Take up my cross

In spite of the belief that by wearing masks, avoiding large crowds, staying home, and, well, just being considerate of others by not putting other people in danger either knowingly or unknowingly by passing on the virus we may or may not have or even know we have, most of the people who have been gathering to protest at various state capitals to protest these actions have been carrying certain objects in common—long guns, Confederate flags, Trump signs, and Christian symbols.

You hear a lot about God when people at these events are interviewed. Some have even claimed since they have God with them, they do not need to worry.

Maybe not worry about themselves, but what about their neighbor?

These people demand certain amenities, many not necessary, with most calling for people other than themselves to do what pleases them.

Opening bars, restaurants, hair and nail salons, bowling alleys and stores where they can get more things means someone has to be there to run the establishment and wait on them, and that means other people have to endanger themselves and are usually people who work for low wages.

Jesus said,

 “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it”.

He also gave us the Beatitudes and other teachings that tell us to be kind to others and sacrifice our wants for others’ needs.

Something that goes ignored in the demands to make people help us entertain ourselves at their expense and make some of us beautiful.

Nowadays, it seems, giving up selfish wants and desires is persecution in the minds of some.

To counter this persecution, some churches demand to be allowed to open, or defy the refusal to allow them to, not caring that they may be spreading the virus among themselves and not caring that they may also bring the virus from their churches into the wider community that has no say in the matter.

They want things their way or they will cry persecution. At the same time they deny anyone else having things their way.

Complaining about not being able to have Holy Week services, many Christian leaders harrumphed their belief that liberals, those persecutors of Christians would say nothing about Muslims closing mosques for Ramadan or Jews their synagogues for Passover, yet remained eerily silent when, with little fanfare and no protests, mosques and Synagogues were closed.

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Had there been outrage, she certainly would have known about that.

While condemning those who take a knee at football games because they are anti-American, they stand in front of statehouses threatening the legislators inside while carrying the flag of those who fought against the United States and claiming they are true patriots.

But that’s okay,

The rights of the others do not count, only theirs do because they have God on their side.

A Black man is killed while jogging and all known facts seem to point at it not being justified. But, the killers are good Christian men so anything negative about the victim is fair game no matter how irrelevant.

Throw “In Jesus’s name” into any defense and it’s bullet proof.

They claim that Trump is sent by God to rule over us, and since the Bible says,

“All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed.”

And so they march against those elected, and, therefore, God-chosen governors who are doing what science and experts say is best to help safeguard all people, not just those who voted for them because, well, Jesus and U.S.A.

They chant that refusing to allow the haircut, the nail filing, and bowling is a denial of the rights fought for by those in the armed services in a number of wars and then threaten the very democratic process they claim was won for them and protected for them by those others.

They disrupt lawfully assembled legislatures from functioning and threaten those members of them who try to meet in spite of the vocal minorities particular wishes.

And you know that, even as they deny others their rights and label them just a vocal minority who is trying to push their agenda on everyone else, the see no contradiction in their doing just that themselves.

But that would take reflection.

Just as it takes reflection to assess whether or not you are actually following the teaching of He whom they claim they follow.

But that could be work and a little to revealing.

By their fruits you shall know them.

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