51st state, or our overlord?

It’s “America First”, provided Israel is not involved

The new Congress has begun, and there are a few things directly related to the American people that have a good chance of being dealt with since the government now has the possibility of re-instituting checks and balances, and the days of letting things side or abdicating its role by just sitting back and letting Trump just do his thing are over and Health care, DACA, reasonable gun control. Infrastructure, getting the government reopened would be a few things that could be addressed right away.

But, what is one of the first order of business?

A bipartisan group of senators is pushing a bill sponsored by Marco Rubio that would hand states more power to punish companies that participate in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

This would violate the First Amendment since silencing the expression of these companies would be a law enacted by Congress and Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.

26 states have already enacted some version of a law that punishes or sanctions entities which participate in or support the boycott of Israel.  13 additional states have suck laws pending.
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Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Because individual contractors often work for state or local governments in a sole proprietorship role, punishment for violating these laws could affect American citizens.

If up to seven Democrats back Rubio’s bill, it will have enough votes to pass.

Bernie Sanders condemned the legislation and urged Democrats to block any bills that are not related to reopening the government.

“It’s absurd that the first bill during the shutdown is legislation which punishes Americans who exercise their constitutional right to engage in political activity. Democrats must block consideration of any bills that don’t reopen the government.”

Why is Israel more important than our Constitutional rights?

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