Biden, has now a tie, a direct tie to Vladimir Putin…and you don’t think they would use that over crackhead Hunter?”

A day or two after daddy and junior had their fun with Hunter Biden, Melania released a video from her Be Best program to start October’s being Drug Addiction Awareness Month in which she states,

“It’s important that we support our next generation and teach them about the dangers of drug use.”

Yes, Hunter did have a habit, overcame it, and straightened his life out, but since Melania seems to be concerned with substance abuse, you would think her husband, at least, would have some empathy for someone dealing with it.

His crowds love his lack of empathy when he mocked a Gold Star family, made fun of a reporter with a physical handicap. He’s owning the libs and saying things that common decency had kept his supporters from saying but now, because of his example, they can.

Everyone gets a nickname and the easier the perceived flaw, mental, physical,  religious, racial, not any thing like him, them more entertaining Trump becomes to his supporters.

While he claimed the virus was a hoax, masks were an attack on liberty, pandemic precautions made people weak Americans, and encouraging large, close together, unmasked crowds and saw the pandemic only in relation to the stock market, not those affected with success in dealing with the pandemic based on how well Wall Street does and not how well our dealing with the pandemic affects people.

Now he has COVID 19, receiving a level of medical care beyond any the people he has refused to help by taking the pandemic seriously could afford so he can come through the hoax that he convinced too many followers would just go away.

There is an almost painful strain needed to suppress and definitely not express any references to Karma or even appear to be happy with the payback nature of the present situation.

Trump’s denial of the facts known so far about COVID and the revelation that while he knew facts he denied the public knowledge of them, often just dismissing what he had been told, makes the irony of his having the virus hard to not notice and difficult not to mention.

Trump supporters see nothing humorous in the irony, and are cautioning everyone that, as Washington Examiner reporter Byron York advised, “This is a time for people to pray for their leaders, to wish them well,” with many conservative pundits and social media political and Constitutional scholars warn that snarking over Trump’s illness would likely come to regret being so mean to the president.

The parameters of what will be considered snarking will be kept as broad and as fluid as needed for usefulness an example being that when NBC News correspondent Heidi Przybyla said,

 “After months of publicly rejecting the advice of his own medical experts, President Trump has fallen victim to his own false narrative around the risks of the coronavirus,”

it was seen as being mean.

But recounting how we got here and what could have and should have been done to make where we are much different is not snark.

Jesus reaches his limit

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