It’s okay not to understand everything

Every day at the high school in OKC at which I had my “adventure”, I had lunch with a Biology, Physics, and Art teacher with the occasional visit from the Vocal teacher. Although I would have no difficulty following conversations, I was often lost when the Physics teacher would go off on something I assumed was interesting to Physicists. 

One night as I scanned through the cable channels I came across a PBS show on String Theory. I knew it existed and had heard it referred to a few times in movies and TV shows, but really had no idea what it was.

I settled down on  the couch and for one hour watched as String Theory was explained in the simplest of terms.

The next day at lunch I mentioned I had watched the show and when asked, recited the one thing I could remember which made as much sense to me as the other information I did not understand at all.

The reality is that I knew nothing about String Theory before the show and little of it after. I was just aware that it exists and that for those to whom it is relevant, whether I get it or not, is important to them.

I do not need to understand everything to confer validity on creation.

In my everyday life, both before that show and since, has continued on, devoid of my understanding and it has not influenced my life as far as I can tell, especially as I do not understand it, know what it does, nor how it influences the cosmos.

I just go about my life knowing that Physicist care and know all about it, but it does not have anything to do with my living my life. It plays no active or, perhaps, not even a passive role in any of my decisions, nor do I judge others as to whether or not it does theirs.

This, like other things, is something that exists but unless they directly affect me is of no concern 

I also do not question the personal lives or politics of the String Theory crowd, those who accept and understand String Theory, nor should I fear the knowledge they have that I do not, nor should I take any adverse actions against them because I lack that information or, worse, choose not to seek it when it is readily available because someone told me it was an evil belief that could harm children if taught in schools or is in books that are in pubic and school libraries.

Before I have anything to say on the matter, I should learn what there is to say.

Recently enjoying an afternoon libation one person present suddenly blurted out that she did not understand the whole Transgender thing which would have been the proper end to a correct statement. However, she went on to opine about that which she had just said she did not understand as if her admittedly lacking knowledge was not a limitation.

If she does not understand it, she first has to ask if it is necessary for her to, and whichever way it goes, how it affects her life.

If you don’t understand it, don’t act on it. 


I am still not sure what String Theory is. I just know it’s a thing and I have done okay.

Perhaps things could be shaken up by pressing the idea that String Theory is being taught in public schools as early as third grade and this is making students uncomfortable and and thinking less of themselves.




