Freudian Slip?

Mitch McConnell, like him or not, is the main person in the GOP right now and has spent the past few years controlling the congress and the laws it passes and the judges it appoints. He was good at what he did, and not caring what his opposition thought, pushed his and the GOP agenda along.

However, we seem to have been wrong in assuming that, although they would never admit it out loud, the Republican Party, now a mere shadow of its former self its spaces being filled mainly with conspiracy theories and fascist policies and actions, would continue disguising itself as the party that cares for the people and is the defender of what it means to be America.

Marjories Taylor Greene pulled the curtain back and revealed the true spirit of the GOP as she explained on Steve Bannon’s podcast, “War Room,” why she wanted one candidate in Arizona to win and her disapproval of McConnell’s apparent reluctance to actively support a far-right candidate.

She justified the need for McConnell to go by saying after first characterizing the GOP as the good guys saying,

“Everyone knows this nation is, we’re about to have a complete revival. Because Americans know who our identity is. We are a Christian nation, we are a country of nationalism, we care about our borders, we care about our economy, we care about our children,”

that she had a message for Arizona,

“Mitch McConnell is pulling his support and pulling money from backing Blake Masters for Senate, and he’s doing that because Blake Masters is not the type of senator Mitch McConnell wants in Washington. But Arizona has an opportunity that only they can pull off. If they elect Blake Masters and send him to the Senate here in Washington, D.C., they are going to be cutting the head off the snake and defeating Mitch McConnell, the RINO that has controlled the Senate for years now. This is the message that needs to be sent to Washington, Steve.”

Although it is obvious that her intention might have been to insult McConnell, in so doing she revealed that he was, in reality, the head of the party in Congress and the party is a snake.

It would seem that Trump had revealed a secret about the GOP that we did not see, and Marjorie has done us the favor of reminding us of how Trump described the party when he recited his Snake Poem.

Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin,. “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.”