Get a horse

New Bedford is known as  “the City That Lit the World”, “lucem Diffundo”, having earned that title because the whale oil its whaling industry produced in the 19th Century burnt clean, odorless, and bright, as did the candles made from the same oil, and whose brightness is the basis of the lumens used to measure the brightness of modern  light bulbs.

The business was lucrative and made fortunes for those who owned the industry, but as whales became increasingly scarcer and the voyages to slaughter them became long, up to four years in some cases, the price of whale oil candles became exorbitant, $50 per in today’s money, and whale oil lamps became extremely expensive to fill.

The discovery of oil in Pennsylvania eliminated the need for long voyages and the price of the ships and crews, and although kerosene left soot, had an unpleasant odor, and did not burn as bright, it was less expensive.

As one industry began to die, another one rose, and the old industry adapted.

The process for refining petroleum is based on the process used to refine whale oil and was introduced to the new industry by a Fair Haven MA whaling tycoon.

The energy source upon which this country and the world relied had to give way to change, and the tycoons adapted to the new industry or moved on to manufacturing.

Water power gave way to steam in manufacturing as more adaptation took place.

Steam gave way to the internal combustion engine, and eventually horses got replaced with automobiles, and the world continued to move on.

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Certainly there were those who saw their fortunes being attacked by the progress, and either they stuck with what was old and list, or moved on with the new. But progress did not stop because some, even some influential people didn’t like it.

Coal gave way to oil in heating homes, and to this was added natural gas and electricity. Wood fireplaces and related industries lost their prominence.

The next step is that renewable solar, wind, and the movement of tides will be producing energy that does not need to be pumped, drilled, or dug out of the earth going ever deeper as the whale ships had to travel further.

And now like then, there are those who prefer whale oil to petroleum, the horse to the automobile, and  fossil fuel to renewables, and want to  stop progress because they see their fortunes made the old way dying when, like those in the past, they could adapt their industry and keep on making money in a new way.

If water gave way to steam; steam to internal combustion, carriages to automobiles, it is not unreasonable to think that the auto industry will be able to adapt to renewables with utilities following suit.

The only reason not to adapt is to squeeze the last drop out of existing fuels and the last penny out of consumers while condemning renewables even as they have their engineers designing the systems and equipment needed for the use of renewables to which they will immediately switch when it is to their, not the consumers’ advantage.

And to do this, they have to convince people that just like the automobile was an evil replacement of the horse, renewables are somehow evil and un-American when it comes to fossil fuels.

And the loudest voices in this are those with the most to gain.

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