Stop the pundits, please


For the better part of the last 6 months I have been receiving multiple daily emails asking for money.

They started optimistic enough with requests for minimal donations to relevant campaigns, usually starting at $3 and going up to whatever I wished to give.

As time went on, I got requests from candidates I never heard of and as far away as Wyoming.

Regardless of the distance or my not knowing whom I was being asked to support, the requests began up beat and positive.

Then about the end of last summer I started getting requests that began with false compliments like I had made a difference, I had been what makes America great, It was all because of me, or I was the best thing that happened to the American people and my worth  could be further proven with a simple $3 donation.

Taken alone, the amount wasn’t much, but as time went on the number of such requests in my mailbox each day could have bankrupted me within two weeks as the daily amount totaled up to over $200.

I even got a few from both sides in certain races.

I give of my time and talent, so I chose not to give money.

Then I started getting the pessimistic , end of the world requests that began with warnings that the whole of the county’s future rested in my hands, and I was desperately needed, actually my money was anyway.

I began getting emails that had words like “it’s all over”, “devastating”, “time to throw in the towel”, “You won’t believe the latest catastrophe”, with nothing even remotely connected to them in the body of the request for more money,

I have even been told by just about every politician and their campaigns that they have been desperately trying to contact me, they need to talk to me, or they really really need to know where I am.

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Certain pundits are getting quoted more than others, and they are seldom consistent.

It seems that things change so much that there really is no substance or actual influence to what anyone says.

Of course, the only figures that really count are the ones that will come in on election day, but these pundits are so all over the place, its a wonder they get paid or are taken seriously by anyone.

It has gotten s bad, the guys who predict the weather so badly seem to be more trustworthy.

I guess people need to listen to the pundits, but I imagine it is more for entertainment than information.

At least it has become that way for me.

I know that between today and November 4 Harry Reid will declare there has been a disaster, Michelle Obama will want me to read her personal email, Joe Biden will tell me I have the future in my hands, and only my hands, and someone from a state I can’t find on a map will tell me I am the difference between a great future and the pits of hell.

I hop on Wednesday morning all the people I vote for and ballot questions I support go the way I want.

But either way, I will be grateful for the end of the emails and the wavering predictions.

At least for a week anyway until it all begins again for the 2016 go-round


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