In her attempts to maintain her position as the Queen of Conspiracies and the Right Wing, one of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s trope well-fonts is the Gay Community, all the letters of the Rainbow Alphabet I lose track of.

In her desperation to hold on to the old ways and old-time beliefs that education so easily dispels, her latest attempt at attacking Pete Buttigieg as a Gay man who is attempting to emasculate the highways of Americas because she can find nothing else to find fault with about him. She may feel that this approach is more insidious than jet plane com-trails because it is a more invisible thus subtle approach.

Just for those who need to know, Gay people have had to deal with a lot, and most was having to handle uninformed, personal attacks from people who think their lack of information is sufficient reason to oppress others. As a result, Gay people, having to succeed in both Straight and Gay society have to be able to navigate both knowing how much Gay they can let slip out for safety or the convenience of those nearby.

That means vocabulary on the straight level that is seemingly simply direct communication also contains innuendo and a message to the Gays in the area with the same effect for the Straights as the dog whistle they use to call in Fido.

For those who need the image, it is obvious by the snapping fingers that you have just been read. Without the snap, you got read, but only the Gay people in the vicinity will see that.

MGT claims that Pete’s push for electric vehicles is his was y to emasculate automobiles only so she can take a bow for making a Gay slur and pretend she has done something.

 “Democrats like Pete Buttigieg want to emasculate the way we drive and force all of you to rely on electric vehicles.”

Having heard this stupidity applied to a variety of nonrelated things, Pete did not get upset, but did apply some ice.

“I literally don’t even understand what that means. My sense of manhood is not connected to whether or not my vehicle is fueled by gasoline or whether it’s fueled by electricity.”

“It was a strange thing to say. You know, to be honest, there are other members of Congress that I pay more attention to when I’m thinking about opinions that really matter or ideas that are going to be critical to engage with.”

The power is in the caesura.

Eventually her state will need some infrastructure funds and Marge will have to request them from Pete who will not make an issue while he will still make a point.

The same is and will be so for those Republicans who opposed the infrastructure bill because it had Biden’s name attached just as they had to get Obama’s attached to the ACA so they could attack it through him, and made their pubescent locker room jabs against Buttigieg, but now with hat in hand will ask for the money they originally wanted no one to get.

After calling the bill “President Biden’s multi-trillion dollar socialist wish list”, as the mid-terms approach, Republican Tom Emmer wrote a letter to express his full support for a grant application for an infrastructure project in his district because it is “important to Minnesota as it serves as a critical corridor of commerce” and having  “real safety issues” it could use some help.

His initial concern about the bill, the excuse when disaster relief goes to blue states as well as red ones, was that it was an example of Socialism which, somehow, because “The completion of this project means improved economic opportunities for ethnically underserved communities”, it no longer is.

In spite of his expressed opposition during debates and negative reaction to its passage, he now claims,

“We’ll always answer the call to advocate for real infrastructure improvements in the Sixth District as a part of smart spending practices.”

Alabama’s Tommy Tuberville had criticized the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act last year because the Democrats were “using fuzzy math and IOU’s to hide the real cost.”

Now that the deficit-neutral funds he had misrepresented to present a false and politically based picture to his constituents is there, he wrote to Mayor Pete saying,

“As a former mayor, you understand better than anyone the time and money that goes into applying for highly competitive federal grants like the RAISE Grant.”

If he gets that bridge, he could get re-elected.

Lauren Boebert opposed the bill calling it “wasteful” and “garbage” pledging to “hold these fake republicans accountable,” those RINOs who “just passed this wasteful $1.2 trillion dollar ‘infrastructure’ bill.

Pelosi did not have the votes in her party to pass this garbage.Time to name names and hold these fake republicans accountable. “

She has asked for over $33 million for a rural transportation project. Stressing the importance of the project in improving “the sole paved access route to the South Corridor.”

In her letter she may have said she would “respectfully urge your full and fair consideration of this competitive grant application,” but being the creature she is, she threw a little mud on Pete’s shoes by addi nb mg ng that, even though she is all in favor of investing in rural Colorado,

“Biden’s so-called infrastructure bill was not the right way to do it.”

The socialism theme was further carried by Paul Gosar who accused Biden of promoting “the America Last’s socialist agenda” that was “completely lacking fiscal responsibility” while at the same time writing three requests for three separate projects.

“In rural communities, such as those in the Verde Valley, we understand that often our best solutions are regional in nature. By working together, we improve conditions for all of our residents, businesses, and governmental entities.”

He justified his about face by explaining he is “not obligated to vote for a bill of which he supports 80% of the funding if 20% is horrifically absurd.”

However, once the money, no matter how much is ill gotten gains, is there, his office explained,

“Congressman Gosar is free, and quite willing, to fight for the funding authorized to benefit good projects.”

What should be noted is that while the letters from those who opposed the bill’s passage were vitriolic, the requests for funds come in scented envelopes.

Others with their hands out before the first coin hit the inside of the hat were Republican and NO voters Carlos Giménez (R-FL), Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Ashley Hinson (R-IA), Andy Barr (R-KY), Rand Paul (R-KY) who sent 10 letters of request, and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) who sent 9.

Now, I am sure few would blame Mayor Pete if he played hard to get with the funding  and made an equally childish game of it, but Pete went for high road and just left out the finger snap.

“It’s hard not to chuckle. Obviously, it’s good for their districts, which is why it’s probably good for America.”

He is not taking Congressmembers’ opposition to the bill into account when evaluating grant applications.

“We’re not going to be trying to be jerks about it. We’re also not going to be shy about folks knowing who was with us and who was against us. We’re obviously not going to penalize anybody for the shortsightedness of their politicians.”

And he came out on top.

Two snaps in a Z formation.





