One more thing

Don’t tell a Gay man who has fulfilled all known requirements imposed to obtain a particular end that after getting the Wicked Witch’s broom he now needs to get some new thing not mentioned before. At my age I am fully infused with the Wizard of Oz and know what he was attempting with Dorothy just was as attempted in Oklahoma City.

That is that in order to avoid delivering on what was promised upon completion of a task, another task is added because the expectation was failure on the last one, not success.

Considering that all it took for the Good Witch to get the Ruby Slippers on to Dorothy Gale’s feet was a wave of a wand which meant she could have waved them into her own hands, the clicking of heels and the No Place Like Home chant to get home, and the elimination of the Wicked Witch by water, this all could have all been accomplished just after she got there, so there was no need for all she went through to get re-housed when it was within her power to handle it all within minutes of the house crushing the witch of the East.

She was told to see the wizard and to do so by just following the Yellow Brick Road and getting a big send-off with lots of singing, waving, and thoughts and prayers. Instead of the instant return home that was available, this pubescent young woman wandered off on her own meeting three odd adult men of questionable character from the get-go, receiving threats on her life, getting kidnapped, being tortured by Auntie Em’s showing up in a crystal ball just before the monkeys flew off, with each of her compatriots being tortured, let rust, and de-strawed before she finally got the broom the wizard, at their first meeting, had demanded she get in order to go home, only to have the Wizard attempt to make her go get something else when she was not told there would be a series of tasks and after going through what she had not known about but was known to those who could have gotten the slippers, dispatched the Wicked Witch, send Dorothy home, and restore order, all before the audience would have had time to register the Black and White movie was now in color.

Glinda, although all smiles and dimples was the actual Bad Witch for having put Dorothy through all she went through knowing she never had to.

These trials and tribulations were initiated after the fact an after Dorothy had already begun the process of moving on.

When tenants in my building were told to leave, there were statements and promises made.

There was to be a meeting, or at least personal face to face conversations that would help clarify the situation and explain any help the new owners would extend and informing us that we should either leave, or, if we chose to remain, do so during construction and paying the higher rent when construction was completed.  

The next day we were told we all had till November 1 to leave.

Tenants were also informed at that time that such construction would begin on that date as well, but on the morning three days before that declared date, a crew of workmen with chainsaws entered the courtyard and hewn down any bit of vegetation there, a two-hour task.

The fact that I was handed a written notification, only to have it instantly altered indicated to this old Union guy that if written words are so easily changed, the same will be true and even easier with the spoken, so when I needed a clarification, I wanted it on writing.

A main concern was affording the move from one place to another that would require, first and last months’ rent, a security deposit in addition to or in place of last.

Initially claiming,

“WE have worked with dozens of tenants in similar situations and are confident that we can provide you with viable options to assist you in relocating during the construction period or remaining at the property if you choose to do so. It is important that I sit down with you and explain all the options so that we can figure out a plan that works best for you,”

With no such meeting taking place and clarifications morphing with each email, phone call, or text seeking specifics my faith in the word, spoken or written, of the new owner was weak if there at all.

I had been informed repeatedly that the new owners would help with the moving costs giving us twice our present rent, an amount far less than what a move would cost in first, last and/or security deposit  with assurances of paying the cost of moving possessions as far as ten miles out of the city.

I was told,

, “the company will subsidize up to 2X current monthly rent to assist with relocation,”

And the local, newspaper was told,

“We have offered financial support in the form of cash payments or direct payments to new landlords to assist with the costs of securing new housing. We also offered to organize the logistics and to fund the tenant’s moving expenses.” 

They hadn’t. I brought information to the tenants

I had been looking for apartments and had all the applications, digital and hardcopy, and all relevant paperwork on file, and, in spite of personal feelings, I actively sought new housing.

When I heard that my application for the new apartment was accepted, I notified the owner and inquired about the moving costs. He had previously made statements about the funds in emails and to the press, and had assured me ,in writing,

“If you find an apartment, we can provide you a check within 24 hours to assist with your relocation expenses”.

I was also told to just call him if I got it.

With the process clarified as a) find an apartment, b) call him, and c) receive the check in 24 hours, which in this case would have afforded me time to cash the check and prepare funds to be handed over to the new landlord upon receipt of keys, and having agreed with the landlord because he was ill to keep the weekend key exchange open but definitely for Monday, I notified the new owner that I would need those funds.

However, he responded,

“I will be able to meet you on Monday to sign the relocation agreement and to provide you with payment.”

This was the first mention in any email or document that an ‘agreement” was called for. I was curious about this sudden, last minute, additional step, So I asked.

“What is a “relocation agreement’? I would assume as an agreement I have some input.”

He wrote back,

“The relocation agreement is a document stating that you are moving out of your apartment at Elm Street by the end of November and that in exchange for relinquishing possession of the unit, our company is paying you $1,600 and neither party will pursue any further legal action.”

I am not, a fan of these last minute add-ons, and this last minute add-on agreement thing was not my first rodeo.

I wanted specifics and asked for them.

The owner had had time to read the agreement that was most likely written by a lawyer or two, but I was going to be handed something to sign at the last minute under duress as the moving money is waved in front of me, so I requested further information and a copy of the agreement.

“In reviewing all printed and digital documents, notifications, and email clarifications of the details of the moving expense claim etc. there was no mention of an agreement to not pursue any further legal action until I notified you that I had a place and that I was requesting the funds you said would be delivered in 24 hours which would be Saturday, 11/05/2022.

Although I had hoped to get the keys today or some time over the weekend, I suggested to the landlord that as he was not feeling well, we put it off until Monday unless he got well sooner as I would have the funds by Saturday and could deliver them anytime over the weekend if things changed. 

In light of this added agreement, please forward to me a copy to read through and have my attorney’s read through as well, as you are asking for more than just me to leave.”

If this is just a routine thing it should have been mentioned up front.


So, to avoid having to deliver, the Wizard delayed, or attempted to by adding one more thing. Don’t know what the motivation is here, but either he hates to see people just leave, or he has a need to just twist the nail, one more time as each tenant leaves.

I am moving out. I have brought the broom stick.




