How Many?


There is a part of me that would just love to ask those people who were so “Patriotic” that they wanted the kids from Central America to be turned back and sent home immediately upon arrival at our Southern border because they just refused to accept that these kids were escaping death,

“Are you happy now?’

People seemed to actively refuse to accept the reality of conditions in Central America, many preferring to use the influx of immigrant children to exercise their dislike of President Obama.

Their claim that these kids were illegal and should be sent back because this was all so very unique and a new phenomenon ignored the number of unaccompanied children who had been sent here from Europe to get away from conditions there during the great immigration years of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and while bringing up Ellis Island conveniently ignored that until they were processed there, the vast majority of immigrants had actually been illegal.

Ellis Island is closed, and while the kids coming from Central America are being sent to may locations to be processed they are just as illegal as many of our ancestors were while they waited for processing.

According to Hector Hernandez, the director of the San Pedro Sula morgue, San Pedro Sula being the capitol of Honduras, they have had to take care of 42 dead children since February of which between 5 and 10 were deported after crossing into the United States, the rest being the victims of the violence in their home countries.

So i that 6 month period:

For teachers, this would represent two classes of students.

For hockey fans that would be the number of players on both sides suited up for a game.

For Football fans that would be a team roster.

For baseball fans that would be a little less than twice a team’s roster from March to August until the minor leagues close in September and the roster goes up to about 50. So that would make the death toll 8 less than the complete roster of an MLB team.

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For Basketball fans that would be three members less than three teams.

Bringing it back to kids, that would be a school bus load of children.

And that is only since February 2014.

There have been years before, and there will be years after.

Hugo Ramon Maldonado of the Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in Honduras says that about 80% of Hondurans fleeing are escaping crime or violence.

San Pedro Sula saw 187 killings for every 100,000 residents, and a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency report saysthat many Honduran children are on the run from extremely violent regions “where they probably perceive the risk of traveling alone to the U.S. preferable to remaining at home.”

Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican, and Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Democrat, and both from Texas, want the turn around time from arrival to deportation to be no more than 7 days.

These kids who have left everything behind, or whose families sent them north to save their lives would be pushed through a legal system they do not understand to be returned to horrific environments they do.

The U.S. and Honduran governments have set aside funds to help those who are sent back, and part of this is to give support to community programs and improve policing of the gangs these people are fleeing.

But until something concrete actually results from the promises to do something, the fear that upon return the deportees face death seems to have some validity unless a person feels there is a number of deaths that has to be reached before kids getting killed becomes a legitimate concern.


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