This past week we saw two examples of the GOP’s tactic that allows them to avoid doing anything for the people of the country in favor of promoting the party over country.


Jim Jordan asserted with certitude that the story of a ten year-old Ohio child’s having to cross state lines to get an abortion to free her from the pregancy resulting from a rape was a made up story, like Sandy Hook, or any number of mass shootings, to promote the Progressive agenda.

When a person of interest confessed to this and an additional rape after he was apprehended, Jim skated right by his earlier denial pointing out that this situation is an example of crime that could have been avoided by having stronger borders because the rapist appears to be undocumented.

And off we go from the trauma of the child and a specific instance were the rescinding of Roe had some devastating results to a more general discussion of another topic to avoid talking about this one.

No 10 year-old would have been raped anywhere in the United States anyway and, therefore, no abortion dilemma would be had, if the border were more secure because no one here as a citizen or a person with the proper papers ever rapes 10 year-olds.

While Jacketless Gym Jordan thankfully found a segue to the rapists that his hero, Trump, assured us Mexico freely sends across the border, another Republican congressman, Billy Long of Missouri, asserted during a radio interview that mass shootings are a “systemic problem”.

When I was growing up in Springfield, you had one or two murders a year. Now, we have two, three, four a week in Springfield, Missouri, so something has happened to our society, and I go back to abortion. When we decided it was OK to murder kids in their mother’s wombs, life has no value to a lot of these folks.”

Why worry about reasonable gun control laws now that the Supreme Court has laid the foundation for a society free of mass shootings because women can’t get an abortion.

From news reports that child did, indeed, have an abortion and her rapist has been caught.

Beyond her having to deal with the trauma of this whole ordeal, the child will have to grow up knowing that she is responsible for any one of the future mass shootings that will occur until the abortion ban settles in completely and the gun problem evaporates.

Until then, this girl and others like her are responsible for whatever causes a young man to kill a lot of people in one place at one time.

I know their responsibility and burden because, as a Gay man, I have been responsible for hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, floods, and the occasional terrorist attack done by people who hate us but somehow do our bidding.







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