
If a person stays in an elective office too long a time, especially when this is an administrative position as opposed a representative one, what begins as minor things being done according to the office holders ever more pronounced personal, religious, and/or political beliefs, because hiring people who are closest to the ideology of the leader takes on aspects of a culture.

The justification of “This is the way we do it” is never sought, but the order is followed and passed on.

Suggestions from outside sources become seen as an attack as opposed an offered assistance especially if what is suggested does not follow with the parameters of the way it is done.

A reminder to those familiar with the story and information for those unfamiliar as yet, when the whaling Ship, Essex, set out to sea its crew were Nantucket men and all that Nantucket men knew of any place of the island was what those who returned from such voyages told the people. What a Nantucket man told you the truth, anyone telling you different should be looked at with suspicion.

And so it was that, when the whale sunk the ship in the pacific the crew, in deciding which direction to head chose to head East because, as Nantucket men knew, the islands to the West were peopled with cannibals eager to make you the center piece of the feast.

In the end, the months long voyage across expansive seas with hunger and thirst ironically forcing the survivors to cannibalize the departed was the wrong choice because, as everyone, other than Nantucket men, had learned through experience or word of mouth that the Islands just a few days East of where the Essex had been stoved by the whale had friendly native people who were welcoming and who made ships stopping their glad they did.

Insular culture has negative effects.

After 30 years at the helm, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson of Bristol County Ma has created a culture at the jail and a financial, political, and public relations network that ensures he remains in office for whatever political gain for them that produces.

Times change, and you have to keep up. What worked in the past may not be all that effective or correct anymore.

This blog has chronicled the many instances of the need for fresh blood and, thankfully, people have stepped forward.

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Paul Heroux, a former state representative and now popular mayor of Attleboro, who, along with the skills necessary to do what both of those positions required and also has experience in corrections in both Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, has stepped forward as has Fall River attorney Nicholas Bernier.

Both candidates may have their own priorities, but both believe that with the proper innovative and more appropriate programs, the sheriff’s office could be brought up to being a model of how a house of corrections can be run by improving safety for inmates and working conditions for corrections officers while improving drug rehabilitation programs for inmates and reentry programs for housing, employment, health care, and drug treatment upon release.

Just doing it the way we do it has led to high suicide rates and high recidivism rates because, among other things not done, as he laments how mental illness and addiction make the inmates more difficult, the sheriff has no effective programs to deal with either and there is no preparation for a return to society which, sadly, just puts people back into the environment in which they committed their crime with few options.  

In this year’s election for sheriff there will be choices.

As Tip O’Neil said, “all politics is local”. We do not need a non-Massachusetts minded person in a position like that of sheriff.

Don’t let this election slip by and then decry the results.   








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