ounce of prevention

By their fruits you will know them, and the fruits we were looking for were the application of the Beatitudes given by Jesus to those who claim they follow him. Instead, we get a lot of militaristic talk.

We have Christian soldier marching as to war, priests blessing instruments of war, people praying for God to pick their side, and images off an angry Christ looking hell bent on the destruction of humanity after he created all the problems by not being more specific about that apple thing with Adam and Eve in the Garden.

The Prince of Peace has a lot of historical blood on His hands.

And then there are the sins of the fathers being visited upon the sons.

Hospital Sisters Health System, a Catholic health-care system operating hospitals in Wisconsin and Illinois, is removing crucifixes from their facilities to prevent attacks on staff.

It might appear that many staff have been attacked by patients wielding both wooden and metal crucifixes and they are seeking less lethal forms of a bloody Jesus with great abs hanging on a cross with nails, but there have actually been no attacks. However, it has been seen that the potential is there, so Sisters is looking for “safer replacements”. Perhaps there is money to be made in making crucifixes out of rubber or styrofoam.

I have a hard time imagining a sick, bedridden patient somehow having the time and energy to rip one of those church size crucifixes hanging on a wall, usually high up over a door, or even one of the small ones we see over each hospital bed in old movies, and overpowering a staff member who is in good health.

Would the patients unite and remove an easy to overlook small crucifix from the bed in the far corner and pass it around like a prison shiv waiting for the right moment to use it?

But now the Christian militants have realized that their constantly telling followers to become more militant and use religion as a weapon might be used against them in the form of Jesus Himself.





