
In his nomination acceptance speech, Trump, referencing the attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, declared,

 “the terrorist targeted LGBTQ community. No good. And we’re going to stop it. As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. “

He specifically limited the protection to that which is foreign, without any reference to anything domestic, most likely because his subsequent actions supported hateful domestic ideologies.

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“My administration is working with other nations to stop criminalizing homosexuality and we stand in solidarity with LGBTQ people who live in countries that punish, jail, or execute individuals based on sexual orientation’.

Again, attention to other countries, even Saudi-Arabia who we claim as friends and to whom we sell arms while they punish, jail, and execute GLBT people, while making no pledge or move to fight against those here in this country who are attempting to make it legal to discriminate against GLBT citizens, and want to re-criminalize Homosexuality.

He has no intention to.

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