which personality today?

Viewing the examples one at a time, over time, and, as “Hizzonnah” James Michael Curley once pointed out, only having a communal memory of twenty-one days, while, perhaps, disgusted by each individual example as their moment comes and goes in the news, people may not be aware how certain sheriff related things are not necessarily isolated incidents, but part of a growing movement among some sheriffs throughout the country to act outside the established law if they do not agree with it, and to become slowly more militarized.

 Arizona’s Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb has launched a nonprofit, Protect America Now, on his personal time as it is not part of the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. He also has a personal charitable nonprofit, the American Sheriff Foundation.

The stated purpose of Protect America Now is to support law enforcement and educate Americans on how law enforcement is “standing for the Constitution and law and order.”

Although sounding real patriotic, and it may be just me, when a conservative sheriff throws around the word “Constitution”, my mind goes to Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), a political organization of local law enforcement who believe that federal and state government authorities are subordinate to local government authority and, coincidentally enough, sheriffs are the highest local governmental authority so they can defy or disregard any laws they deem unconstitutional. 

Some County sheriffs in the United States have publicly vowed not to enforce laws they deem unconstitutional.

Arizona had its Joe Arpaio, Massachusetts has its Hodgson, and Sheriff lamb wants to get sheriffs of like mind to forma “coalition of patriots” pushing issues like supporting the Second Amendment while opposing even a discussion of defunding of police in any meaning or form, illegal immigration, and tax increases.

His organization also pledges to keep people up to date on what it considers is making the country “less safe, less secure and less free” without any specifics.

He justifies the need for such an organization of patriots because

“I had a lot of fellow sheriffs that felt the same way. We want to be able to stand up for the rule of law in this country. We want to be able to fight against bad policies and orders like we’re seeing with the immigration stuff.”

But somehow choosing which laws you enforce because you agree with some and not others doesn’t seem to support wanting to stand up for the rule of law.

Six other sheriffs have already joined his organization:

  • Greene County, Missouri, Sheriff Jim Arnott;
  • Livingston County, Illinois, Sheriff Tony Childress;
  • Brevard County, Florida, Sheriff Wayne Ivey;
  • Culpeper County, Virginia, Sheriff Scott Jenkins;
  • Wicomico County, Maryland, Sheriff Mike Lewis;
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and, never to be left out when there is the chance to be macho and to promote his white supremacist and anti-immigration ideology, especially as he will be needed to bring Trump back,

  • Bristol County, Massachusetts, Sheriff Tom Hodgson.

Yep. Him.

Sheriff Lamb started his group because, he claims, the country saw real progress on these issues under the Trump administration, but, apparently at break-neck speed, in one month, with little legislation passed by Congress and signed by Biden, that progress is rapidly fading under this administration.

Sheriff Hodgson might be out to not only promote his biases, but to regain favor with Trump to whom he hitched his star, but then failed miserably in delivering Massachusetts to Trump in 2020.

There turns out to have been a number of county sheriffs from throughout the country who took part physically in the attack on the capitol, such as those who while denying they took part in the storming were captured in videos from it, some taken by themselves, or have voiced support after the fact.

The defender of the rule of law, Sheriff Lamb, when speaking about the insurrection at a rally told the attendees that the riot was not Trump’s fault but rather that of “the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished”.

This is the company, actually more of the company, the Bristol County Sheriff keeps.