Reversed Swirly

It is a very sad state of affairs when, in order to promote what it claims is the moral high ground, a Christian based organization dehumanizes a group of people and pushes its animus of that group by misleading people with lies.

It poisons the minds of others while promoting non-Christ-like hatred by leading people to assume it is legitimate and truly religion based.

People are fooled into believing that the rejection of other people is what Jesus wants when He has nothing to do with it.

In Massachusetts, as elsewhere, when the civil rights of Transgender people were put on the ballot for people to play creators bestowing inalienable rights, humanity, decency and truth were discarded in favor of reducing people to the human need to pee.

Anti-trans groups immediately jumped to the predator scare-mongering tactic centered on restrooms, producing ads with visuals featuring exaggerated images of predators looming over bathroom stalls, slinking into a restroom behind an unaware child, or hiding in a toilet stall as a teenage girl walks in and looking into her stall as she begins to undress when conservative groups decided they would work to undo a recently passed law  that had recognized the rights and equality of Transgender citizens.

Voters in Massachusetts saw past this and the vast majority of voters chose to keep Massachusetts Senate Bill 2407, the 2016 measure that enforces protections against “discrimination in places of public accommodation, resort, or amusement.”

They rejected the lie that non-discrimination laws expose women-only spaces to sexual predators.

After the vote, MassResistance, a group that opposed Transgender rights and promoted the falsehood of bathroom predation, stated on its website.

“On November 6, a nightmare happened in Massachusetts. There’s no way to whitewash this. Two-thirds of Massachusetts voters voted to keep a lunatic “transgender anti-discrimination” law in place. It’s a law that punishes people with fines Early ejaculation Medically known as premature ejaculation, this condition is common in men that are found best generic viagra with diabetes. Neurologists know that cheap levitra uk muscle spasms are often caused by pressure and unhealthy life style. Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in America, affecting about levitra tab 20mg 16 percent of men. It is such a medicine that cannot be achieved levitra without prescription by all the persons of the world. and even jail time if they refuse to treat mentally dysfunctional men wearing dresses as if they were actual women.”

 They not only revealed the group had at no time taken any steps to learn any facts about Transgender people, but when they asked, “How did this happen?” they undeniably revealed that what they had done was to lie saying

“Our side concocted the “bathroom safety” male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people’s emotions.”

The group further admitted that in the future, when it comes to any laws favoring GLBT rights, it would give up the bathroom thing and employ  “more inflammatory alternative arguments”.

Researchers from the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy of California found from analyzing data from reports related to assault, sex crimes and voyeurism in public restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms that the “fears of increased safety and privacy violations as a result of nondiscrimination laws are not empirically grounded.”

This was in line with the assertions of the GLBT Community and others who had already looked at similar crime statistics going back decades that the bathroom predator trope was unfounded, and, now, those who promoted it publicly admitted that it was contrived to rely on fear to convince people to vote a certain way.

Those claiming the moral high ground had done an abusive and immoral disservice to the people to whom they appealed for support by knowingly deceiving otherwise good people into thinking a threat existed and to act according to it in order to deprive fellow citizens of their rights.

They lied about one group, and deceived another.

Apparently there was questionable activity involved in restrooms, but it was not that of the victims of the lies, but those spreading the lies.

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