
Anyone who has been on the receiving end of judgment by Bible verse, as an individual or a member of a group up, knows that even as the Bible is claimed to be the inerrant word of God contained in a book where every divinely inspired word counts, knows that that only holds when the verses apply to others while those that are more self directed can be overlooked or interpreted in very convenient ways.

Leviticus is rife with prohibitions conveniently recited when applicable to others, such as the misuse of the verses on temple prostitutes being applied to Gay people while the Southern Baptists who claim the bible’s inerrancy while delivering the verse love a good pork bar-b-q and have no problem with shrimp and cotton/polyester blends.

While the parts about a vengeful God are the all time favorites that justify judgment and condemnation, the Beatitudes are conveniently left out because, well, gee, they soften the vengefulness quite a bit.

The Bible with which most people are familiar was written in an ancient language, translated into Latin and Greek, was subsequently translated in English with certain untranslatable words and phrases  replaced with familiar phrases that would be familiar to English readers with some phrases repurposed to address certain issues and influence people’s behavior, and, as in some versions leaving out whole books so that the Christian Bible contains or omits certain books depending on your particular denominations.

Book of Sirach, anyone?

The bible was also edited to end or continue practices that would not be allowed if the relevant verses were left in

Enter the Version of the bible used among enslaved people in the colonies.

Whole chapters that dealt with freedom, equality and resistance were removed by churches so that Christian missionaries could convert enslaved Africans to Christianity without fear of them seeking freedom.
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A copy of The Holy Bible, Selected For the Use of the Negro Slaves, in the British West-India Islands, on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. was printed and used for conversion after being edited by the Missionary Society For the Conversion of Negro Slaves.

It leaves out all the passages that might lead slaves to turn on their masters. That whole troublesome business in Exodus that deals with Hebrew slaves and letting His people go, is not in it.

The censored version removed 90% of the Old Testament and 50% of the New Testament. All the parts that spoke against servitude and wrongful punishments were remove, but the parts about obedience to master were left in.

Exodus 21:16, which reads: “And he that steals a man, and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death” is not there.

Ephesians 6:5, which says, “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ” is.

The original purpose was to control Native Americans, but after the American Revolution established the equality of all men, something had to override the Constitution and justify to the slaves why they weren’t include among the equal.

Missionary groups and churches were willing to slice up the Bible in this instance to deceive people and justify a Biblically condemned practice.

How many times has this been done and continues to be done to promote an agenda on other issues?

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