Too bad it’s such a secret

There were at least 91 white supremacist rallies or other public events attended by white supremacists in 2018, up from the 76 in 2017, a jump of 83%.

Also white supremacist propaganda efforts nearly tripled last year in 2018 with 1,187 cases of the propaganda, a 182% increase over the 421 amount reported in 2017.

At least 50 people in the U.S. were killed by domestic extremists in 2018, up from 37 in 2017.

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Note that those years coincide with Trump’s campaign and presidency. There had been a three straight years of decline near the end of the Obama administration.

In November the Justice Department reported that hate crimes across the U.S. spiked 17% in 2017 with 7,175 reported, up from 6,121 in 2016, according to the FBI report, more than half of the crimes were motivated by bias against a person’s race or ethnicity.

But too bad no one knows this, especially not the president.

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