Perhaps, had things gone differently.

Besides the infamous Access Hollywood recording on the bus that made clear that to Trump women were sexual objects and he the irresistible stud-muffin who can violate women because he is a celebrity, and did so often, there is a video from 1992 when Trump was 46 years old in which he spoke to a young girl walking toward an escalator in the Trump Tower lobby . After asking her if she was going up on it, and she told him she was, in what could have appeared to be simply Trump being friendly, he politely let the 10 year old step onto the escalator.

His gallantry quickly ended when he turned  to  the Entertainment Tonight camera that had been recording him and said,

“I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”

The girl was a pre-teen, but Trump still assessed her sexually while he was dating his second wife, Marla Maples, after having been divorced for a year from his first wife, Ivana, apparently admitting that if he were to marry Marla it would not be a long marriage, or he was intending to cheat on his second wife if it lasted.

Recently, Trump had an encounter with another female minor.

At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Greta Thunberg criticized the United States for leaving the Paris Climate Accords saying,

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“The fact that the USA is leaving the Paris accord seems to outrage and worry everyone, and it should. But the fact that we’re all about to fail the commitments you signed up for in the Paris Agreement doesn’t seem to bother the people in power even the least.”

When asked by the Wall Street Journal about the comments of Time magazine’s 16 year old 2019 person of the year, Greta Thunberg, in spite of undoing regulations on clean air and water, Trump claimed,  

“We want to have the cleanest water on earth. We want to have the cleanest air on earth. Our numbers, as you saw, we had record numbers come out very recently. Our numbers are very, very good. Our environmental numbers, our water numbers, our numbers on air are tremendous.

We’re clean and beautiful. You have another continent where the fumes are rising at levels that you can’t believe. I mean, I think Greta ought to focus on those places.”

And then he revealed that although he didn’t know anything about her, he was aware, at least, that

“She beat me out on Time magazine.”

Had she not been promoting the need to address climate change, and had she not beat him out as person of the year in a non-existent competition for that honor, who knows?, in ten years, he might have been dating her.

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