MT Blockhead

Society forced anyone who was not demonstrably heterosexual into the closet forcing them to find love when and when they could, not always in places we would prefer. Out of sight, out of mind was a comfortable stance, but now we are tired of the closets in which we have been forced to survive.

 The MAGA crowd is now obsessed with evaluating us for how we have handled the oppression and what support systems we have found to survive.

Just as with the Jews and their propensity to go into entertainment especially in areas of comedy and clowns get into their personas to overcome the sadness of oppression through humor, one such way to deal with the oppression and find joy in spite of it is Drag.

It is not a man becoming a woman, but a man becoming a particular woman, back story and all, who he becomes upon donning the outfit.

David Suchet, famous for playing Hercule Poirot, once explained in a documentary that throughout the time he sits in  the make-up chair he is David Suchet and acts accordingly in mannerisms and conversation. However, once the mustache is applied, he becomes Hercule Piorot and his mannerisms and speech pattern is that of Poirot until the mustache is removed at the end of the shooting for the day whereupon he once again becomes David Suchet.

It is not just a man throwing on any old dress and wig and mimicking stereotypical female behavior. It is Daniel Hillard specifically becoming Mrs. Doubtfire.

But now the crazies like Marjorie Taylor Greene have decided there is a darker, child threatening side to Drag Queens, except, not for all Drag Queens as Straight men doing it is purely for fun while Gay men doing it is purely to corrupt children.

I remember as a child watching the Gypsy Rose Lee Show, a daytime talk show, but, obviously, regardless how she became famous, that part of her act did not appear on television. Kids my age knew what her act was because in asking them why she was famous the parents of my friends and I would mumble something generic about the Old Howard in Boston and our fathers  might gratuitously throw in a reference to Chesty Morgan whose second husband was a National League baseball umpire.

While Drag shows held in adult bars, usually late at night and not when children would be around, do tend to get a little risque with relevant humor, but no more risque than shows in similar venues that cater to straight people or any group of people with identifying similar characteristic, while ones held for a general audience are toned down to match the audience and the venue.

And, as if it is necessary to increase the threat by ignoring some basic facts, public Drag shows are advertised way in advance so like anything in public, if it is something you would rather not deal with, you can skirt it like many of us do on a regular basis when just walking down a street we have to dodge the Bible people with the stands of pamphlets who accost us just going to the bank.

The Sanctifier of marriage, Marjorie Taylor Greene, of the recent divorce, finds herself having to and willingly strongly defends her boyfriend having dressed in drag on a television station broadcast into people’s homes with children present and without a disclaimer or warning of imminent adult content.

You see, when Brian Glenn was a morning television host of a news show and advertised “A Tuna Christmas” a series of comedies set in the fictional city of Tuna, Texas, that premiered in 1989, he joined the two actors who perform in Drag in Drag, proclaiming at one point, 

“I may keep the pantyhose on. It does feel kind of good actually,” 

implying to all those impressionable young viewers that not only was this acceptable but also had something about it that made it preferable.

However, now as a host on a conservative station, he believes, as he stated in a tweet, that it is wrong after Coivid for musicians who have talent to be unable to find work because of some Drag Queen, a “fat dude with fake boobs and a detachable penis” who apparently does not have talent, taking their jobs.

But it was okay for him to promote a Drag show on television and to not only join in by dressing up, but admitting he felt better dressed in panty hose and might just keep them on.

Greene has been busy making things up about Drag queens and then condemning them for het visions once writing,

 “Drag Queen story time/shows are not appropriate for children. A man dressed as a woman reading books to children is intentionally gender confusing, especially for young kids. Oftentimes the books being read tell young kids they can choose their gender, which is an unhealthy lie.”

When a bona fide Drag Queen performs, regardless of venue, purpose,or content, it is always wrong because it is Gay people doing it.

But when the man she was seeing around the time her husband sued for divorce after all her previous playng around, it is just fine.

“I’m literally lol’ing @brianglenntv dressed in drag for morning news in Dallas years ago reporting on an upcoming local theatre production and the morons over at Patriot Takes think this is an attack.”

“Brian loves the throwback and is reposting. The left is so stupid.”

When the straight people do Drag its all fun. 

Like the sanctity of marriage.




