Where is he?

Okay, I am getting a little worried.

Recently, as there was nothing to do with Covid still around and a few straight days of rain, trapped at home I binge watched “Car 54, Where Are You?”, a show I remember from my childhood.

It might have been the gloom of the weather or realizing everyone in that show is dead, but a thought came to mind, more of a question, “what happened to……?”

Thomas Hodgson, sheriff of Bristol County MA, made a name for himself over the years with his questionable approaches to law enforcement and his more than questionable treatment of those in his charge, as has been proven. His whole history, from the time he arrived in New Bedford til today, is littered with self- aggrandizing and often questionable actions at the expense of taxpayers, but he really blossomed when Trump became president with all the ills that he represented and with which the sheriff was in full agreement.

He couldn’t wait to get an ICE detention contract so he could round up immigrants and use them as the monster under the Bristol County Bed.

He obviously likes the flash and dash of his office but has little attention to spare when it came to suicides in his facilities and recidivism and treating those in his ICE detention center like the humans they are.

When he was sworn back into office after his most recent reelection, he announced that he would volunteer his inmates to help build Trump’s border wall, but this was stopped when the legislature passed a bill banning the use of local inmates and taxpayer money outside the local community.

This could have set him back in his zeal to impress the president as he took every opportunity after Trump’s election to get the attention of the president, and part of this was attending white supremacy meetings to echo Trump’s xenophobia and becoming a board member of at least one anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim national group, but everyone else in the parade was out of step but him, so it didn’t.

He just threw out claims that his enemies did not appreciate his greatness and complaining, while he was the only one playing the politics card while others were dealing with law and the State Constitutiom, that everyone else was playing politics.

Without a word to the pastor of his parish church, he turned his church in to Steven Miller in the White House in a series of secret emails for having helpful pamphlets in the back of the church with other helpful pamphlets offereing tips on how to act if encountered by law enforcement so even the most legal immigrant would not end up in an untenable position because they wrongly handled an encounter with law enforcement making what should have been a routine event a catastrophe for them and their families. It was in these emails that the sheriff revealed he had a “special Force” that could work closely with the White House to find any county residents whose beliefs had them caring for strangers because this might be offensive to Trump.

Even though it was a misuse of equipment, he had his ICE Batmobile and Mobile Command Center show up in the annual parade that celebrates immigrants’ contribution to the country’s greatness the morning after ICE spent the night roaming the main street closest to the largest festival for immggrants and their descendents, obviously trolling for potential detainees.

His church’s information would be helpful to many of the people walking to and from the festival area as, “looking like immigrants”, they could be stopped.

He did everything he could to be the chair of the Trump re-election campaign in Massachusetts, but only got to be the Honorary Chair. I have been an honorary chair of one organization or another over the years, and received some other “honorary” acknowledgements, so I know full well that, as much as it adds to a resume, in reality, there was no actual substance.

But, as honorary chair, he got to go to Washington DC for the Republican National Convention, have his picture taken with many of the unmasked Covid hoax believers in attendance, and then returned home to resume his self-promoting public relations photo-ops without quarantining himself for the state’s required time period for anyone who spent time out of state in a dangerous environment and then returned.

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Also, as “honorary chair” of the Trump Re-election Committee, he was all fired up to monitor elections claiming it would be necessary because the local law enforcement community had not been doing their jobs well enough not to need his assistance. This while claiming others, mainly his “enemies”, did not respect local law enforcement.

Despite his attempts to present the best picture of his failures in handling Covid in his facilities combined with his use of excessive force and his claims that videos would show the “riot” at his ICE detention center on May 1, 2020 was totally instigated by the detainees, an investigation and the videos proved the opposite, and he lost his contract with ICE to house detainees in his facility because of his use of excessive force and denying fetainees their civil and human rights.

Worse, this investigation led to others that found that many of the statements Social Justice individuals and organizations had been making about his dereliction of duty and questionable actions, were, in fact, true, not just mean comments by his enemies. Health conditions were found faulty, his Covid protocols out of date and definitely not current, and there were lots of questions about how he basically paid for the great ratings he always cited when defending himself.

During the Trump years he was very vocal and public in his support off anything his idol said or did, while never accounting for how many of his many out of state trips to be photographed next to the former amd twice impeached president were at the expense of the taxpayers. His own office admitted that many of his trips out of state on “sheriff business” were on the taxpayers’ credit card. “Sheriff business” routinely was never defined.

Then Trump lost, and the sheriff has gone silent.

I looked forward to his reaction to the insurrection of January 6, but even with that opportunity to defend Trump, he has said nothing publicly. No letters to or appearances on the media. I am sure if the insurrection had been successful, he would have been all over the place racing toward the closest microphone and camera to blurt out his support.

After the loss of his ICE contract, he vowed that he would not “stand down”, perhaps heeding Trump’s encouragement to the Proud Boys, “Stand back and stand by.” He was going to fight back. However, we have had only silence with the last newspaper article involving him being about the acquisition by his office of a Covid detecting dog.

His silence could mean that when the dust settled and he could see without the orange haze, he took some time for an examination of where his good intentions, assuming he started with some, had gone out of control and, like the crackhead who finally sees how an almost imperceptible decline brought him as low as he could get before total destruction and is reconsidering how his future could be better and his missteps of the past could be avoided.

Perhaps he had descended to and has pulled himself out of his own personal Dark Night of the Soul.

It could also mean that like Skeletor, having suffered a series of losses, he is in his lair planning his triumphant comeback and total conquest of his enemies.

In te ,eamtime I have to ask,

“Where in the world is Tommy Hodgson?”






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