He’s not…….enough


Every day my Facebook feed and email inbox are filled with political news articles and memes.

We are in the early days of presidential campaigning, and I have not made up my mind who to support because I want to hear what each hopeful has to say, and I know in time, for whatever reason the crowded field of Democrats will winnow down for various reasons until there are fewer to chose from.

But, in the meantime, I am being told who I should support and why, while at the same time I am bring told what is wrong with me if I don’t at this time favor any one candidate.

What bothers me more is that some of the posts and emails are assessing candidates according to some sorts of purity tests, and the worst seem to be those applied to Mayor Pete.

Not only is he being judged as not being ”Gay enough”, but some have even referred to him as a Trojan Horse candidate who is using his being Gay t distract from his being a White man of privilege.

His coming out as Gay as an adult, and not at an earlier age, is being used by some to claim that because he was not out, he could not have possibly struggled as a gay man, ignoring that some of the difficulty in coming out is knowing, from having seen it, how out Gay people are treated, and part of the coming out process, besides dealing with the possible rejection by family and friends, is having to deal with the attitudes of total strangers who actually have no right to or anything upon which to judge you.

It is not an easy or simple decision and process, and it is definitely not an experience the majority of people have had to face. And the process and what plays into it IS a struggle.

He has proven himself as a person, a soldier, and a mayor, but what he is having to handle on the campaign trail not only illustrates what GLBT people face to varying degrees at times and in many places, but those who will never have to deal with it and who have no idea what a visceral attack it is will make it even worse by passing judgment on how he handles it.

Anti-gay protestors have showed up at his public events with some play acting Peter Buttigieg flogging Jesus with Satan looking on, and others yelling about Sodom and Gomorrah even as they show they really gave no idea what that whole thing is about.

While homophobic evangelical pastor Franklin Graham may have mildly addressed these actions by saying,

 “I don’t agree with heckling anyone – I think we should be respectful,”

He had no problem verbally, albeit more politely, passing judgment of his own.

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 “The condition of my soul is in the hands of God, but the Iowa caucuses are up to you”,

Graham ignored the political part of the response choosing, instead, to grasp onto and make a jab based on the religious part saying,

 “Mayor Buttigieg is absolutely right. His soul is in the hands of God, so is everyone’s. He also says that he’s a Christian and wants to become the first openly gay president in America’s history. What’s wrong with that picture?”

And then he referenced Leviticus 20:13 saying,

 “The Bible makes it very clear that homosexuality is a sin. ‘If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…’ (Leviticus 20:13). That’s what God says and that settles it for me. I stand with the Word of God. I care enough about people to tell them the truth and to warn them about the judgment to come for all sin.”

He conveniently dropped the last part, “They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads,” but people know it’s there and what he meant.

A few years ago an Oklahoma politician who was running for office was questioned on his religious beliefs. That’s important there. He was a member of some Christian denomination that was neither Southern Baptist nor Evangelical, so it was decided he wasn’t the right type of Christian. Besides his being Gay, something the conservative crowd just cannot accept of a Christian, Buttigieg too is not the right type of Christian.

Fox News personality, Laura Ingraham, gave her expert religious and theological assessment. “He says he’s a traditional Episcopalian, whatever that means these days,” and conservative commentator, Erick Erickson tweeted, “If Buttigieg thinks evangelicals should be supporting him instead of Trump, he fundamentally does not understand the roots of Christianity. But then he is an Episcopalian, so he might not actually understand Christianity more than superficially.”

Take that, you Henry VIII anti-papists.

Earlier Erickson had drawn on a common GLBT trope saying that Buttigieg thinks “Jesus would be okay with beastiality.”


Being Gay is a privilege and being a White Gay man is nothing.



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