Yeah, this guy.

In my faith tradition, Boston Irish Catholic in the days of Richard Cardinal Cushing, taught by nuns, entering a seminary because I thought I had a calling, singing in a church choir, and teaching CCD to high school kids (That would be “Sunday School” for non-Catholics), God was omnipresent, all knowing, always awake, and ready to redress any wrong perpetrated against Him, and usually with a vengeance.

He was not someone to screw around with.

So I found it interesting that a person, Bryan Fischer, claiming to be a true Christian would have actually declared,

“Worst example of cultural appropriation. LGBTs stole the rainbow from God. Gen. 9:11-17. Give it back.”

Did God miss it happening, or did He just let it be taken?

It’s not like we could pull a fast one on someone Fischer has to believe is omniscient and all-seeing.

Bryan Fischer is the former director of issues analysis of the Christian fundamentalist American Family Association who has been opposing Gay rights for years, going so far in 2010 as to claim that homosexuality was to blame for the Holocaust.

Because of this, and attacks on other marginalized groups, the American Family Association was labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, so, in order to lose that label the organization repudiated this and all comments Fischer made about Muslims, Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans.

In 2007 he hosted an event with the former American Family Association California leader Scott Lively, known to citizens of Massachusetts as a recurring seeker of the state Republican Party’s nomination to run for governor, to promote the claim that “homosexuality was at the heart of Nazism”.

He later claimed that Hitler was Gay, that “the Nazi Party began in a gay bar in Munich”, and that the Holocaust was caused by homosexuals in the Nazi German military, saying, “Nazi Germany became the horror that it was because it rejected both Christianity and its clear teaching about human sexuality.”

To arrive at this conclusion, Fischer had to ignore facts of history including that Gays and Lesbians were two groups targeted by the Nazis, beginning in 1933 when Gay organizations were banned along with scholarly books about homosexuality, and that Gays in the Nazi Party were murdered.

Between 1933 and 1945, of the estimated 100,000 men arrested for being Gay, 50,000 were officially sentenced to serve time in regular prisons, and with many then sent to concentration camps where up to 60% died.
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After the war, while other groups were set free, Gay inmates were used to clean up the camps and were then re-arrested and imprisoned based on evidence found among Nazi camp documents.

If Gays started and ran it all, they certainly did a poor job of it, or perhaps the claims that Hitler was a homosexual who recruited other homosexuals to be storm troopers because “homosexual soldiers basically had no limits and the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict” and Hitler “couldn’t get straights to be vicious enough in being his enforcers” might be a little inaccurate, if not outright false and off the wall.

More recently he claimed that “Homofascists” will treat Christians like Jews in the Holocaust because, as we all know, Christians in America are being persecuted. Just ask all our Christian presidents, members of the House and Senate, and all those people whose discriminatory treatment of Gays is permitted by law..

Fischer has written in support of kidnapping of children from same-sex households and smuggling them to what he calls “normal” homes, that consensual sex between people of the same gender is pedophilia, incest, and bestiality, that homosexuality should be banned like trans fats for being “a hazard to human health”, and equating homosexuals to thieves, murderers and child molesters.

When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, Fischer called the Supreme Court Justices “rainbow jihadists and they blasted the twin pillars”.

Even though the American Family Association has had to demote him from being an official spokesperson, he has been allowed to continue as a host on the AFA’s American Family Talk radio.

And, although the AFA has issued a press releases denouncing some of Fischer’s views, stating,

“AFA rejects the statement by Bryan Fischer that, ‘Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews’”,

and rejecting his idea that that homosexual conduct should be illegal, and “We need an underground railroad to protect innocent children from same-sex households”.

And, yet, Fischer continues to be a frequent contributor to the organization.


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