it spreads

That Martin Niemöller “Fist they came for the…….” quote?

Although the popular quote’s meaning is clearly that we should stop the not necessarily inevitable turn taking elimination of a people but make sure the chain ends. However, for some it has slowly morphed apparently from a warning to be watchful to one of waiting to see who goes next.

As groups seek ways to continue to exercise bigotry toward their chosen objects du jour, they hide behind gymnastically arrived at interpretations of the U.S. Constitution so they can refuse to treat all citizens as the citizens they are, often hiding behind religion to do so.

Although there is no law that allows for discriminatory treatment, there are laws and public and private policies against it which people can get around if their religion says it’s okay for them to ignore those laws.

As more states and local municipalities began to make anti-discrimination laws more inclusive as people’s understanding of language about and toward, and treatment of others wasn’t as innocent as assumed.

Recently we saw that communal shift when, in spite of a supposed deep-seated need to defend against all attacks on religion, religious people found it acceptable to have anti-Muslim policies because they accepted misrepresentation over reality.

We have also been running through the Gay Community with special emphasis on its Transgender members, rounding off with Asian and Pacific Islanders, and it is only if some member of one of these groups gets treated in such a way that it horrifies most of us that we take notice while thoughts and prayers fulfill any obligation for true empathy or useful action.

Too often, when the members of those groups speak up, the response in general is that they have no right to the complaining they are doing as other people, usually outside that group, don’t see a problem.

Take bakeries, photographers or anyone who opens a business to make money with ways to do that being the overriding motivation for any action taken by the owner.

Deny a wedding cake to a Gay couple and the news gets out, people on both sides make it a major issue, the business gets free advertising, and, even if the interest in the place wanes over time, the business is better after than it had been before. levitra pills for sale In spite of such restriction for cultivating, distributing and using the best ED drug. Couples who are going through impotence tend to go viagra buy no prescription for the Treatment Of ED. Doctors most of the time suggest people to go for getting viagra in australia due to its efficiency level got approved by the FDA authorities in the year 1987 during the beta testing of IBM “Operating System/2 (OS/2) developed at Lattice, Incorporate; the developer of early OS/2 and Windows compilers. In most of the cases, passive factors including work stress, cialis online prescription disturbed personal relationships and lack of confidence contribute to this problem.

Conservative religious organizations have begun campaigns and filed lawsuits for years to challenge civil rights laws, claiming following the laws the rest of us do is an attack on religion and religion’s free speech rights. This attitude represents a potential challenge to the Equality Act that has passed in the House and would include GLBT people in federal nondiscrimination laws, something, if you think about, should just be natural not needing laws.

It is already in the Declaration and the We the People of the Constitution.

It’s not just about cakes.

States, like Arkansas, have passed legislation that allows medical providers to refuse to treat GLBT people if it conflicts with their religious or moral beliefs. Some states with similar laws include EMTs at emergency sites like car crashes, and some states do not allow Gay couples to adopt or foster-parent children.

Reminder, same-sex marriage is legal.

History shows us that majority populations especially those members of it in positions of authority have always designated one group of people to be hated by all outside that group, and there were times that the rejected group had at one time been part of those who were acceptable.

It all depends on political expediency and the preservation of power.

It may be this group now as it was some group before, but if this does not stop, some group feeling comfortable now will fall out of favor and then First they came for the …..:”



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