What is their obsession about anyway?

As the January Sixth Committee hearings continue to bring out new revelations of behind-the-scenes machinations, as politicians in the Trump event horizon are beginning to get sucked into the black hole, and as the public’s view of the events are beginning to change with these revelations, there are those afraid of what is coming out when their names and actions come up.

Why they were so strongly opposed to any investigation  is becoming clear and the last thing they need is for too many people to hear too much, so they are looking for the proverbial squirrel

Distractions aren’t easy to come by what with the big discussion being our apathy toward children being massacred in classrooms and the only other topic being the Hearings. But distractions can be found.

And they can be desperate.

Senate and House Republicans are introducing the “Protecting Minors from Medical Malpractice Act. It might sound like a good idea as no child should be the victim of such malpractice but, rather than being a broad law about children’s health care, its actual aim is to introduce the idea and practice that if a Transgender adult who received any level of gender-affirming care when they were young has any regrets, real or perceived from societal pressure or even religious conversion, they can sue those physicians involved later in life.

Don’t already hate Transgender people because some of them play sports and all have to pee? Well, a new group people cab ne created who will hate and avoid them because they mean potential legal problems. Of course, there will be other things introduced later when the hatred has to be spread and new ways found to do it.

Senator by Tom Cotton of Arkansas is sponsoring the bill in the Senate and Jim Banks of Indiana and Doug LaMalfa of California in the house. 

The bill would ban federal health funds from going to states that allow health care workers to perform gender-affirming health care while permitting patients or their legal guardians to sue those physicians involved later after the patient turns 18.

Patients could sue for declaratory or injunctive relief, attorney fees, and compensatory damages. 

This bill, based on the religious beliefs of its sponsors, defines “gender-transition” procedures as social affirmation, like proper names and pronouns, hormonal therapies, and puberty blockers defining “biological sex” on the basis of sex chromosomes, naturally occurring sex hormones, and internal and external genitalia present at birth.

Doug LaMalfa of California, one of the bill’s House sponsors, claims.

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“Radical gender-changing ideologies ignore scientific evidence and put children in harm’s way” because every time” a physician offers gender-affirming care to a minor, they’re “potentially” sterilizing them “for life” and violating their oath to do no harm.

I know a woman who, never wishing to be a parent, fulfilled Lady Mac Beth’s desire to become unsexed. Would the doctors who were part of whatever the procedure was be considered to have done harm as she was sterilized for life?

She, like those seeking gender affirming care, made a choice that she saw was best for her.

He also described gender-affirming care as “experimental procedures” by which the government is trying to “force” physicians to offer this care.

I remember as a child watching Christine Jorgenson getting off the plane after her return from Europe and all the subsequent jokes about Sweden and sex, and later throughout by adulthood meeting many well-adjusted, happy, and successful people on all the stages of the gender affirming process, but I, apparently, have been wrong assuming that in those close to 70 years the procedures had gone beyond the experimental.

It is as if the conservatives and their politicians think all this is new.

Reminds me of when Gay people started coming out of the closet and the conservative thought something was happening to create more of us when in reality it was our being fed up with their controlling attitudes and forcing their religions on the rest of us that had us step out of the shadows where they had forced us to hide not because of some 747’s contrail.

Tom Cotton based his action on his claim that gender-affirming care isn’t “safe or appropriate” for youth, describing physicians who offer this life-saving care as “radical” doctors who perform “dangerous” and “experimental” procedures.

He also went with the baby producing idea suggesting that all of this care is “sterilizing” and that these procedures are being performed on “young kids.”

Gender-affirming care for youth usually involves the non-threatening to baby production use of correct names and pronouns, supporting gender expression, and, when the time is right, hormonal therapy and puberty blockers.

None of this involves anything irreversible.

In most states this is all you can get until you turn 18 and surgery is allowed.

When it comes to Transgender people and their parents their decisions are personal medical decisions that should only involve the patient and their medical providers, not Tom Cotton.

Everyone should have the basic dignity of accessing safe and age-appropriate health care with the respect and help of their physician without politicians having any say whatsoever, especially if, in order to get their beliefs forced on all of us, they create a false paranoia about potential lawsuits that prevent patients from getting proper care.

What is the GOP obsession with the sex and the private lives of citizens?








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