Trump’s obsession with the T

Because Gay men and Oral sex were somehow linked in the minds of many, when recruits reported for service during World War II  doctors used tongue depressors inserted into their throats to trigger their gag reflexes based on the assumption that men who performed fellatio wouldn’t gag. There was even an assumption that because “true homosexuals” were so oral they felt pleasure in their mouth while their penises remained flaccid during sex, so doctors asked suspected homosexuals how they felt when engaged in oral sex. Gay men were assumed to have more estrogen and less androgen than straight men so for a while Hormone tests were given, but these became too costly, so, conveniently they ended.

Body shape, mannerisms, an interest in things other than sports, how a person walked or sat, were things to take note of in new recruits.

During the Viet Nam War, knowing how stereotypical behavior could get a guy out of the draft, draftees would pretend to be gay.

One ironic result of this tactic used to avoid service was, according to a recruiter in San Francisco,

“All of my clients who faked [homosexuality] got their exemption – but they drafted the one fellow who really was gay.”

Perhaps there were flaws in the system.

The standard way to identify a Homosexual on first sighting was to look for the following:

Another man’s pupils dilating when he looks at you because this might be one indicator of his sexual attraction.

Someone with a  wider and shorter face with smaller and shorter nose and larger, more rounded jaws of a masculine  appearance.

Do they walk or sashay as Gay men tend to walk with a bit of a sway in their hip.

Is there a particular quality and tone to their voice that sounds Homosexual.

Does their hair follow the Gay man’s predominant counter-clockwise, whorl pattern.

If a person displayed any stereotypical actions, the assumptions were made, and not too long ago, even though I began with WWII, these observations were used to deny or take away employment, deny credit, housing, and upward mobility.

In a 1967 CBS documentary Mike Wallace summed up the gay men this way,

“The average homosexual, if there be such, is promiscuous. He is not interested or capable of a lasting relationship like that of a heterosexual   marriage. His sex life, his love life, consists of a series of one–chance encounters at the clubs and bars he inhabits. And even on the streets of the city — the pick-up, the one night stand, these are characteristics of the homosexual relationship.”

Wallace later regretted the program as facts about Gay people began to displace folk-lore.

When Senator Joseph McCarthy declared,

“Homosexuals must not be handling top-secret material. The pervert is easy prey to the blackmailer,”

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he did not connect that the blackmail was based on something politically created and unnecessary, and easily removed. It was based on some people’s obsession with telling the rest of us what we can and cannot do in our own lives because they may have a problem with it, not on anyone’s simply being Gay. 

There is this generational need to make sure there is some one group that everyone else can look down at and appreciate being so much better than. Stop doing that and no one can blackmail someone as there is no created secret to be kept if that upon which the blackmail is based is rendered powerless.

But there was a time when the signs of who a person was were totally external, visible, and not necessarily relevant in any way to the truth, taking the place of the unknown truth.

Some may think we are past this now. We have come a long way, and, if you choose neither to see nor accept what you might actually see, everything is just fine.

A Trump Administration rule issued on July 20 will allow homeless shelters to turn away Transgender people.

An Obama era Equal Access Rule required homeless shelters that receive HUD funding to house Transgender people with the gender they identify as, but Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced that it would be rolling that back to

 “better accommodate religious beliefs of shelter providers.”

Single-gender homeless shelters can once again decide if they want a housing policy based on sex assigned at birth or gender identity, which would allow shelters that house women to turn away Transgender women and those that house men to turn away Transgender men.

I guess Joseph and Mary knew rejection based on personal beliefs as, being a young couple not married long enough to have conceived a child in wedlock, they were sent away from inns on the excuse that there were no rooms.

Although short on specifics, to help in determining which needy men and women coming to them during the time of their greatest need a shelter can turn away even if there are enough beds, the rule does explain that in determining without a physical or visual inspection, or asking questions of a highly personal nature, a shelter worker can identify a Transgender woman by using

“factors such as height, the presence (but not the absence) of facial hair, the presence of an Adam’s apple, and other physical characteristics which, when considered together, are indicative of a person’s biological sex.”

How many shelter workers have the training in properly considering other physical characteristic, or even which they are, in order to determine the biological sex of a person they just met.

National Center for Transgender Equality Executive Director Mara Keisling responded in a statement,

“One in three transgender Americans has been homeless at some point in their lives, and this proposal would have them sleep on the street rather than get help.

The difference between being sheltered and unsheltered is especially dangerous for transgender homeless persons, particularly transgender persons of color, who face harassment and threats from private individuals, as well as elevated rates of policing and violence within police custody. When combined with President Trump’s recent policy proposals to increase criminalization of homelessness, while cutting HUD’s affordable housing budget and rolling back support for Housing First, it is clear that getting transgender persons off the street and out of harm’s way is a matter of life and death.”

Ben Carson criticized the Obama Equal Access Rule for allowing “big, hairy men” to “impede the rights of” real women who are “not comfortable with the idea of being in a shelter, being in a shower, with somebody who had very different anatomy.”

Immediately putting on public display the depth of his ignorance of what Transgender really means.

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