That connection thing again

In its halcyon days, New Bedford had the moneyed class from whaling who, as Quakers and former Quakers, spent large sums on charity and, again because of their being Quakers and, so, lovers of education for all races and sexes, spent money on intellectual pursuits.

One such intellectual pursuit was the formation of the New Bedford Lyceum in 1828 for the purpose of public discourse, disagreement, and discussion in the pursuit of “useful knowledge and the advancement of popular education” which brought the likes of Charles Dickens, Abraham Lincoln, and Herman Melville to speak to anyone from the city who wished to hear them.

Part of the intellectual advancement involved, at times, some rather raucous discussions during the Q and A portion of the program.

A common misconception is that the Abolition Movement began among the Brahmans of Boston when it was actually the Quakers of New Bedford. 

Just look up Prince Boston.

It was at the Lyceum that Frederick Douglass first made his appearance on the speaker’s platform to speak on abolition and the conditions of the enslaved in real, experiential terms. The Lyceum at Liberty Hall is where this man stood, this self emancipated, articulate, and demonstrably intelligent man presenting in words and by his presence and demeanor other facts about what the audience thought they knew but had never seen  and the conditions and treatment also unknown. 

We forget now that as self emancipated people began to arrive up North, they showed up according to how their past conditions formed them with certain common, observable traits, therefore, that were more the result of nurture than nature that the people meeting them had to learn were not necessarily the natural condition of a people but the result of what they were allowed to learn or not learn and how they were treated.

People needed to see that as inarticulate and low class a person may seem as a result of their previous life, with the proper conditions, the real person could be born. Poor social skills, illiteracy, and not dressing and behaving as society expected were not natural and could be dispelled and the person raised if they were exposed to the opposite, education and social involvement.

And there he stood in the Lyceum presenting in reality what people may have accepted in theory. Given the opportunity, Black people could rightfully stand shoulder to shoulder with White people in all respects.

Sadly, as with many aging things and changing cities and times, by 1905 those who had been running the Lyceum admitted it was time to let it go and handed the remaining funds over to the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, what is commonly known as the Whaling Museum, which would now like to bring it back after the long absence especially in these days of memes, cable news sound bites, and repeated postings of repeated stories regardless of their veracity or lack thereof.

There have been important speakers addressing large audiences in the city which were called the Lyceum, but these were sporadic events, few and far between. Reviving the Lyceum would make such events regularly scheduled in an on-going series.

To this end and because it is not only Pride Month but we are in a time of ridiculous book banning activity, the first speaker chosen to reignite the Lyceum was  George M. Johnson, an award-winning Black Non-Binary writer, activist, and author of the second most banned book presently in America, “All Boys Aren’t Blue”, a memoir and manifesto about their adolescence growing up as a young Black Queer boy in New Jersey. 

Happily, as an elder activist who had done what could be done to make the world more easy to navigate for succeeding generations of students, one of which they were, I was able to inform them before their presentation that they joined a long line of famous people speaking at the Lyceum, one of whom was Frederick Douglass who, just like they were about to be, was a person people needed to meet in order to learn the truth about people like himself, just as Mr. Johnson was about to do at the mic. They would be for this audience, perhaps, their first known encounter with someone who identifies as Nonbinary as opposed to only hearing what others had to say just as Douglass stood and presented a self-emancipated man who had the opportunity to meet his potential and shredded mis- and preconceptions about himself and his people.

They were putting on some big shoes.

They needed to know that their non-binary self fit into the line of distinguished people who have educated this city. 

Their major concern growing up had been that while knowing they were different from their peers in many ways, they had no words to describe or talk about it and there were no resources where they might seek answers. They, like most non-Heterosexuals, lived in a world where Heterosexuals had knowledge readily available with constant societal references and presentations of examples, but non-Hets did not and had to find sources of information on their own, and these were not always positive or healthy.

It is why previous generations had worked to have been the last to have to hunt for information that was there, but denied us.

 When they mentioned their age in passing and I saw they had most likely graduated from high school in 2008 or 2009, I realized they could have been a student during those years when there was advocacy for Gay students to be included in school policies and for there to be information readily available without the school districts computer filter rejecting any web search for information about non-Heterosexuals as being “sexual content”.

I had their peers in my classes as I was fighting for their inclusion completely in all policies and related practices and procedures. Had they been in my class at the school at which I was teaching, I would have been fighting for them directly.

While they were searching for the words in one part of the country, I was in another part of the country endeavoring to make those words available.

Because of the activism done by elders in Mr. Johnson’s youth, those words are now available until the book banners win if they do, and, so, they had made it a mission to get those words out to those who need them.

I got to see someone now involved in the next step in the process knowing I had had a part in it, although very ancillary.

On my cross country, nostalgia trip, I mentioned connections in my social media postings and follow-up blogs.

In the early 1980s, the state of Oklahoma joined the bandwagon and passed a bill making it illegal for Gays to be teachers.

A man by the name of Bill Rogers took the state on. The justification for the bill was that being Gay made one an unconvicted felon and felons could not be teachers. Just being Gay was considered a crime but unlike all other crimes no action was necessary for the commission of the crime. Just being was enough. The law made a person a felony not an act. The three words, “I am Gay”, was tantamount to a confession to a crime. The law was found unconstitutional as it convicted people of crimes who had done nothing with this non-adjudicated felony conviction controlling a person’s future.

In the state of Oklahoma, because of that win, being Gay has not precluded anyone from being a teacher but, just as if a Heterosexual acted out their orientation to the extreme and in front of students they could lose their jobs, the same with Gay teachers.

Neither should have sex in school in front of students, and a person should not be barred from teaching because of their sexual orientation.

It was this win that gave me cover when advocating for the Gay students in the district as I could advocate and not be fired merely for being Gay, and 24 years after Bill Rogers’s court win, it came full circle when on December 14, 2009, the Oklahoma City Public Schools added “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to its student policies.

The safety net for the advocacy was that court ruling that was invoked on more than one occasion. The advocacy did not happen in a segmented vacuum.

During this advocacy Mr. Johnson was in school looking for the right words, something that was about to become a possibility in at least one school district where students would no longer need to discover themselves largely through the hit or miss approach of the past while searching for the words that would help them meet and greet themselves.

This was happening in other places as well, so, they unknowingly benefited indirectly from the work of someone in 1985, brought to fruition during their school days, that they can now freely exercise in educating the young Gaybies.

And who was the first speaker to kick off the rebirth of the Lyceum?

A non-binary author of the second most banned book in America today. 

I did not want to miss an opportunity that I would later regret not having taken, so I also handed the speaker a small card with a written explanation that I felt compelled to pass on to him about the early 2000s when Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern went after “King and King” and “Heather Has Two Mommies” in her book banning attempt, so their book, like their speaking at the Lyceum, places them in yet another historical position, that of being the banned Queer book of this generation.

So, here you had Frederick Douglass speaking at the Lyceum basically for the same reason Mr. Johnson was, presenting facts and being the embodiment of the truth about that of which they spoke, and Mr. Johnson restarting the Lyceum speaking about the realities of his life experiences and the lack of words in their youth that were on the way because, unknowingly, of Bill Roger’s work almost 40 years ago that, while they were going through school, bolstered the position of those in an older generation attempting to make the words available, and now they have as their mission getting the words to those who need them, and saying this at the Lyceum.

You can imagine the thrill at seeing not only what the next step is but listening to a person speaking about that next step and letting you know without knowing they were doing so that it was worth it. It had played a role. It had paid off.

I saw two understated historical moments the other night.

A young, Nonbinary, Black person stood as Douglass had when he clarified the misconceptions about Blacks and the enslaved, doing the same when it came to non-heterosexual people in a heterosexual world.

You could not miss the parallels.

This young man has embarked on a mission based on what we had been telling the Oklahoma Public Schools district for 12 years before they woke up and accepted that the  proper information and the correct words must be made as available to the non-Heterosexual students as it was so freely supplied to the Heterosexual ones. 

It was life affirming and life saving to do so.

And the process continues on the work of those who came before.

Two people left the Lyceum the other night different from when they arrived.

One found they were part of a long history of speakers one of whom was Frederick Douglass, I would assume something of a thrill for a modern day Black Man doing what Douglass had done in his day in the same city and at the same gathering for the same reason but about a different aspect of humanity, the other saw that the advocacy had paid off and, wherever it was done and by whom, it made the words and information accessible to those coming up.

Kudos goes to the Whaling Museum who may have chosen a speaker because of the current controversy over their book, a PR Coup in a way, or because this situation presented a topic about which the people of the city should become informed. Either way, the New Bedford Whaling Museum chose a Nonbinary individual to kick off the Lyceum series and a Black man at that who now stands alongside another noted Black man who spoke at the Lyceum about his humanity, Frederick Douglass.

I got to be there.

Talk about cyclic things.









Lest you forget or in case you did not pay attention and were not aware in the first place and may now find some people’s happiness with the passing of Pat Robertson, but not the end of the damage he has caused and goes on, a little unsettling, let me remind you of these gems that caused extreme hardship for the Gay Community.

I spent years as an openly Gay high school English teacher in the Buckle of the Bible Belt and I experienced the results of his false teachings in the name of the Jesus he wanted people to believe he loved. I am not one of those people who gets an inking of information and then forms a complicated opinion but someone who actually reads and listens to the other side to get a good idea how they think about whatever they claim to have been thinking about, and that called for me to watch the 700 club on a daily basis as it usually came on a few times a day on the local cable provider so it was there during housework or as humming in the background as I sat at my drawing table, to know what I as a Gay person would be facing soon. 

I know how his twisted thinking affected people because it affected me, my community, and my students.

In 1990, in spite of Hitler persecuting Gay people, sending many to concentration camps, the camps they were kept in to by the United States to help clean up after the liberation because they were sexual not political prisoners, Pat Robertson claimed on his 700 Club that many of Adolf Hitler supporters were Gay and that homosexuality “is a pathology” saying,

“It is a sickness, and it needs to be treated. … Many of those people involved with Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals. The two things seem to go together.”

He has claimed,

“The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” 

Although Disney World in Florida had never officially hosted Gay Days but did not object when the Gay Community would choose a day to show up at either Disney park for the one day where we could feel comfortable being ourselves and knowing we were not being judged by the other tourists, when the 1998 “Gay Day” was announced, Pat claimed Orlando was inviting hurricanes, earthquakes, and terrorism, with a possible meteor thrown in because the city allowed the display of rainbow flags.

There was a massive boycott of Disney promoted by the Daily Oklahoman, the “State’s Newspaper” that is owned by the Gaylord family whose vacation resort and convention centered located just across from the main entrance to DisneyWorld and so it is a very convenient place to stay so as to boycott staying at Disney resorts, but close enough to go to the attractions without the paper trail a hotel receipt would provide.

Clearly, judging by beer cans and Target protests, Orlando knew that, official or not, if hundreds of Gays were going to be coming to town and spending money, tax money especially, on room and board, the more “welcomed” they felt, the more they would spend.

Robertson, however, had a warning.

“I would warn Orlando that you’re right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don’t think I’d be waving those flags in God’s face if I were you.” 

Ironically, the next major hurricane veered North and, rather than hit Orlando, hit Virginia where his Headquarters are.

When it came to September Eleventh in 2001 he let it be known that,

“I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen,’”

To prevent another occurrence like the massacre of 49 innocent people at the Pulse nightclub in 2016 by a shooter who’d pledged allegiance to a radical form of Islam, he suggested, that since Muslims are killing Gays,

“The left is having a dilemma of major proportions, and I think for those of us who disagree with some of their policies, the best thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and let them kill themselves.” 

He proclaimed that the Equality Act, a Gay rights bill that was pending in Congress, would bring about nuclear war.

 “This is a devastating blow to religious freedom and to the sanctity of America. If you want to bring the judgment of God on this nation, you just keep this stuff up. … I think God will say, ‘I’ve had it with America, if you do this kind of stuff, I’m going to get rid of you as a nation,’” 

And offering two examples of how God might do it, “atomic war” and an attack on the nation’s electric grid.

His attitude towards AIDS puts the blood of thousands on his hands. 

One of his first statements on AIDS was,

“AIDS is God’s way of weeding his garden.”

In 2013, he claimed gay men were spreading AIDS by wearing rings that cut other people when they shook hands, claiming,

 “Really, it’s vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder.” 

His proof of this was that,

 “In my own experience, our organization sponsored a meeting years ago in San Francisco where trained security officers warned me about shaking hands because, in those days, certain AIDS-infected activists were deliberately trying to infect people like me by virtue of rings which would cut fingers and transfer blood. I regret that my remarks had been misunderstood, but this often happens because people do not listen to the context of remarks which are being said. In no [way] were my remarks meant as an indictment of the homosexual community or, for that fact, to those infected with this dreadful disease.” 

Got to love the attempted dodge in the end there.

Rather than missionaries contracting the Ebola virus in Kenya when it became a problem, he was more concerned that,

“You might get AIDS in Kenya. The people have AIDS. You gotta be careful. I mean, the towels could have AIDS. There are things — there are diseases in Africa.”

Apparently forgetting that seven years earlier Massachusetts had recognized Marriage Equality with no subsequent problem, when New York State adopted a marriage equality law in 2011, he warned,

“I think we need to remember the term sodomy came from a town known as Sodom, and Sodom was destroyed by God Almighty, and the thing that they practiced was homosexual activity and even they tried to rape angels who came down there, so that’s the kind of people they were.  There isn’t one single civilization that has survived that had openly embraced homosexuality. So you say, ‘What’s going to happen to America?’ Well, if history is any guide, the same thing’s going to happen to us. We’re on a slippery slope and it’s going to kick over in a hurry. We’re looking at financial problems of huge magnitude.”

This was in 2011 after his most recent Christian-ish president had already caused a huge financial problem with no help from the Gays.

His reaction to the 2015 Supreme Court ruling for national marriage equality, had him going right to the tropes and warning,

“Watch what happens, love affairs between men and animals are going to be absolutely permitted. Polygamy, without question, is going to be permitted. And it will be called a right.”

And, I am sure people can imagine what he believed and spread was a cause of Covid 19.

“We are not turning when we have done terrible things. We have broken the covenant that God made with the mankind. We have violated his covenant. We have taken the life of the innocent, slaughtered them by the tens of millions. Children made in the image of God. And we have abused the poor. I mean, we’ve allowed this terrible plague to spread throughout our society. And it’s a small wonder God would hold us guilty. But the answer is, you know, you confess your sins and forsake them. Then he heals the land. It’s not before. You are right.”

This “turning” had previously been defined as allowing Gay equality.

Apparently, really wanting one but not getting one as a result of Gay Day at Disney, Marriage Equality, and the increased acceptance that Gay people are part of the All Men who were endowed by their creator with unalienable rights, Robertson landed on a new cause of his longed for nuclear war, Transgender people.

In 2016, he voiced concern that, 

“We are facing thermonuclear annihilation and what are we debating in America? What are we debating? Where a little kid goes to the potty. I mean, this is nuts, absolutely nuts. It is crazy. For the United States of America to put the power of the federal government and all of its money and resources behind this transgender movement, it is just nothing short of insanity.” 

He blamed the growing acceptance of Transgender people on women serving in combat and no longer being “the weaker sex”, a reworking of his women becoming witches and Lesbians theme.

10 years before he died he had actually said,

“I think there are men who are in a woman’s body. It’s very rare, but it’s true. Or women that are in men’s bodies. And they want a sex change. And that is a very permanent thing, believe me, when you have certain body parts amputated, and you have shot up with various kinds of hormones, it’s a radical procedure. I don’t think there’s any sin associated with that — I don’t condemn somebody for doing that.” 

But then he saw the opposite view was more financially lucrative.

On his program, when advising a parent who had caught her son looking at undefined homosexual content (it could have been porn, or it could have been life saving information), he first told her to cut off her 13-year-old son’s internet access which is a parental right and responsibility, but then he went on suggesting that this is proof that her son was being sexually abused making the standard connection between Gay and child abuse.

His Christian Coalition worked against education about safer sex during the opening years of the AIDS Pandemic using the 700 Club to oppose the use of condoms because the latex barrier robs the sexual act of intimacy. 

In response to the election of Joe Biden in 2020, he prayed on the 700 Club,

“In the name of Jesus, I bind the spirit of delusion that has come across our land. We will not surrender our nation. We will not give up this great country. And Satan, you cannot have it, in the name of Jesus. I believe God has heard and I’m asking everybody in this audience to pray. It isn’t over yet. And I do not think, again, He wants to turn this nation over to socialism and Bernie Sanders and oh- AOC and those people are pure socialist and they want to take over control of everything. We cannot allow that. So let us pray. And what am I hearing? I still think Trump’s gonna ultimately win.”

Again, no response.

He had prophesied in October prior to the election that Trump would win because he was God’s chosen vessel, so he needed the save. It was Satan who put Biden in office.

“Without question, Trump is going to win the election.”

Apparently even in elections God gets Schtooped by Satan again.

The result of Biden winning would be, according to Pat, Muslim-majority nations attacking Israel, but, on the upside,  God would jump in and wipe out those countries, leading to “a remarkable time of peace.”

His objection to the Black Lives Matter movement ignored its reason for being, insisting instead that it wants to “destroy the nuclear family” as well as Christianity because, I guess, nothing says nuclear family and Christianity like rogue cops killing unarmed Black people, even sleeping ones.

Oh, and Lesbians.

“They want to up-end the capitalist structure and destroy America. This is a stalking horse for a very, very radical anti-family, anti-God agenda. We don’t want to go along with a lesbian, anti-family, anti-capitalist Marxist revolution.”

This is a man who celebrated the death of Gay people. 

He supported governments that wanted laws to allow Gays to be killed just for being Gay. He blamed Gay deaths from murder, deaths like those at the Pulse nightclub, on the victims. He promoted the death of Gay people during the opening years of the AIDS Pandemic for political and financial gain, promoting any laws that would bring about those deaths and got people on his side by claiming it was the will of God.

He weaponized Jesus against a segment of American Citizens because it brought him money. 

Mammon, not manna.

This man relished in our dying.

He relished in the deaths of our families, blood and chosen, and friends.

He basically killed Johan Vessup.

I lived under the cloud of this man’s teachings. I was verbally and physically assaulted. I received death threats, two by phone message machine, one in a typed letter, neither followed through by local law enforcement. I watched friends disappear as they approached their last days only learning of their fate through the grapevine. I saw students facing physical and verbal abuse in schools and had to battle Robertson’s adherents to end it as best I could.

I have seen the damage done in Jesus’s name. I have heard his words misused against me and my kind.

My experience was real and visceral.  It was not a theoretical something that others had to deal with.

So, even if after reading this you feel I should only speak respectfully of the dead, this is a man who spoke gleefully as people died and worse about them when they did, so I am going with my happiness that, although his damage might not be able to be pulled back, it will stop from the source with better results.

In the names of the thousands he helped kill, I am content with this death.








All analogies limp.

That being said and with my accepting that, and also accepting that as much as they limp they do make connections and, perhaps, present another way to view a thing, remember the joy and relief felt when Joe Biden freed the present generation of youth from their education loan sharking debts and they could move on with their lives to build a future as opposed spending their future paying off the loan and being saddled to the past?

They did not design or have any input into the way loans for college are handled. They had to deal with the system that existed or go without, a system that insisted they attend college with no guarantee they would ever enter the career that they had paid to be prepared for.

Consider the feeling, then, when, after getting used to the idea that the burden no longer existed, that all changed so that starting on September first as the month begins so does the restart of paying off of those loans.

Society had placed a burden on students, a burden with which they had to deal. When the unfairness of  it was made all too clear and it was seen how wrong that system of compounding debt was, steps were taken to right that wrong, only to have its promise yanked back and the bill once again due.


Consider being in high school and discovering who you really are as opposed to how well you are living up to the expectations of others which are based on both good and bad biases when, after years of their being educated, the school district’s board adds you to the list of those protected in district policy because assuming every person related to the school district would know that policies dealt with all students regardless of personal, political and/or religious beliefs was shown to have been an erroneous assumption and now there would be no question.

You, as a Trans student, now had all the protections that other students had and, therefore, the ability and procedures to address any wrongs.

You had rights.

You had rights equal to every other student in that school including the traditionally favored ones.

Those rights, however, are being swiftly repealed for political reasons so that it was only for a while that Transgender students had the same protections as all the others in those districts who had accepted that they had more to learn and did so when it came to gender identity and expression.

Granted it is not the same thing, but every person paying off a student loan who thought they had cut a break knows to a degree how the Trans students were affected, and with the added burden that they lost the loan forgiveness too.

That is why the younger people have to step forward and straighten things out in the non-sexual orientation sense. I am a Boomer. I lived with the other Boomers all my life. What seems to be new about the old guys who run the country to the younger generation has been the experience of my generation with them. They are the jerks we grew up with and generally worked assiduously against to prevent them from screwing things up.

We tried.

There are some real jerks among us and they are the ones from elementary school who snitched on other kids and reminded the teacher about the quiz that had apparently slipped her mind.

The “narcs” in high school.

That girl in Theodore Cleavers classroom who sat near Whitey.

I spent my adult life as did many of us trying to keep these people under control as we fought for social justice for all. You think they drive you nuts? You are new with them. Like I said, it has been a lifetime for some of us.

So when your Trans brothers and sisters are being attacked and their rights taken away, remember how you felt when you lost what you thought was your new future without life strangling debt, only to have that reversed, and help them out. 

And while railing against the loss of your ephemeral possible future where what you earned stayed mostly with you for you future uses, add to that also losing the rights you had recently won because some old guys think the old ways need to be brought back and the young’ens need to larn the lesson.





not this year

I had arrived in town with only a paper grocery bag to my name that contained two mens’ Navajo ribbon shirts, a gift from two men in Grants New Mexico, and a pair of ill fitting jeans.

Although things were to dramatically improve from my condition upon arrival, I, as a stranger in town sought out the Gay Community, if there was one, like a Knight of Columbus or a Mason seeks out his brothers when new in town, friendly strangers.

I was one of those who has stood penniless outside the bar knowing I would not be able to buy a drink but just wanting to be among my own and enjoying an evening with people who would eventually become my Community.

I wandered the Gay district, the 39th Street Strip, exploring the new territory, but only one bar had no cover charge that night, or any night, and so, even unable to buy a drink, I eventually talked my way into being treated to one, I was able to enter with no shame as no one but I knew my financial straits, and the rest, as they say, really was history.

Celebrating Pride as a member of the Community,especially on the day designated for the celebration by the Community or those who assume to speak for it, should be open to everyone who has a right to be proud regardless of present circumstances.

No one in the community should be on the outside looking in.

There was no cover charge at the Stonewall Rebellion.

While the actions in the bar itself lasted for a few hours, the rebellion on the street went beyond that night and into the next few. The majority of participants were Street Kids, too young to get into a bar and today couldn’t cover the entrance fee to celebrate what they did.

I will attend the downtown Pride celebration open to everyone Gay, Straight, Whatever, later in the week, but this year I am joining with the excluded and missing the one meant for us, The Community.

It would be immoral of me to be sitting on the street-side patio watching people slow down and then pass on, or just drive or walk by without slowing because pausing is pointless.

I will have to get my Big Girl Drink elsewhere among the Straights.






