Burden of its own creation

Working to gain Gay Rights, with which we had already been endowed by the Creator, there seemed always to be resistance that often resulted in one step forward, two back.

There always was and, it seems, there still is, a gnat in the room, a mosquito under the top sheet.

Politicians and religio-political people oppose any progress in regards to Gay Rights and equality, and they are put in office by those who agreed with them for a personal advantage from their being elected.

In the Gay Community we have Gay Republicans who, while claiming they are doing their part to promote Gay Rights from within the party, actually merely helped elect people who would never see things their way but appreciated their support.

Claiming to be working for Gay rights, they worked to elect those against whom the Gay community had to fight, and they would at times undermine the progress being made.

It would appear there is hope as at least one chapter of the national organization, the Texas Log Cabin Republicans, have realized that, in spite of their best efforts and the sycophant devotion to the GOP, it will never be on their side.

While claiming to do so much for the Gay Community in Texas as Gay Republicans, something that would require acceptance as a group, support from the party on relevant legislation, and making inroads within the GOP to open their minds to who Gay people are and why their rights are American, they can’t even get a booth at the Texas GOP Convention.


Anti-Gay language, whose previous removal from it was the LCR’s proof of its efficacy and why the cost of betrayal had to be paid, has been reinstated to the Texas GOP platform.

Facing this reality, but assuming no responsibilty for putting the people who made this decision in the postion to do so, the Texas LCR have admitted defeat.

The party’s first president, Paul von Wupperfeld, while admitting the failure “to moderate the Republican party,” also softened the blow stating,

“I’m glad we tried, and I think we did the right thing by trying. We’re actually going the other way, faster and faster.”

The hypocricy of claiming to support Gay people and their rights and claiming this could be done by electing those they endorsed after they stated clearly Gay Rights must go, is clear when this man admits that, inspite of all the endorsements for the conservative who would allegedly get things done for the Gay Community ,he hasn’t voted republican since 2000.He helped get people on ballots in a state whose voting record and mindset is perfectly clear knowing they would get in, but then didn’t vote for any of them just dumping them on the Gay Community to deal with.

“I didn’t believe it could succeed anymore. I sort of lost hope and got tired of the drama and the fighting internally and the fighting within the party.”

His successor, Dale Carpenter,  stated quite simply,

“I don’t believe we made any progress. In fact, I think the party got worse. [the GOP] views have not changed, but the wider cultures have. That’s a very striking thing to me. They’re like a fossil from another age. And it’s on everything. I don’t believe they support a single thing that’s happened over the last 25 years.”

These are the founders and leaders of the Texas Log Cabin Republicans.

Among the people who read my blog are many Gay Rights activists from the past and present who have had to deal with the Log Cabin’s interference with progress because of interstate proximity and saw the damage, and I will listen as each bellows out a loud roar of  We-Told-You-So frustration and release followed by tears for those who have and are suffering in spite of LCR being pled with to stop. 

Texas LCR began in the days when Marriage Equality did not exist and Gays were felons by nature because of the Sodomy laws.

In spite of Texas legislators and Congress members, many supported by LCR,  the sodomy laws were rescinded with the Supreme Court decision, Lawrence v. Texas, the state’s Attorney General, Ken Paxton, in light of the recent Supreme Court decision on Roe and Clarence Thomas’s poorly veiled threat to marriage equality, has said that he was open to bringing anti-sodomy laws back.

He wants to make being Gay illegal in Texas again threatening the life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness for those who are.

Republican governor Greg Abbott has been targeting Transgender students and Ted Cruz has recently stated that Marriage Equlity is just wrong. 

Good job LCR.

Imagine if these two and their like had not gotten in because LCR took a stance, made a statement, and endorsed and voted for Gay allies.

If a person by claiming one Black friend, even if it has to be force a friendship, can then claim not to be a racist while voting for racist politicians and supporting racist legislation, I suppose the LCR can publicly endorse anti-Gay GOP politicians and then quietly vote out of sight, on a secret ballot, in a solo voting booth, that cannot be verified if claimed and know that will cancel all the votes LCR got for anti-Gay politician.

They may have come to their senses, but, cheese and rice, what damage they have done to all of us.









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