we are an evangelical theocracy now

I am of an age that I remember when John F. Kennedy ran for president. Surprisingly for people outide of Boston, the Kennedy family was not necessarily all that liked. Their connection to Honey Fitz through Rose gave them some validity, but as they were Boston Irish Catholic at the summit of the rise of the Boston Irish through Honey Fitz and Hizzonner James Michael Curley and with their connection to Richard Cardinal Cushing, the Boston Irish bond, having one of our own, the first Catholic in the White House and Boston Irish at that, resulted in strong support and a wlilingness to overlook the fact based and valid gossip.

Meanwhile, what we were hoping for as a good thing was being seen another way by the fetal evangelism movement that was rising because Blacks were getting White people stuff and the Catholics, especially the Irish ones who had been a problem in the Know Nothing days, had moved close to the White House.

The strategic claim spread at the time was that JFK’s loyalty would go to the pope, not the Constitution, and he would run the country according to the dictates of the Vatican.

At the time the evangelicals were against such religious meddling in the United States. They were the defenders of the separation of church and state, or so it seemed, but in reality, what they were defending was their vision of America and being able to force their religiosity on all citizens with no interference, even some help, from the government, but Kennedy might beat them to it with the wrong brand of Christianity.

And, here were.

Kennedy wasn’t around long enough to fulfill the plan for a Vatican take-over, and, with no Catholics until Joe Biden, the plan would have been in place and sprung with the three Trump SCOTUS appointments.

And now we are a country whose laws are being based not on the U.S, Constitution that we the people did ordain and establish, but the religious interpretation of the Bible according to a minority of evangelists.

America bows to religion.

The Constitution has taken a seat.







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