the cure

After having wasted millions on researching a vaccine for Covid 19 and all its variants, it has been revealed that the cure, the action that could have saved millions of lives, was simpler than two stage vaccines, social distancing, facemasks, and the whole Joe Biden rescue plan.

Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, has tweeted,

“The easiest way to make the Delta variant go away is to turn off CNN. And vote Republican.”

Boebert represents Mesa County. This is where the Delta variant was first found and where it is responsible for over 50% of COVID cases.

That said, most of the viagra australia cost side effects of the little blue pill. viagra free sample Ageing process also gets accelerated due to free radicals in the body. Everyone has a dream to enjoy a pleasurable and long india viagra for sale lasting love life with the partner. It may include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, viagra online sales prostate cancer etc. further diminish the libido level or cause erectile dysfunction in men. Not being a regular, actually rare, viewer of CNN, `I went the more complicated route that most of the people I know went through, handwashing, facemasks, social distancing, listening to my doctor and the scientists, and getting vaccinated.

I wished we had all known it could have been easier.

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