Let he who has eyes see.

Regardless what your opinion was of the Evangelical Christians, the one thing was that, as obnoxious as they may have been about pushing their brand of religion on the rest of us, at least they based their actions, right or wrong, on the ‘written word’, the New Testament even if it called for selectively misquoting the actual English Translation of long outdated languages that do not have words for concepts discovered and realized long after the books were written.

However, in recent years, going back at least 2 decades, it culminated in the total conflating of Christianity with conservative politics which resulted in recent hypocritical political movements in Jesus’s name that everyone, apparently other than the Evangelicals themselves, could see were totally against what the New Testament  advised and they claim to believe as the inerrant word of God.

When people pointed out the obvious, the Evangelicals claimed that was just the persecuting of Christians who have never been given a fair shake.

The group laying of the Evangelical hands in the Oval Office and declarations that Trump was chosen by God to turn America around and had the divine mission to be a warrior for Christ in spite of his continually doing the exact opposite of what Christ would have wanted as evidenced by His Word were watched by non-Evangelicals and each flagrant violation of a Christian principle was explained away as necessary to protect that principle.

With the most recent election and the rejection of the Christian Nationalist ideas and the negativity that Christianity seems to have sunk into making the “tidings of great joy” anything but, the beam may have been taken out of the evangelical eye judging from statements by leading Evangelicals who had supported Trump even in his most unchristian.

Having been one of the Evangelicals who met with Trump in the Oval Office and had once given him an award, Mike Evans has had his Road to Damascus moment and realized,

“He used us to win the White House.”

Why did no one notice that?

And, again, even as non-Evangelicals were asking why they were doing what they were doing, he has now turned on Trump because,

“We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us. I cannot do that anymore.”

You should not have done that in the first place while condemning those of us who did not join in.

What you condemned others for seeing, the Evangelicals are now seeing themselves.

Trump’s one-time faith advisor, James Robison of Life Outreach International, admitted, again, what the blind did not see or chose to ignore for advantage, that Trump’s ego is getting in the way of the agenda.  

“If Mr. Trump can’t stop his little petty issues, how does he expect people to stop major issues?”

They were duped and, like the rest of us who saw it in real time, although a little late, see it now.

As another Evangelical leader admitted

“The take-home of this past week is simple: Donald Trump has to go. If he‘s our nominee in 2024, we will get destroyed.” 

They are jumping off the wrong horse they had backed using Jesus’s name to get secular things.





