Why do the “virtuous” always go there immediately?


What is it with these people who claim their minds are always ascending heavenward as their thoughts are about God and virtue, that they seem to go directly to anything, no matter how irrelevant or deviant, in order to object to something they do not like, and quite often grasp at anything that is so opposite to their claims of high morals?

Years ago in Oklahoma City, when I first began advocating to have workshops for teachers about the existence of Gay kids in our schools and the conditions they faced in the schools where the law demanded they spend their days, the local newspaper wrote an article about the implosion of the Diversity in Education Committee that resulted from the reluctance of the chair to deal with Gay students in the discussions of minority sensitivity as was required by the formation of the committee.

Although I was not in the closet, I was also not a poster boy for the openly Gay teacher, yet, and the reporter, deciding she had found a real titillating hook for her article, and seeing how there would be a bit of sensationalism to grab the reader’s attention, outed me in a very public way.

My principal who at the time was supportive of what I was attempting to do for the Gay students, was concerned about how the public would react to this “news”, and wanted to prepare me for any negative reactions from parents that might come the day the article was published.

She was also concerned about how students might treat me differently and disrespectfully.

Her major warning was that the people of a city that prided itself on being close to Jesus would object to me because of my deviant sexual practices.

In reality, as I had never told anyone what my sexual practices were, or even if I engaged in any, I had to be prepared to be accused of being the practitioner of whatever people would dream up, accepting that what they would dream up would be the most objectionable sexual practices that could be dreamed up.

And, boy, did these virtuous people come up with some doozies.

They automatically went directly to the worst imaginings, almost as if I was their excuse to be able to do so. I was the “reason” they had their dirty thoughts, and as I had not mentioned any sexual practices, this meant that they were forced to keep picturing things in ever more deviant details.

I found it laughable because they seemed to enjoy and relish this journey, or they would have stopped themselves.

In Massachusetts recently, when the equal rights of the Transgender Community came up in legislation, the discussion of equal rights and the humanity of Transgender people, and what relevance the state and federal Constitutions and the Declaration of Independence had to the discussion, were abandoned by those who claimed the high road while the discussion became more concerned about which bathroom a Transgender person would use, and, not accepting the realities of gender identity and what it was to be Transgender, the opposition warned that they would choose to use the wrong ones.

The discussion of Civil and human rights was ignored in favor of talking about toilets.

In Houston, Texas, when the city council passed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), the religious right, led by pastors and pastoral associations, objected to the bill, not on the grounds based on Rights, civil or human, but on which bathroom would be chosen.

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That’s a lot to go through just to do that.

So, now in Houston, the ordinance that gives full and equal citizenship to a segment of its population is pejoratively referred to as the “Bathroom Bill”.

Why do these holier than thou types always seem to run immediately to the most deviant and socially unacceptable imaginings to find “reasons” to object to something.

I watched a pastor at a city council meeting in Oklahoma City many years ago that was dealing with adding “sexual orientation” to the city’s Human Right Ordinance stand at the podium describing the “standard sexual acts” of “those people” in graphic detail to the council members and the mayor as the meeting was being broadcast live on local cable.

The acts described repulsed the Gay people sitting in the council chamber.

To back up his claims, the pastor explained that, as pornography was illegal in the state, he had to drive down to Texas, go to the adult video store just across the state line to purchase the most disgusting magazine he could find, which obviously meant he browsed, so that he could bring it back across state lines, which was a public confession of having broken the law, to show it to the council.

So people would know the depth of the depravity contained in his selected magazine, he passed it to the pastor to his right, and it made its way slowly through the pastors until the last one who got to see it brought it up to the dais so the council could have a look.

If these people were as virtuous as they claim to be, they wouldn’t be so quick, and gleeful, to start thinking and talking about porcelain and perversion.

But they will insist that it is not their own suppression that is joyfully set free on a flimsy excuse, but that something as simple as the three words “I am Gay” just forces them to have to conjure up those impure thoughts, with, of course, no blame on their parts.

It is the religious right’s equivalent of the childish “see what you made me do”.

And therefore, no matter how deep they allow their thoughts to go, and no matter how much they enjoy them, they are still the innocents.

They need to get their minds out of the gutters of their own willful  choosing, and deal with the actual issues.

In this case, equal rights.

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