Rule by deceit

This week we saw “rule by hissy fit”.

When Democratic  members of the House and Senate met at the White House to discuss national infrastructure, it was a scheduled follow up meeting to one that was held weeks ago to review the plans the administration was to have put together- the actual plans and how to pay for them-after that meeting.

Instead, because Nancy Pelosi had stated the obvious earlier in the day, that Trump has been obstructing a congressional investigation, and the Democrat caucus met to discuss what to do with all those in the administration who were ignoring subpoenas and requests to answer important questions resulting from the Mueller Report, Trump not only called off the meeting after entering the room where it was to be held, but held an impromptu appearance in the Rose Garden, complete with placards and handouts that brought into question it’s truly being impromptu. At the podium in the Rose Garden Trump told the American people that not only would there be no infrastructure plan, but there would be no working on any legislation that would benefit us until Nancy Pelosi apologized for being mean and started saying nice things about him.

Obviously, the king of distraction had attempted to hide that he had not worked on or come up with the infrastructure plan he was expected to have for that cancelled meeting

We are now hostages to his hissy fit.

On the same day, Ben Carson threw his own hissy fit after being shown by his own performance the day before that he was woefully uninformed about HUD’s work, and then chose to take out his pique on this administration’s favorite target, Transgender people.

At the Tuesday appearance before the congressional committee, the one at which he confused one department procedure with a cookie and another with a pyramid sales system, Carson told the committee he had no plans to alter an Obama-era rule mandating equal access protections for GLBTQ people to federally-funded homeless shelters.

“I’m not currently anticipating changing the rule”, he had stated.

He also told Representative Jennifer Wexton that it was his responsibility is to “make sure everybody is treated fairly”.

The next day the Department of Housing and Urban Development published proposed changes to that very rule that would strip those protections from those in need based on the shelter operator’s personal and religious beliefs.

He was mocked for his confusing an REO with an Oreo, and he brought on further mockery when he posted a picture of himself holding a package of Oreos in the hope that it would temper people’s reactions to his gaffe, while it did the opposite.

Either he lied to Congress or, just as he had no idea about two major real estate actions, he had no idea what policies his agency had been pursuing.

If he hadn’t lied, like his leader, he threw a hissy fit and made the policy change in spite of his words, or sooner than he had intended.

Transgender and gender non-conforming people could soon be barred from federally funded shelters.

The Equal Access Rule currently requires shelters that wish to segregate clients according to their gender to modify their structures accordingly not just turn people away.

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Many of those rejected by family are young, and their desperation for shelter often makes them vulnerable to those who offer a place to stay for the purpose of sexual abuse and trafficking.

And as Mara Keisling, head of the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), explained

 “The programs impacted by this rule are life-saving for transgender people, particularly youth rejected by their families. A lack of stable housing fuels the violence and abuse that takes the lives of many transgender people of color across the country.”

Coming only 24 hours after he said it would not happen, the rule changed. And although he might claim he had no rule change planned, such a rule proposal would have taken a long time to come to its final form, so Carson had to be fully aware of what was going to happen even as he told congress there was no intention to make it so.

Although this new rule claims it will maintain the protections enshrined in the rule the agency is getting rid of, this is not so if definite inclusion becomes based on another person’s opinion as to who deserves it.

Back in January an Alaskan Christian homeless shelter had filed a lawsuit against the city of Anchorage for the right to refuse services for transgender people. They wanted the court to rule it does not have to follow nondiscrimination laws because they don’t like that they apply to everyone about everyone.

Alliance Defending Freedom argued that the Hope Center should be able to deny services because other clients “shouldn’t be forced to sleep or disrobe in the same room as a man”, again, as is so often done, denying the truth of what “Transgender” means so it can be twisted to fit their need.

Besides, someone showing up for shelter would most likely not announce certain personal information, so how would things be determined if not by some improper and questionable examination?

Many women at shelters are survivors of violence, and Alliance Defending Freedom claims that allowing biological men in a shelter would be highly traumatic. Anyone assaulting anyone in a shelter regardless of gender should be dealt with seriously, but to base an action on a possibility, a possibility based on someone I charge having violated another person by carrying out an inappropriate examination without cause, perhaps as they slept, seems to be a whole other issue.

This new rule, besides denying necessary shelter to those who want to avoid the streets and what living on them can result in, also introduces a theoretical threat that may traumatize those seeking shelter by announcing there is a monster, an unknown one, that could be in the shelter that very moment, under the bed.

Data, research, and common sense tells us that transgender people, especially victims of domestic violence, are no greater threat to society than a cis-gender person.

Jesus asked no one his or her politics when he performed miracles at no cost. He cured 10 lepers without any personal questions. He cured a Roman soldier’s significant other, restored sight to a blind man, fed a multitude of people with no tests, praised the actions of a man who His being Jewish would have assumed He should at least dislike, with the only people He ever really got angry with and condemned being those who hid behind their religion to excuse anything they did.

First it was the military, then it was Transgender school kids, then it was defining gender to support discrimination in jobs and housing, and now it is denying shelter by HUD policy.

Trump’s Departments of Defense, Education, Health and Human Services, and now Housing and Urban Development have all taken actions to marginalize Transgender people, mostly in the name of religion.


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