A final directed word before elections

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Tuesday fun


If your experience at the polling place is anything like what mine has been in the 5 states and 10 municipalities where I have lived, when you enter, there is always a table with some senior citizens behind it to whom you give your address and then name, and after they cross these out in a big book, they hand you a ballot. After filling out your ballot, you go to another table with more senior citizens who repeat the crossing out of your name and address, and then proceed to the ballot box where yet another senior citizen watches as you enter your ballot to ensure it goes in successfully, hands you an “I voted” sticker, and away you go.

The people who obviously have been doing this for quite some time may  remind you of your grandparents. They take their position seriously as occasionally they have no problem with speaking sternly to someone who is not taking the process as seriously as they expect them to, but are on the whole very friendly as if being visited by someone they only see occasionally.

They are non-threatening, and obviously dedicated.

These are the people who this next Tuesday may be subjected to some rather unfair and threatening behavior by self appointed poll watchers, and not the official ones who have had the rules and procedures explained to them.

Donald trump has told supporters to watch these people, and this could lead to intimidation of some very nice people.

Now Trump has added a new complication as he told people at a rally in Colorado this past weekend that there was another step they could take to prevent voter fraud which involves committing voter fraud and breaking the law.

Colorado is a state where ballots are mailed to all registered voters who have the option to fill out and return them by mail, or they can also choose, instead, to vote in person.

Each ballot has a unique bar code on it so that once a ballot has been read, the registration system logs a particular voter as having voted.
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Registered voters who didn’t receive ballots, or who lost their mail-in ballots are welcome to vote in person since their mail in ballot would not have been scanned.

After asking the rally attendees, “Who here has sent in their ballot?”,

Trump continued, “When you send your ballot in, do you think it’s properly counted?”

Someone finally yelled, “no” after a pause, so Trump suggested

“You can check on your ballot to make sure it’s counted properly. You can go to [Greeley voting location] University Center and they’ll give you a ballot, a new ballot. They’ll void your old ballot and give you a new ballot. And you can go out and make sure it gets in.”

This is expressly unlawful under Colorado law as a person who has already sent in a ballot by mail cannot void it and get a new ballot in order to vote in person.

This false information and encouragement to attempt o break the law goes along with Trump’s promoting fears that the election would be “rigged” and “stolen” from him.

.Good luck to the poll workers who might very well be harassed and commanded to help break the law that they will most likely refuse to do.

Another lie that will be believed


Donald Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something better.

In condemning Obamacare, he used his own employees at Trump National Doral, a golf club near Miami, as examples of why it is a disaster.

 “All of my employees are having a tremendous problem with Obamacare. What they’re going through is horrible because of Obamacare.”

However, according to Trump National Doral general manager David Feder, the employees that Trump was referring to workers are not using Obamacare.
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“The company typically picks up 75 percent of the premiums and the employee only picks up about 30 percent, so it’s really a good deal for our staff. There really isn’t a need for the vast majority of our employees to purchase Obamacare.”

Feder estimates that 95 percent of full-time workers are using insurance provided by the company, with only part-time seasonal staffers needing to purchase insurance on their own through the Obamacare market.

To further show his disdain for Obamacare, Trump has proudly stated, ” I don’t use Obamacare“, which may be true as he is 70 years old and qualifies for Medicare, and since his employees get coverage through employer-provided plans, he would not need it for them either.

So to mislead his supporters to believe that Obamacare is bad, he lies to them.