validation makes the heart feel good

Sometimes it is just nice to have an opinion validated by an important person.

During the administration of President Obama, I did a number of blogs about the inclusion of Israel as the 51st and most important state, and all the times that the GOP played games giving Netanyahu more respect than it gave to Obama going so far as to invite him to speak against Obama’s Israel policies from the House podium without the courtesy of informing President Obama of the intended invite before it was issued.

Now we have proof that my opinion, shared by many, that the GOP had, indeed, been placing the interests of Israel over that of the United States was not wrong.

Our Constitution established three branches of government that work for the American people and not for anyone else foreign or domestic.

Yet it is clear now that until President Obama ended this betrayal of the Constituion and the people of the country, the GOP had placed Israel in a controlling position so that its will and interests superceded those of the American people’s.

As the GOP god, #45, proclaimed just the other day,

“It used to be Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that. And yet in the election, they still get a lot of votes from Jewish people, which tells you that the Jewish people ― and I’ve said this for a long time ― the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel.”

Obama and Biden could not end what was not, and lamenting the passing of it shows it had been there.

That is validation.

This is what President Obama ended.

While demanding inspections of Iran, Israel vehemently refused to have its stockpile inspected
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Thank you, Donnie.







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