Dr. Fauci organizes the White House for a virus Press Conference

Dr. Fauci has the patience of a saint.

How many of us would be able to stand just inches away from someone who, while presenting himself as a genius on all topics, misrepresents facts and you can’t run up,  push him aside, and say, “No, with all due respect sir, this is the truth and you need to accept it,” before giving us that truth minus hunches, self praise, and a  rewriting of  history to claim as your own the work of others?

What does Dr. Fauci really think about the reality television we have been watching coming out from the White House Press Room.

 “Well, I’m sort of exhausted. But other than that, I’m good. I mean, I’m not, to my knowledge, coronavirus infected. To my knowledge, I haven’t been fired.”

“To his [Trump’s] credit, even though we disagree on some things, he listens. He goes his own way. He has his own style.  But on substantive issues, he does listen to what I say.”

 Of course that does not mean Trump passes it on to us as it was told to him.

When it came to the inaccurate virus timeline presented  by Trump recently,

 “The way it happened is that after he made that statement, I told the appropriate people, it doesn’t comport.”

I think Fauci is a nice guy and all, but we, the people of this country, especially those who watch Trump spin his tales, weren’t told that “It doesn’t comport.”

And, I think we are “the appropriate people”.

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As far as fact-checking the president in real time, Fauci said,  

“The next time they sit down with him and talk about what he’s going to say, they will say, by the way, Mr. President, be careful about this and don’t say that. But I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down. OK, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.”

When the president claimed a vaccine for COVID-19 would be ready in months, Fauci had to explain that it would likely take at least a year.

After Trump touted two malaria drugs as a treatment against corona virus, Fauci had to explain that the only evidence those drugs were effective was anecdotal, not based on testing.

As far as testing for the virus Trump said testing was readily available, Fauci said the lack of testing was “a failing.”

Fauci has explained that while he was dealing with science, Trump was dealing, as best he can, with hope.

And for those who have noticed that anyone making any statement at the daily Trump ramble sessions seems required to open with praise of him, Fauci has found he has to walk a fine line between presenting facts and not offending Trump when presenting them.

 “I say it the way it is, and if he’s gonna get pissed off, he’s gonna get pissed off. Thankfully, he is not. Interestingly. I don’t want to embarrass him. I don’t want to act like a tough guy, like I stood up to the president. I just want to get the facts out. And instead of saying, ‘You’re wrong,’ all you need to do is continually talk about what the data are and what the evidence is.”

That’s how it is.

But we still wonder where he has been lately.

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