
Besides being a teacher myself, I knew many people who were, some members of my own family by blood and marriage. The oldest of us had arrived at the point of having a new student that had the same name As a wonderful student she had had her first year teaching and learned the new student was that former student’s daughter.

Having more than one generation of a family was common in the days of less mobility and experienced by many teachers. I knew a teacher that had had three generations of the same family during her long career.

The hope was that the returning family had been doing well since the initial encounter.

On Parent/Teacher nights, you only got to see the parents of the kids who were achieving while the ones you needed to talk to only showed up at the office with complaints based on their child’s reportage or to the school board demanding a teacher’s job because they are teaching things the parents don’t know.

These are the parents who want to control all children’s education.






