another sad tale

First there were the stories about those who supported Trump because he was going to get rid of all or parts of the much hated “Obamacare” who realized, when they began to lose coverage, that the Affordable Care Act they loved was the same thing as Obamacare.

There was a stream of reports where people in shock attempted to get sympathy they would not need if they had listened to those who had been speaking the truth.

News outlets were filled with the stories of the shocked.

Then we were treated to stories about those who voted for Trump because he had promised to get rid of those bad hombre Brown people, only to see their brown skinned spouses being deported.

Now we have those who cheered for the tax cuts for the wealthy because they too would somehow benefit, but who now, as they file their 2018 income tax returns are finding they are having to pay more because the bill eliminated multiple deductions used by middle-class families to lower their annual tax payments, and the 2017 tax bill  capped deductions for taxes paid to state and local governments, while, at the same time, increasing the amount of money you have to donate to qualify for a charitable giving deduction.

In the first case they voted based on a nickname carefully chosen to rely on hate more than reason for rejection..
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The second case relied on the hate of others without analyzing or defining what “other” meant.

The third case is based on the failed notion that unlike the past practices of the rich and the lack of delivery on the promise Reagan made in the 1980s that if the rich got to keep more of their money they would generously share it with the people whose work made their wealth possible, and that somehow with less money tax supported thing like infrastructure would not be negatively affected.

Now they are beginning to see that while the Trump class gets richer, money is taken away from the working class to make up the difference.

Some day it will all add up.

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